_message() {
  echo "-> Remove any tweaks made to /boot/config.txt now!"
  echo "-> This includes lines such as gpu_mem=..."
  echo "-> Add the following to /boot/config.txt or else kodi will not work."
  echo "   [all]"
  echo "   include kodi.config.txt"

post_install() {
  if [ -f "$_config" ]; then
    if ! grep -q 'include kodi.config.txt' "$_config"; then

post_upgrade() {
  # version 19.0-7 moves kodi.service to user.slice so warn users about data loss
  if (($(vercmp 19.0-7 $2) > 0)); then
    echo "-> kodi.service now runs in systemd's user.slice, see man kodi.service for"
    echo "-> important info on how to reboot or shutdown the system to avoid data loss!"

post_remove() {
  echo "==> Optionally remove /var/lib/kodi/"