diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c8b46468cb3b25d26cfd7bb8f9f4cb41551b1152..599e56ca43bb4f1138a5b409ac1c5e8d9a538c92 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Timeshift auto-snapshot script which runs before package upgrade using Pacman ho
 *  Deletes old snapshots which are created using this script.
 *  Auto generates grub if grub-btrfs package is installed.
 *  Can be manually executed by running `timeshift-autosnap` command with elevated privileges.
+*  Autosnaphot can be temporarily skipped by setting SKIP_AUTOSNAP environment variable (e.g. `sudo SKIP_AUTOSNAP= pacman -Syu`)
 # /etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf options:
 *  `skipAutosnap` - if set to **true** script won't be executed.
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ Timeshift auto-snapshot script which runs before package upgrade using Pacman ho
 *  `updateGrub` - if set to **false** grub entries won't be generated.
 # Notes
-*  Currently only tested in `BTRFS` mode but should work in `RSYNC` mode too since script is automating Timeshift operations.
+*  It' working both in `BTRFS` and `RSYNC` mode.
 *  This script is made in Arch and Arch based distros in mind but if there would be interest it should be easily ported to other distros.
 # Contribution
diff --git a/timeshift-autosnap b/timeshift-autosnap
index 3305cb16fc02049dc9be4810d44595660707a586..f0d1975ef12db624b8a57549019707c34a6d70cb 100755
--- a/timeshift-autosnap
+++ b/timeshift-autosnap
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 #author: gobonja
-if [ $(findmnt / -no fstype) == "overlay" ] ; then
-    echo "==> skipping timeshift-autosnap because system is booted in Live CD mode..."; exit 0;
+[ $(findmnt / -no fstype) == "overlay" ] && { printf "==> skipping timeshift-autosnap because system is booted in Live CD mode..."; exit 0; }
+[[ -v SKIP_AUTOSNAP ]] && { printf "==> skipping timeshift-autosnap due SKIP_AUTOSNAP environment variable being set."; exit 0; }
 readonly CONF_FILE=/etc/timeshift-autosnap.conf
-readonly SNAPSHOTS_TO_DELETE=/tmp/timeshift-autosnap-tmp
+readonly SNAPSHOTS_TO_DELETE=$(mktemp -u --tmpdir ${0##*/}.XXXXXXXX)
 readonly SNAPSHOT_NAME_PATTERN="[0-9]\{4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}_[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\}"
 readonly SNAPSHOT_DESCRIPTION="{timeshift-autosnap} {created before upgrade}"
-function get_property() {
+get_property() {
     if [ ! -f $CONF_FILE ]; then
         echo "$CONF_FILE not found! Using $1=$3" >&2;
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ function get_property() {
         param_value=`sed '/^\#/d' $CONF_FILE | grep $1 | tail -n 1 |\
         cut -d "=" -f2- | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//'`
-        if ([ $2 == "boolean" ] && [ $param_value != true ] && [ $param_value != false ]) || \
-           ([ $2 == "integer" ] && [[ ! $param_value =~ ^[-+]?([1-9][[:digit:]]*|1)$ ]]) ; then
+        if ([ "$2" == "boolean" ] && [ "$param_value" != true ] && [ "$param_value" != false ]) || \
+           ([ "$2" == "integer" ] && [[ ! "$param_value" =~ ^[-+]?([1-9][[:digit:]]*|1)$ ]]) ; then
             echo "Wrong paramater in $CONF_FILE. Using $1=$3" >&2
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ if $(get_property "deleteSnapshots" "boolean" "true") ; then
     count=$(($(sed -n '$=' $SNAPSHOTS_TO_DELETE)-$(get_property "maxSnapshots" "integer" "3")))
-    if [ $count -gt 0 ] ; then
+    if [ "$count" -gt 0 ] ; then
         sed -i $(($count))q $SNAPSHOTS_TO_DELETE
         for snapshot in $(cat $SNAPSHOTS_TO_DELETE); do