diff --git a/pamac/__init__.py b/pamac/__init__.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/pamac/common.py b/pamac/common.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 55b271d56ecfaaf200f09548749a9d6c93359dbc..2c496194e09cdde71c43aed2d0d7e9516c2c5130
--- a/pamac/common.py
+++ b/pamac/common.py
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ def format_pkg_name(name):
 		index = name.find(i)
 		if index != -1:
 			name = name[0:index]
-	return name
+		return name
diff --git a/pamac/config.py b/pamac/config.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/pamac/manager.py b/pamac/manager.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 0aa9f5c0819445cdc91d2992ed95bc3d03dd802d..eaefa372ceb16b7e091ceee8c6c9f91229631c2f
--- a/pamac/manager.py
+++ b/pamac/manager.py
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ def choose_provides():
 	for target in to_check:
 		for name in target.depends:
-			depends.append(common.format_pkg_name(name))
+			depends.append(name)
 	for installed_pkg in transaction.handle.get_localdb().pkgcache:
 		if installed_pkg.name in depends:
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ def choose_provides():
 			for pkg in repo.pkgcache:
 				for depend in depends:
 					for name in pkg.provides:
-						if common.format_pkg_name(name) == depend:
+						if name == depend:
 							if not provides.__contains__(depend):
 								provides[depend] = []
 							if not pkg.name in provides.get(depend):
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ def choose_provides():
 				already_provided = True
 			for installed_pkg in transaction.handle.get_localdb().pkgcache:
 				for name in installed_pkg.provides:
-					if common.format_pkg_name(name) == virtualdep:
+					if name == virtualdep:
 						already_provided = True
 			if already_provided:
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ class Handler:
 				print('Transaction locked')
 				if transaction_type is "remove":
-					if transaction.init_transaction(cascade = True):
+					if transaction.init_transaction(cascade = True, unneeded = True):
 						for pkgname in transaction_dict.keys():
 						error = transaction.Prepare()
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ class Handler:
 			transaction.Commit(reply_handler = handle_reply, error_handler = handle_error, timeout = 2000*1000)
 		if (transaction_type == "install") or (transaction_type == "update"):
-			if transaction.init_transaction(noconflicts = True, nodeps = True):
+			if transaction.init_transaction(noconflicts = True):#, nodeps = True):
 				for pkgname in transaction.to_update:
 				for pkgname in transaction.to_add:
diff --git a/pamac/pamac-daemon.py b/pamac/pamac-daemon.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/pamac/transaction.py b/pamac/transaction.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 7fca76962be51b6bcabdf9d03b3d66b3e649e87e..892a437551ddab75409056c3aa42199fceaebf00
--- a/pamac/transaction.py
+++ b/pamac/transaction.py
@@ -159,36 +159,6 @@ def get_to_add():
 	global to_add
 	to_add = To_Add()
-def do_refresh():
-	"""Sync databases like pacman -Sy"""
-	global t_lock
-	get_handle()
-	if t_lock is False:
-		t_lock = True
-		progress_label.set_text('Refreshing...')
-		action_icon.set_from_file('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/refresh-cache.png')
-		ProgressWindow.show_all()
-		while Gtk.events_pending():
-			Gtk.main_iteration()
-		Refresh(reply_handler = handle_reply, error_handler = handle_error, timeout = 2000*1000)
-def handle_error(error):
-	global t_lock
-	if not 'DBus.Error.NoReply' in str(error):
-		transaction.ErrorDialog.format_secondary_text('Refresh Error:\n'+str(error))
-		response = transaction.ErrorDialog.run()
-		if response:
-			transaction.ErrorDialog.hide()
-	t_lock = False
-	Release()
-	ProgressWindow.hide()
-def handle_reply(reply):
-	global t_lock
-	t_lock = False
-	Release()
-	ProgressWindow.hide()
 def get_updates():
 	"""Return a list of package objects in local db which can be updated"""
 	global do_syncfirst
@@ -197,9 +167,10 @@ def get_updates():
 	if config.syncfirst:
 		for name in config.syncfirst:
 			pkg = handle.get_localdb().get_pkg(name)
-			candidate = pyalpm.sync_newversion(pkg, handle.get_syncdbs())
-			if candidate:
-				list_first.append(candidate)
+			if pkg:
+				candidate = pyalpm.sync_newversion(pkg, handle.get_syncdbs())
+				if candidate:
+					list_first.append(candidate)
 		if list_first:
 			do_syncfirst = True
 			return list_first
diff --git a/pamac/tray.py b/pamac/tray.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/pamac/updater.py b/pamac/updater.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 03a3529341fdf3eaa9a729e2d3db603a9cddd4da..ca69234496d07fb15efc91f717cc07dbc8b88633
--- a/pamac/updater.py
+++ b/pamac/updater.py
@@ -18,6 +18,18 @@ bottom_label = interface.get_object('bottom_label')
 update_listore = interface.get_object('update_list')
 update_label = interface.get_object('update_label')
+def do_refresh():
+	"""Sync databases like pacman -Sy"""
+	transaction.get_handle()
+	if transaction.t_lock is False:
+		transaction.t_lock = True
+		transaction.progress_label.set_text('Refreshing...')
+		transaction.action_icon.set_from_file('/usr/share/pamac/icons/24x24/status/refresh-cache.png')
+		transaction.ProgressWindow.show_all()
+		while Gtk.events_pending():
+			Gtk.main_iteration()
+		transaction.Refresh(reply_handler = handle_reply, error_handler = handle_error, timeout = 2000*1000)
 def have_updates():
 	available_updates = transaction.get_updates()
@@ -90,11 +102,11 @@ def do_sysupgrade():
-				if len(transaction.to_update) == 0:
+				if len(transaction.to_add) == 0:
 					transaction.t_lock = False
 					print("Nothing to update")
-					if transaction.init_transaction(noconflicts = True, nodeps = True):
+					if transaction.init_transaction(noconflicts = True):
 						for pkgname in transaction.to_update:
 						for pkgname in transaction.to_add:
@@ -169,7 +181,7 @@ class Handler:
 	def on_RefreshButton_clicked(self, *arg):
-		have_updates()
+		#have_updates()
 	def on_TransCancelButton_clicked(self, *arg):
@@ -187,8 +199,9 @@ class Handler:
 def main():
-	transaction.do_refresh()
-	have_updates()
+	do_refresh()
+	#have_updates()
+	update_label.set_markup("<big><b>Available updates</b></big>")
 	while Gtk.events_pending():
diff --git a/test.py b/test.py
index 77a408208fe076087ac6125dd404f54f3672347b..b24dfa0de22b4559115e9693024f7e12b282caa5 100755
--- a/test.py
+++ b/test.py
@@ -1,20 +1,90 @@
 #! /usr/bin/python
 # -*-coding:utf-8 -*-
-from pamac import config
-syncpkgs = {}
+import pyalpm
+from pamac import config, common
+from collections import OrderedDict
+syncpkgs = OrderedDict()
+localpkgs = OrderedDict()
 virtualdeps = {}
 for repo in config.handle.get_syncdbs():
 	for pkg in repo.pkgcache:
 		if not pkg.name in syncpkgs.keys():
 			syncpkgs[pkg.name] = pkg
-for pkg in syncpkgs.values():
-	for name in pkg.depends:
-		if (not name in syncpkgs.keys()) and (not '>' in name) and (not '<' in name) and (not '=' in name):
-			if 'module' in name:
-				if not virtualdeps.__contains__(name):
-						virtualdeps[name] = []
-				virtualdeps.get(name).append(pkg.name)
+for pkg in config.handle.get_localdb().pkgcache:
+	if not pkg.name in localpkgs.keys():
+		localpkgs[pkg.name] = pkg
+#~ for pkg in syncpkgs.values():
+	#~ for name in pkg.depends:
+		#~ if (not name in syncpkgs.keys()) and (not '>' in name) and (not '<' in name) and (not '=' in name):
+			#~ if 'module' in name:
+				#~ if not virtualdeps.__contains__(name):
+						#~ virtualdeps[name] = []
+				#~ virtualdeps.get(name).append(pkg.name)
+to_add = ['libreoffice-writer', 'anjuta']
+depends = [[syncpkgs['libreoffice-writer'],syncpkgs['anjuta']]]
+to_provide = []
+to_remove = []
+warning = ''
+i = 0
+while depends[i]:
+	depends.append([])
+	for pkg in depends[i]:
+		for depend in pkg.depends:
+			provide = pyalpm.find_satisfier(localpkgs.values(), depend)
+			if provide:
+				print(i,'local',provide)
+				if provide.name != common.format_pkg_name(depend):
+					if ('-module' in depend) or ('linux' in depend):
+						to_provide.append(depend)
+			else:
+				provide = pyalpm.find_satisfier(syncpkgs.values(), depend)
+				if provide:
+					print(i,'sync',provide)
+					if provide.name != common.format_pkg_name(depend):
+						print(provide.name,common.format_pkg_name(depend))
+						to_provide.append(depend)
+					else:
+						depends[i+1].append(provide)
+		for replace in pkg.replaces:
+			provide = pyalpm.find_satisfier(localpkgs.values(), replace)
+			if provide:
+				if not provide.name in to_remove:
+					to_remove.append(provide.name)
+					if warning:
+						warning = warning+'\n'
+					warning = warning+provide.name+' will be replaced by '+pkg.name
+		for conflict in pkg.conflicts:
+			provide = pyalpm.find_satisfier(localpkgs.values(), conflict)
+			if provide:
+				if not provide.name in to_remove:
+					to_remove.append(provide.name)
+					if warning:
+						warning = warning+'\n'
+					warning = warning+pkg.name+' conflicts with '+provide.name
+			provide = pyalpm.find_satisfier(depends[0], conflict)
+			if provide:
+				if not common.format_pkg_name(conflict) in to_remove:
+					if pkg.name in to_add and common.format_pkg_name(conflict) in to_add:
+						to_add.remove(common.format_pkg_name(conflict))
+						to_add.remove(pkg.name)
+						if warning:
+							warning = warning+'\n'
+						warning = warning+pkg.name+' conflicts with '+common.format_pkg_name(conflict)+'\nNone of them will be installed'
+	i = i + 1
+for pkg in localpkgs.values():
+	for conflict in pkg.conflicts:
+		provide = pyalpm.find_satisfier(depends[0], conflict)
+		if provide:
+			if not provide.name in to_remove:
+				to_remove.append(pkg.name)
+				if warning:
+					warning = warning+'\n'
+				warning = warning+provide.name+' conflicts with '+pkg.name
+print('to provide:',to_provide)
+print('to add:',to_add)
+print('to remove:',to_remove)