diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index e5a348f2cd94dab550fbe4a6fd8355b00d172e8c..8abdcd93f9743fe2f42fe3a11222190652bee3de 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Default is to rank all mirrors by reponse time.
 If no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options.
 Pacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only
 so it must be run with su or sudo.
-To create a mirrorlist using all default use,
+To create a up-to-date mirrorlist using all default use,
-    pacman-mirrors --generate
+    pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 --sync
 The mirrorlist generation process can be refined through arguments
 and arguments with options, for example,
@@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ immediately after the argument, for example
 :   Generate a new default mirrorlist using defaults
 -f, \--fasttrack *NUMBER*
-:   Generates a mirrorlist with a number mirrors ranked by responsiveness,
-    the mirrors are selected from <http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json>
+:   Generates an up-to-date mirrorlist for the users current branch,
+    mirrors are randomly selected from <http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json>,
+    the mirrors are ranked by their current access time.
 -i, \--interactive [--default]
 :   Launches a tool for selectively picking mirrors and protocols,
diff --git a/man/pacman-mirrors.8.gz b/man/pacman-mirrors.8.gz
index b7c0021d7d8515ecd81dbcd831ba2312ab3f36db..51b21ea51f132b0d95e98196501e643a00e22ec9 100644
Binary files a/man/pacman-mirrors.8.gz and b/man/pacman-mirrors.8.gz differ
diff --git a/man/pacman-mirrors.8.html b/man/pacman-mirrors.8.html
index 70aebe9b791c612633533e0a64224c31c90fe3ab..7e210524f7f7dfb725aae8d0a0c05162b2818016 100644
--- a/man/pacman-mirrors.8.html
+++ b/man/pacman-mirrors.8.html
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 <h1 id="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</h1>
 <p>pacman-mirrors [-f <em>NUMBER</em> | [[-i [-d]] [-c <em>COUNTRY</em>, [<em>COUNTRY</em>] ... | --geoip]]] [-m <em>METHOD</em>] [-a [-p <em>PREFIX</em>] [-R] [-G | -S <em>BRANCH</em>] [-P <em>PROTO</em> [<em>PROTO</em>] ...][-U <em>URL</em>]] [-b <em>BRANCH</em>] [-t <em>SECONDS</em>] [-q] [-v] [-n | -y]</p>
 <h1 id="description">DESCRIPTION</h1>
-<p>Generate mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux. Default is to rank all mirrors by reponse time. If no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options. Pacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only so it must be run with su or sudo. To create a mirrorlist using all default use,</p>
-<pre><code>pacman-mirrors --generate</code></pre>
+<p>Generate mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux. Default is to rank all mirrors by reponse time. If no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options. Pacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only so it must be run with su or sudo. To create a up-to-date mirrorlist using all default use,</p>
+<pre><code>pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 --sync</code></pre>
 <p>The mirrorlist generation process can be refined through arguments and arguments with options, for example,</p>
 <pre><code>pacman-mirrors --country Denmark --timeout 5</code></pre>
 <h1 id="options">OPTIONS</h1>
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 <dd>Generate a new default mirrorlist using defaults
 <dt>-f, --fasttrack <em>NUMBER</em></dt>
-<dd>Generates a mirrorlist with a number mirrors ranked by responsiveness, the mirrors are selected from <a href="http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json" class="uri">http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json</a>
+<dd>Generates an up-to-date mirrorlist for the users current branch, mirrors are randomly selected from <a href="http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json" class="uri">http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json</a>, the mirrors are ranked by their current access time.
 <dt>-i, --interactive [--default]</dt>
 <dd>Launches a tool for selectively picking mirrors and protocols, <strong>--default</strong> forces pacman-mirrors to load the default mirror file and ignore any preset custom-mirrors file, thus allowing for reselecting mirrors for a new custom mirror file
diff --git a/pacman_mirrors/pacman_mirrors.py b/pacman_mirrors/pacman_mirrors.py
index 4d35638fc346a436c367eb743c03c46966367e75..d3fdc68734154f9d362078d80801f59f4e17866e 100644
--- a/pacman_mirrors/pacman_mirrors.py
+++ b/pacman_mirrors/pacman_mirrors.py
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class PacmanMirrors:
         if self.config["protocols"]:
             worklist = mirrorfn.filter_mirror_protocols(
                 worklist, self.config["protocols"])
-        worklist = self.filter_user_branch(worklist)
+        # worklist = self.filter_user_branch(worklist)
         if self.config["method"] == "rank":
             worklist = self.test_mirrors(worklist)
             worklist = sorted(worklist, key=itemgetter("resp_time"))
@@ -358,8 +358,7 @@ class PacmanMirrors:
         if self.config["protocols"]:
             worklist = mirrorfn.filter_mirror_protocols(
                 worklist, self.config["protocols"])
-        # up2date = [item for item in worklist if item["branches"] == [1, 1, 1]]
-        # filter not up-to-date mirrors for selected branch
+        # filter not up-to-date mirrors for users selected branch not all branches
         up2date = self.filter_user_branch(worklist)
         worklist = []
         print(".: {}: {} - {}".format(txt.INF_CLR,
@@ -407,7 +406,7 @@ class PacmanMirrors:
                 worklist, self.config["protocols"])
         if not self.default:
             # filter not up-to-date mirrors for selected branch
-            worklist = self.filter_user_branch(worklist)
+            # worklist = self.filter_user_branch(worklist)
             if self.config["method"] == "rank":
                 worklist = self.test_mirrors(worklist)
                 worklist = sorted(worklist, key=itemgetter("resp_time"))
diff --git a/site/index.html b/site/index.html
index 4426f3498fa425141b32ab8428fb6cf19debd001..69632ab1594db1c0c809612b40bad612cc0a3332 100644
--- a/site/index.html
+++ b/site/index.html
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ Default is to rank all mirrors by reponse time.
 If no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options.
 Pacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only
 so it must be run with su or sudo.
-To create a mirrorlist using all default use,</p>
-<pre><code>pacman-mirrors --generate
+To create a up-to-date mirrorlist using all default use,</p>
+<pre><code>pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 --sync
 <p>The mirrorlist generation process can be refined through arguments
 and arguments with options, for example,</p>
@@ -156,8 +156,9 @@ immediately after the argument, for example</p>
 <p>-g, --generate
 :   Generate a new default mirrorlist using defaults</p>
 <p>-f, --fasttrack <em>NUMBER</em>
-:   Generates a mirrorlist with a number mirrors ranked by responsiveness,
-    the mirrors are selected from <a href="http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json">http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json</a></p>
+:   Generates an up-to-date mirrorlist for the users current branch,
+    mirrors are randomly selected from <a href="http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json">http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json</a>,
+    the mirrors are ranked by their current access time.</p>
 <p>-i, --interactive [--default]
 :   Launches a tool for selectively picking mirrors and protocols,
     <strong>--default</strong> forces pacman-mirrors to load the default mirror
@@ -370,5 +371,5 @@ Frede Hundewadt <a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#102;&#114;&#1
 MkDocs version : 0.16.3
-Build Date UTC : 2017-09-08 11:47:09
+Build Date UTC : 2017-09-08 15:59:38
diff --git a/site/mkdocs/search_index.json b/site/mkdocs/search_index.json
index b6ba8a398b1985509a67dd97eb1d0301ea7f9ccf..45515c1c4dec154ac8c899f6ed37d6601633889d 100644
--- a/site/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/site/mkdocs/search_index.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
     "docs": [
             "location": "/",
-            "text": "% pacman-mirrors(8) Pacman-Mirrors 4.3 User Manual\n%\n% September, 2017\n\n\nNAME\n\n\npacman-mirrors - generate pacman mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux\n\n\nSYNOPSIS\n\n\npacman-mirrors [-f \nNUMBER\n | [[-i [-d]] [-c \nCOUNTRY\n, [\nCOUNTRY\n] ... | --geoip]]] [-m \nMETHOD\n] [-a [-p \nPREFIX\n] [-R] [-G | -S \nBRANCH\n] [-P \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...][-U \nURL\n]] [-b \nBRANCH\n] [-t \nSECONDS\n] [-q] [-v] [-n | -y]\n\n\nDESCRIPTION\n\n\nGenerate mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux.\nDefault is to rank all mirrors by reponse time.\nIf no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options.\nPacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only\nso it must be run with su or sudo.\nTo create a mirrorlist using all default use,\n\n\npacman-mirrors --generate\n\n\n\nThe mirrorlist generation process can be refined through arguments\nand arguments with options, for example,\n\n\npacman-mirrors --country Denmark --timeout 5\n\n\n\nOPTIONS\n\n\nSome options are mutual exclusive and will throw an arguments error:\n\n\n\n\n--no-mirrorlist\n and \n--sync\n\n\n--branch\n, \n--get-branch\n and \n--set-branch\n\n\n--sync\n and \n--no-mirrorlist\n\n\n--country\n and \n--geoip\n\n\n\n\nOthers can be used together but they have precedence.\nIf the fasttrack arg is used with interactive, country or geoip\nthe fasttrack arg will have precendence and the others are ignored.\nSome arguments requires other argument to have effect for example,\nthis command will ignore --default argument\n\n\nWRONG pacman-mirrors -b unstable --default\n\n\n\nas it should have been in conjunction with --interactive, like\n\n\nCORRECT pacman-mirrors -b unstable --interactive --default\n\n\n\nThe same goes for the API specific arguments.\nFor those to have effect the --api argument must be present also.\n\n\npacman-mirrors -aS unstable\n\n\n\nThe arguments can appear in any order except for arguments which takes\nadditional options in which case the options must follow\nimmediately after the argument, for example\n\n\npacman-mirrors -ayidS unstable\n\n\n\nMETHODS\n\n\n-g, --generate\n:   Generate a new default mirrorlist using defaults\n\n\n-f, --fasttrack \nNUMBER\n\n:   Generates a mirrorlist with a number mirrors ranked by responsiveness,\n    the mirrors are selected from \nhttp://repo.manjaro.org/status.json\n\n\n-i, --interactive [--default]\n:   Launches a tool for selectively picking mirrors and protocols,\n    \n--default\n forces pacman-mirrors to load the default mirror\n    file and ignore any preset custom-mirrors file, thus allowing for\n    reselecting mirrors for a new custom mirror file\n\n\n-m, --method \nMETHOD\n\n:   Default method is \nrank\n but \nrandom\n can be selected\n\n\nBRANCH\n\n\n-b, --branch \nBRANCH\n\n:   Temporarily use another branch, \nstable\n, \ntesting\n or \nunstable\n,\n    the branch is reset with next run of pacman-mirrors\n\n\nCOUNTRY\n\n\n-c, --country \nCOUNTRY\n [\nCOUNTRY\n] ...\n:   Specifiy a country or a list of countries\n\n\n--geoip\n:   Use geolocation if possible, if not uses all mirrors\n\n\n-l, --list, --country-list\n:   Lists available mirror countries\n\n\nAPI\n\n\n-a, --api [-p \nPREFIX\n] [-R] [-G|-S \nBRANCH\n] [-P \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...] [-U \nURL\n]\n:   Instructs pacman-mirrors to activate processing of API arguments\n\n\n-p, --prefix \nPREFIX\n\n:   Add a path prefix to pacman-mirrors file-handling\n    eg. \n/mnt/install\n or \n$mnt\n\n\n-G, --get-branch\n:   Return branch from configuration.\n\n\n-P, --proto, --protocols \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...\n:   Write protocols to configuration,\n    use \nall\n or \nhttp\n, \nhttps\n, \nftp\n and \nftps\n\n\n-R, --re-branch\n:   Replace branch in mirrorlist\n\n\n-S, --set-branch \nBRANCH\n\n:   Replace branch in configuration,\n    use \nstable\n, \ntesting\n or \nunstable\n\n\n-U, --url \nURL\n\n:   Replace mirrorlist with supplied url\n\n\nMISC\n\n\n-h, --help\n:   Show the help message\n\n\n-n, --no-mirrorlist\n:   Use to skip generation of mirrorlist\n\n\n-q, --quiet\n:   Make pacman-mirrors silent\n\n\n-t, --timeout \nSECONDS\n\n:   Change the number of seconds waiting for a server response,\n    SSL enabled mirrors has this value doubled to compensate\n    for the time spent on exchanging encryption keys\n\n\n-v, --version\n:   Show the version of pacman-mirrors\n\n\n-y, --sync\n:   Instruct pacman-mirrors to syncronize the pacman database\n\n\nExit status:\n\n\n0     : OK\n1     : Problem with argument\n2     : Problem accessing systemfiles\n3     : Missing mirror file\nBRANCH: Value from config\n\n\n\nConfiguration flow of pacman-mirrors\n\n\nAt launch an internal default configuration is setup,\nfile configuration is applied and the commandline is parsed and applied.\n\n\nAPI arguments\n\n\nThese arguments modifies key elements of pacman-mirrors configuration\naccording to the packagers needs.\n\n\nThe actions performed by the API are in strict order and\nperformed \nbefore any\n other actions. This also means that ordinary arguments\nsupplied in conjunction with app might be ignored. Eg. \n-U\n argument terminates\npacman-mirrors when branch and mirrorlist has been written.\n\n\n\n\nIf \n-G\n\n\nprint \nconfig.branch\n\n\nsys.exit(0)\n\n\nIf \np\n  \nPREFIX\n\n\nadd \nPREFIX\n to internal file configuration\n\n\nIf \n-S\n \nBRANCH\n\n\napply \nBRANCH\n to internal configuration\n\n\nreplace branch in pacman-mirrors.conf with \nBRANCH\n\n\nIf \n-U\n \nURL\n\n\napply internal configuration to a mirrorlist with \nURL\n\n\nsys.exit(0)\n\n\nIf \n-P\n \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...\n\n\nreplace protocols in pacman-mirrors.conf with \nPROTO\n\n\nIf \n-R\n\n\nreplace branch in mirrorlist with \n-S\n \nBRANCH\n\n\n\n\nWhen done pacman-mirrors checks the internet connection and if possible\ndownload the latest datafiles for creating the mirrorlist.\nAt this point it is possible to interrupt further processing.\n\n\nIf the \n-n\n argument is present pacman-mirrors will now exit.\n\n\nEXAMPLES\n\n\nMost optional arguments are self explaining others require explanation.\nThe API functions is mainly designed to help packagers and iso-builders.\nHowever it can be of use for everyone because it takes the hazzle out\nof editing your pacman-mirrors configuration.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhich countries has mirrors?\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -l\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI want to temporary change branch to unstable,\nuse geolocation and syncronize pacman,\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yb unstable --geoip\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI want to permanently change branch to unstable,\nuse mirrors from Germany and France,\nuse only https and http protocol in that order and syncronize pacman\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yac Germany,France -S unstable -P https http\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCreate a mirrorlist with German mirrors and syncronize pacman\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yc Germany\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you want more countries in your mirrorlist add them\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yc Germany France Denmark\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCreate a mirrorlist with 5 mirrors with current packages and syncronize pacman\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yf 5\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI want to choose my mirrors\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -i\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI have a custom mirror list and I want to create a new custom mirror list?\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -i --default\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI have a custom mirror list - can I reset it?\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -c all\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat branch am I on\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -aG\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChange system branch and dont change the mirrorlist\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -naS unstable\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChange system branch and replace branch in mirrorlist and quit\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -naRS unstable\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChange protocols you will accept but dont touch the mirrorlist\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -naP https http\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA packager can write directly to a mounted systems\ndatafiles using either a path or an environment variable\nreplacing the branch in both configuration and mirrorlist\nleaving the mirrors as is\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -anR -p $prefix -S $branch -P https\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt is also possible to specify a mirror in which case the mirrorlist\nis created and pacman-mirrors terminate\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -ap $prefix -S $branch -U $url\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREPORTING BUGS\n\n\nhttps://github.com/manjaro/pacman-mirrors/issues\n\n\nSEE ALSO\n\n\nThe pacman-mirrors source code and all documentation\nmay be downloaded from \nhttps://github.com/manjaro/pacman-mirrors/archive/master.zip\n\n\nAUTHORS\n\n\nEsclapion \nesclapion@manjaro.org\n\nphilm \nphilm@manjaro.org\n\nRamon Buld\u00f3 \nrbuldo@gmail.com\n\nHugo Posnic \nhuluti@manjaro.org\n\nFrede Hundewadt \nfrede@hundewadt.dk",
+            "text": "% pacman-mirrors(8) Pacman-Mirrors 4.3 User Manual\n%\n% September, 2017\n\n\nNAME\n\n\npacman-mirrors - generate pacman mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux\n\n\nSYNOPSIS\n\n\npacman-mirrors [-f \nNUMBER\n | [[-i [-d]] [-c \nCOUNTRY\n, [\nCOUNTRY\n] ... | --geoip]]] [-m \nMETHOD\n] [-a [-p \nPREFIX\n] [-R] [-G | -S \nBRANCH\n] [-P \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...][-U \nURL\n]] [-b \nBRANCH\n] [-t \nSECONDS\n] [-q] [-v] [-n | -y]\n\n\nDESCRIPTION\n\n\nGenerate mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux.\nDefault is to rank all mirrors by reponse time.\nIf no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options.\nPacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only\nso it must be run with su or sudo.\nTo create a up-to-date mirrorlist using all default use,\n\n\npacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 --sync\n\n\n\nThe mirrorlist generation process can be refined through arguments\nand arguments with options, for example,\n\n\npacman-mirrors --country Denmark --timeout 5\n\n\n\nOPTIONS\n\n\nSome options are mutual exclusive and will throw an arguments error:\n\n\n\n\n--no-mirrorlist\n and \n--sync\n\n\n--branch\n, \n--get-branch\n and \n--set-branch\n\n\n--sync\n and \n--no-mirrorlist\n\n\n--country\n and \n--geoip\n\n\n\n\nOthers can be used together but they have precedence.\nIf the fasttrack arg is used with interactive, country or geoip\nthe fasttrack arg will have precendence and the others are ignored.\nSome arguments requires other argument to have effect for example,\nthis command will ignore --default argument\n\n\nWRONG pacman-mirrors -b unstable --default\n\n\n\nas it should have been in conjunction with --interactive, like\n\n\nCORRECT pacman-mirrors -b unstable --interactive --default\n\n\n\nThe same goes for the API specific arguments.\nFor those to have effect the --api argument must be present also.\n\n\npacman-mirrors -aS unstable\n\n\n\nThe arguments can appear in any order except for arguments which takes\nadditional options in which case the options must follow\nimmediately after the argument, for example\n\n\npacman-mirrors -ayidS unstable\n\n\n\nMETHODS\n\n\n-g, --generate\n:   Generate a new default mirrorlist using defaults\n\n\n-f, --fasttrack \nNUMBER\n\n:   Generates an up-to-date mirrorlist for the users current branch,\n    mirrors are randomly selected from \nhttp://repo.manjaro.org/status.json\n,\n    the mirrors are ranked by their current access time.\n\n\n-i, --interactive [--default]\n:   Launches a tool for selectively picking mirrors and protocols,\n    \n--default\n forces pacman-mirrors to load the default mirror\n    file and ignore any preset custom-mirrors file, thus allowing for\n    reselecting mirrors for a new custom mirror file\n\n\n-m, --method \nMETHOD\n\n:   Default method is \nrank\n but \nrandom\n can be selected\n\n\nBRANCH\n\n\n-b, --branch \nBRANCH\n\n:   Temporarily use another branch, \nstable\n, \ntesting\n or \nunstable\n,\n    the branch is reset with next run of pacman-mirrors\n\n\nCOUNTRY\n\n\n-c, --country \nCOUNTRY\n [\nCOUNTRY\n] ...\n:   Specifiy a country or a list of countries\n\n\n--geoip\n:   Use geolocation if possible, if not uses all mirrors\n\n\n-l, --list, --country-list\n:   Lists available mirror countries\n\n\nAPI\n\n\n-a, --api [-p \nPREFIX\n] [-R] [-G|-S \nBRANCH\n] [-P \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...] [-U \nURL\n]\n:   Instructs pacman-mirrors to activate processing of API arguments\n\n\n-p, --prefix \nPREFIX\n\n:   Add a path prefix to pacman-mirrors file-handling\n    eg. \n/mnt/install\n or \n$mnt\n\n\n-G, --get-branch\n:   Return branch from configuration.\n\n\n-P, --proto, --protocols \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...\n:   Write protocols to configuration,\n    use \nall\n or \nhttp\n, \nhttps\n, \nftp\n and \nftps\n\n\n-R, --re-branch\n:   Replace branch in mirrorlist\n\n\n-S, --set-branch \nBRANCH\n\n:   Replace branch in configuration,\n    use \nstable\n, \ntesting\n or \nunstable\n\n\n-U, --url \nURL\n\n:   Replace mirrorlist with supplied url\n\n\nMISC\n\n\n-h, --help\n:   Show the help message\n\n\n-n, --no-mirrorlist\n:   Use to skip generation of mirrorlist\n\n\n-q, --quiet\n:   Make pacman-mirrors silent\n\n\n-t, --timeout \nSECONDS\n\n:   Change the number of seconds waiting for a server response,\n    SSL enabled mirrors has this value doubled to compensate\n    for the time spent on exchanging encryption keys\n\n\n-v, --version\n:   Show the version of pacman-mirrors\n\n\n-y, --sync\n:   Instruct pacman-mirrors to syncronize the pacman database\n\n\nExit status:\n\n\n0     : OK\n1     : Problem with argument\n2     : Problem accessing systemfiles\n3     : Missing mirror file\nBRANCH: Value from config\n\n\n\nConfiguration flow of pacman-mirrors\n\n\nAt launch an internal default configuration is setup,\nfile configuration is applied and the commandline is parsed and applied.\n\n\nAPI arguments\n\n\nThese arguments modifies key elements of pacman-mirrors configuration\naccording to the packagers needs.\n\n\nThe actions performed by the API are in strict order and\nperformed \nbefore any\n other actions. This also means that ordinary arguments\nsupplied in conjunction with app might be ignored. Eg. \n-U\n argument terminates\npacman-mirrors when branch and mirrorlist has been written.\n\n\n\n\nIf \n-G\n\n\nprint \nconfig.branch\n\n\nsys.exit(0)\n\n\nIf \np\n  \nPREFIX\n\n\nadd \nPREFIX\n to internal file configuration\n\n\nIf \n-S\n \nBRANCH\n\n\napply \nBRANCH\n to internal configuration\n\n\nreplace branch in pacman-mirrors.conf with \nBRANCH\n\n\nIf \n-U\n \nURL\n\n\napply internal configuration to a mirrorlist with \nURL\n\n\nsys.exit(0)\n\n\nIf \n-P\n \nPROTO\n [\nPROTO\n] ...\n\n\nreplace protocols in pacman-mirrors.conf with \nPROTO\n\n\nIf \n-R\n\n\nreplace branch in mirrorlist with \n-S\n \nBRANCH\n\n\n\n\nWhen done pacman-mirrors checks the internet connection and if possible\ndownload the latest datafiles for creating the mirrorlist.\nAt this point it is possible to interrupt further processing.\n\n\nIf the \n-n\n argument is present pacman-mirrors will now exit.\n\n\nEXAMPLES\n\n\nMost optional arguments are self explaining others require explanation.\nThe API functions is mainly designed to help packagers and iso-builders.\nHowever it can be of use for everyone because it takes the hazzle out\nof editing your pacman-mirrors configuration.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhich countries has mirrors?\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -l\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI want to temporary change branch to unstable,\nuse geolocation and syncronize pacman,\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yb unstable --geoip\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI want to permanently change branch to unstable,\nuse mirrors from Germany and France,\nuse only https and http protocol in that order and syncronize pacman\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yac Germany,France -S unstable -P https http\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCreate a mirrorlist with German mirrors and syncronize pacman\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yc Germany\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIf you want more countries in your mirrorlist add them\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yc Germany France Denmark\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCreate a mirrorlist with 5 mirrors with current packages and syncronize pacman\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -yf 5\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI want to choose my mirrors\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -i\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI have a custom mirror list and I want to create a new custom mirror list?\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -i --default\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI have a custom mirror list - can I reset it?\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -c all\n\n\n\n\n\n\nWhat branch am I on\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -aG\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChange system branch and dont change the mirrorlist\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -naS unstable\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChange system branch and replace branch in mirrorlist and quit\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -naRS unstable\n\n\n\n\n\n\nChange protocols you will accept but dont touch the mirrorlist\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -naP https http\n\n\n\n\n\n\nA packager can write directly to a mounted systems\ndatafiles using either a path or an environment variable\nreplacing the branch in both configuration and mirrorlist\nleaving the mirrors as is\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -anR -p $prefix -S $branch -P https\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIt is also possible to specify a mirror in which case the mirrorlist\nis created and pacman-mirrors terminate\n\n\nsudo pacman-mirrors -ap $prefix -S $branch -U $url\n\n\n\n\n\n\nREPORTING BUGS\n\n\nhttps://github.com/manjaro/pacman-mirrors/issues\n\n\nSEE ALSO\n\n\nThe pacman-mirrors source code and all documentation\nmay be downloaded from \nhttps://github.com/manjaro/pacman-mirrors/archive/master.zip\n\n\nAUTHORS\n\n\nEsclapion \nesclapion@manjaro.org\n\nphilm \nphilm@manjaro.org\n\nRamon Buld\u00f3 \nrbuldo@gmail.com\n\nHugo Posnic \nhuluti@manjaro.org\n\nFrede Hundewadt \nfrede@hundewadt.dk",
             "title": "Home"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
             "location": "/#description",
-            "text": "Generate mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux.\nDefault is to rank all mirrors by reponse time.\nIf no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options.\nPacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only\nso it must be run with su or sudo.\nTo create a mirrorlist using all default use,  pacman-mirrors --generate  The mirrorlist generation process can be refined through arguments\nand arguments with options, for example,  pacman-mirrors --country Denmark --timeout 5",
+            "text": "Generate mirrorlist for Manjaro Linux.\nDefault is to rank all mirrors by reponse time.\nIf no arguments are given pacman-mirrors lists available options.\nPacman-mirrors requires access to files which are read-only\nso it must be run with su or sudo.\nTo create a up-to-date mirrorlist using all default use,  pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 --sync  The mirrorlist generation process can be refined through arguments\nand arguments with options, for example,  pacman-mirrors --country Denmark --timeout 5",
             "title": "DESCRIPTION"
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
             "location": "/#methods",
-            "text": "-g, --generate\n:   Generate a new default mirrorlist using defaults  -f, --fasttrack  NUMBER \n:   Generates a mirrorlist with a number mirrors ranked by responsiveness,\n    the mirrors are selected from  http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json  -i, --interactive [--default]\n:   Launches a tool for selectively picking mirrors and protocols,\n     --default  forces pacman-mirrors to load the default mirror\n    file and ignore any preset custom-mirrors file, thus allowing for\n    reselecting mirrors for a new custom mirror file  -m, --method  METHOD \n:   Default method is  rank  but  random  can be selected",
+            "text": "-g, --generate\n:   Generate a new default mirrorlist using defaults  -f, --fasttrack  NUMBER \n:   Generates an up-to-date mirrorlist for the users current branch,\n    mirrors are randomly selected from  http://repo.manjaro.org/status.json ,\n    the mirrors are ranked by their current access time.  -i, --interactive [--default]\n:   Launches a tool for selectively picking mirrors and protocols,\n     --default  forces pacman-mirrors to load the default mirror\n    file and ignore any preset custom-mirrors file, thus allowing for\n    reselecting mirrors for a new custom mirror file  -m, --method  METHOD \n:   Default method is  rank  but  random  can be selected",
             "title": "METHODS"