diff --git a/Documentation/filesystems/ubifs-authentication.md b/Documentation/filesystems/ubifs-authentication.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..028b3e2e25f979bca917ae6dacd49d0f5027c69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/filesystems/ubifs-authentication.md
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+% UBIFS Authentication
+% sigma star gmbh
+% 2018
+# Introduction
+UBIFS utilizes the fscrypt framework to provide confidentiality for file
+contents and file names. This prevents attacks where an attacker is able to
+read contents of the filesystem on a single point in time. A classic example
+is a lost smartphone where the attacker is unable to read personal data stored
+on the device without the filesystem decryption key.
+At the current state, UBIFS encryption however does not prevent attacks where
+the attacker is able to modify the filesystem contents and the user uses the
+device afterwards. In such a scenario an attacker can modify filesystem
+contents arbitrarily without the user noticing. One example is to modify a
+binary to perform a malicious action when executed [DMC-CBC-ATTACK]. Since
+most of the filesystem metadata of UBIFS is stored in plain, this makes it
+fairly easy to swap files and replace their contents.
+Other full disk encryption systems like dm-crypt cover all filesystem metadata,
+which makes such kinds of attacks more complicated, but not impossible.
+Especially, if the attacker is given access to the device multiple points in
+time. For dm-crypt and other filesystems that build upon the Linux block IO
+layer, the dm-integrity or dm-verity subsystems [DM-INTEGRITY, DM-VERITY]
+can be used to get full data authentication at the block layer.
+These can also be combined with dm-crypt [CRYPTSETUP2].
+This document describes an approach to get file contents _and_ full metadata
+authentication for UBIFS. Since UBIFS uses fscrypt for file contents and file
+name encryption, the authentication system could be tied into fscrypt such that
+existing features like key derivation can be utilized. It should however also
+be possible to use UBIFS authentication without using encryption.
+On Linux, the MTD (Memory Technology Devices) subsystem provides a uniform
+interface to access raw flash devices. One of the more prominent subsystems that
+work on top of MTD is UBI (Unsorted Block Images). It provides volume management
+for flash devices and is thus somewhat similar to LVM for block devices. In
+addition, it deals with flash-specific wear-leveling and transparent I/O error
+handling. UBI offers logical erase blocks (LEBs) to the layers on top of it
+and maps them transparently to physical erase blocks (PEBs) on the flash.
+UBIFS is a filesystem for raw flash which operates on top of UBI. Thus, wear
+leveling and some flash specifics are left to UBI, while UBIFS focuses on
+scalability, performance and recoverability.
+	+------------+ +*******+ +-----------+ +-----+
+	|            | * UBIFS * | UBI-BLOCK | | ... |
+	| JFFS/JFFS2 | +*******+ +-----------+ +-----+
+	|            | +-----------------------------+ +-----------+ +-----+
+	|            | |              UBI            | | MTD-BLOCK | | ... |
+	+------------+ +-----------------------------+ +-----------+ +-----+
+	+------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	|                  MEMORY TECHNOLOGY DEVICES (MTD)                 |
+	+------------------------------------------------------------------+
+	+-----------------------------+ +--------------------------+ +-----+
+	|         NAND DRIVERS        | |        NOR DRIVERS       | | ... |
+	+-----------------------------+ +--------------------------+ +-----+
+            Figure 1: Linux kernel subsystems for dealing with raw flash
+Internally, UBIFS maintains multiple data structures which are persisted on
+the flash:
+- *Index*: an on-flash B+ tree where the leaf nodes contain filesystem data
+- *Journal*: an additional data structure to collect FS changes before updating
+  the on-flash index and reduce flash wear.
+- *Tree Node Cache (TNC)*: an in-memory B+ tree that reflects the current FS
+  state to avoid frequent flash reads. It is basically the in-memory
+  representation of the index, but contains additional attributes.
+- *LEB property tree (LPT)*: an on-flash B+ tree for free space accounting per
+In the remainder of this section we will cover the on-flash UBIFS data
+structures in more detail. The TNC is of less importance here since it is never
+persisted onto the flash directly. More details on UBIFS can also be found in
+### UBIFS Index & Tree Node Cache
+Basic on-flash UBIFS entities are called *nodes*. UBIFS knows different types
+of nodes. Eg. data nodes (`struct ubifs_data_node`) which store chunks of file
+contents or inode nodes (`struct ubifs_ino_node`) which represent VFS inodes.
+Almost all types of nodes share a common header (`ubifs_ch`) containing basic
+information like node type, node length, a sequence number, etc. (see
+`fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h`in kernel source). Exceptions are entries of the LPT
+and some less important node types like padding nodes which are used to pad
+unusable content at the end of LEBs.
+To avoid re-writing the whole B+ tree on every single change, it is implemented
+as *wandering tree*, where only the changed nodes are re-written and previous
+versions of them are obsoleted without erasing them right away. As a result,
+the index is not stored in a single place on the flash, but *wanders* around
+and there are obsolete parts on the flash as long as the LEB containing them is
+not reused by UBIFS. To find the most recent version of the index, UBIFS stores
+a special node called *master node* into UBI LEB 1 which always points to the
+most recent root node of the UBIFS index. For recoverability, the master node
+is additionally duplicated to LEB 2. Mounting UBIFS is thus a simple read of
+LEB 1 and 2 to get the current master node and from there get the location of
+the most recent on-flash index.
+The TNC is the in-memory representation of the on-flash index. It contains some
+additional runtime attributes per node which are not persisted. One of these is
+a dirty-flag which marks nodes that have to be persisted the next time the
+index is written onto the flash. The TNC acts as a write-back cache and all
+modifications of the on-flash index are done through the TNC. Like other caches,
+the TNC does not have to mirror the full index into memory, but reads parts of
+it from flash whenever needed. A *commit* is the UBIFS operation of updating the
+on-flash filesystem structures like the index. On every commit, the TNC nodes
+marked as dirty are written to the flash to update the persisted index.
+### Journal
+To avoid wearing out the flash, the index is only persisted (*commited*) when
+certain conditions are met (eg. `fsync(2)`). The journal is used to record
+any changes (in form of inode nodes, data nodes etc.) between commits
+of the index. During mount, the journal is read from the flash and replayed
+onto the TNC (which will be created on-demand from the on-flash index).
+UBIFS reserves a bunch of LEBs just for the journal called *log area*. The
+amount of log area LEBs is configured on filesystem creation (using
+`mkfs.ubifs`) and stored in the superblock node. The log area contains only
+two types of nodes: *reference nodes* and *commit start nodes*. A commit start
+node is written whenever an index commit is performed. Reference nodes are
+written on every journal update. Each reference node points to the position of
+other nodes (inode nodes, data nodes etc.) on the flash that are part of this
+journal entry. These nodes are called *buds* and describe the actual filesystem
+changes including their data.
+The log area is maintained as a ring. Whenever the journal is almost full,
+a commit is initiated. This also writes a commit start node so that during
+mount, UBIFS will seek for the most recent commit start node and just replay
+every reference node after that. Every reference node before the commit start
+node will be ignored as they are already part of the on-flash index.
+When writing a journal entry, UBIFS first ensures that enough space is
+available to write the reference node and buds part of this entry. Then, the
+reference node is written and afterwards the buds describing the file changes.
+On replay, UBIFS will record every reference node and inspect the location of
+the referenced LEBs to discover the buds. If these are corrupt or missing,
+UBIFS will attempt to recover them by re-reading the LEB. This is however only
+done for the last referenced LEB of the journal. Only this can become corrupt
+because of a power cut. If the recovery fails, UBIFS will not mount. An error
+for every other LEB will directly cause UBIFS to fail the mount operation.
+       | ----    LOG AREA     ---- | ----------    MAIN AREA    ------------ |
+        -----+------+-----+--------+----   ------+-----+-----+---------------
+        \    |      |     |        |   /  /      |     |     |               \
+        / CS |  REF | REF |        |   \  \ DENT | INO | INO |               /
+        \    |      |     |        |   /  /      |     |     |               \
+         ----+------+-----+--------+---   -------+-----+-----+----------------
+                 |     |                  ^            ^
+                 |     |                  |            |
+                 +------------------------+            |
+                       |                               |
+                       +-------------------------------+
+                Figure 2: UBIFS flash layout of log area with commit start nodes
+                          (CS) and reference nodes (REF) pointing to main area
+                          containing their buds
+### LEB Property Tree/Table
+The LEB property tree is used to store per-LEB information. This includes the
+LEB type and amount of free and *dirty* (old, obsolete content) space [1] on
+the LEB. The type is important, because UBIFS never mixes index nodes with data
+nodes on a single LEB and thus each LEB has a specific purpose. This again is
+useful for free space calculations. See [UBIFS-WP] for more details.
+The LEB property tree again is a B+ tree, but it is much smaller than the
+index. Due to its smaller size it is always written as one chunk on every
+commit. Thus, saving the LPT is an atomic operation.
+[1] Since LEBs can only be appended and never overwritten, there is a
+difference between free space ie. the remaining space left on the LEB to be
+written to without erasing it and previously written content that is obsolete
+but can't be overwritten without erasing the full LEB.
+# UBIFS Authentication
+This chapter introduces UBIFS authentication which enables UBIFS to verify
+the authenticity and integrity of metadata and file contents stored on flash.
+## Threat Model
+UBIFS authentication enables detection of offline data modification. While it
+does not prevent it, it enables (trusted) code to check the integrity and
+authenticity of on-flash file contents and filesystem metadata. This covers
+attacks where file contents are swapped.
+UBIFS authentication will not protect against rollback of full flash contents.
+Ie. an attacker can still dump the flash and restore it at a later time without
+detection. It will also not protect against partial rollback of individual
+index commits. That means that an attacker is able to partially undo changes.
+This is possible because UBIFS does not immediately overwrites obsolete
+versions of the index tree or the journal, but instead marks them as obsolete
+and garbage collection erases them at a later time. An attacker can use this by
+erasing parts of the current tree and restoring old versions that are still on
+the flash and have not yet been erased. This is possible, because every commit
+will always write a new version of the index root node and the master node
+without overwriting the previous version. This is further helped by the
+wear-leveling operations of UBI which copies contents from one physical
+eraseblock to another and does not atomically erase the first eraseblock.
+UBIFS authentication does not cover attacks where an attacker is able to
+execute code on the device after the authentication key was provided.
+Additional measures like secure boot and trusted boot have to be taken to
+ensure that only trusted code is executed on a device.
+## Authentication
+To be able to fully trust data read from flash, all UBIFS data structures
+stored on flash are authenticated. That is:
+- The index which includes file contents, file metadata like extended
+  attributes, file length etc.
+- The journal which also contains file contents and metadata by recording changes
+  to the filesystem
+- The LPT which stores UBI LEB metadata which UBIFS uses for free space accounting
+### Index Authentication
+Through UBIFS' concept of a wandering tree, it already takes care of only
+updating and persisting changed parts from leaf node up to the root node
+of the full B+ tree. This enables us to augment the index nodes of the tree
+with a hash over each node's child nodes. As a result, the index basically also
+a Merkle tree. Since the leaf nodes of the index contain the actual filesystem
+data, the hashes of their parent index nodes thus cover all the file contents
+and file metadata. When a file changes, the UBIFS index is updated accordingly
+from the leaf nodes up to the root node including the master node. This process
+can be hooked to recompute the hash only for each changed node at the same time.
+Whenever a file is read, UBIFS can verify the hashes from each leaf node up to
+the root node to ensure the node's integrity.
+To ensure the authenticity of the whole index, the UBIFS master node stores a
+keyed hash (HMAC) over its own contents and a hash of the root node of the index
+tree. As mentioned above, the master node is always written to the flash whenever
+the index is persisted (ie. on index commit).
+Using this approach only UBIFS index nodes and the master node are changed to
+include a hash. All other types of nodes will remain unchanged. This reduces
+the storage overhead which is precious for users of UBIFS (ie. embedded
+                             +---------------+
+                             |  Master Node  |
+                             |    (hash)     |
+                             +---------------+
+                                     |
+                                     v
+                            +-------------------+
+                            |  Index Node #1    |
+                            |                   |
+                            | branch0   branchn |
+                            | (hash)    (hash)  |
+                            +-------------------+
+                               |    ...   |  (fanout: 8)
+                               |          |
+                       +-------+          +------+
+                       |                         |
+                       v                         v
+            +-------------------+       +-------------------+
+            |  Index Node #2    |       |  Index Node #3    |
+            |                   |       |                   |
+            | branch0   branchn |       | branch0   branchn |
+            | (hash)    (hash)  |       | (hash)    (hash)  |
+            +-------------------+       +-------------------+
+                 |   ...                     |   ...   |
+                 v                           v         v
+               +-----------+         +----------+  +-----------+
+               | Data Node |         | INO Node |  | DENT Node |
+               +-----------+         +----------+  +-----------+
+           Figure 3: Coverage areas of index node hash and master node HMAC
+The most important part for robustness and power-cut safety is to atomically
+persist the hash and file contents. Here the existing UBIFS logic for how
+changed nodes are persisted is already designed for this purpose such that
+UBIFS can safely recover if a power-cut occurs while persisting. Adding
+hashes to index nodes does not change this since each hash will be persisted
+atomically together with its respective node.
+### Journal Authentication
+The journal is authenticated too. Since the journal is continuously written
+it is necessary to also add authentication information frequently to the
+journal so that in case of a powercut not too much data can't be authenticated.
+This is done by creating a continuous hash beginning from the commit start node
+over the previous reference nodes, the current reference node, and the bud
+nodes. From time to time whenever it is suitable authentication nodes are added
+between the bud nodes. This new node type contains a HMAC over the current state
+of the hash chain. That way a journal can be authenticated up to the last
+authentication node. The tail of the journal which may not have a authentication
+node cannot be authenticated and is skipped during journal replay.
+We get this picture for journal authentication:
+    ,,,,,,,,
+    ,......,...........................................
+    ,. CS  ,               hash1.----.           hash2.----.
+    ,.  |  ,                    .    |hmac            .    |hmac
+    ,.  v  ,                    .    v                .    v
+    ,.REF#0,-> bud -> bud -> bud.-> auth -> bud -> bud.-> auth ...
+    ,..|...,...........................................
+    ,  |   ,
+    ,  |   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+    .  |            hash3,----.
+    ,  |                 ,    |hmac
+    ,  v                 ,    v
+    , REF#1 -> bud -> bud,-> auth ...
+    ,,,|,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
+       v
+      REF#2 -> ...
+       |
+       V
+      ...
+Since the hash also includes the reference nodes an attacker cannot reorder or
+skip any journal heads for replay. An attacker can only remove bud nodes or
+reference nodes from the end of the journal, effectively rewinding the
+filesystem at maximum back to the last commit.
+The location of the log area is stored in the master node. Since the master
+node is authenticated with a HMAC as described above, it is not possible to
+tamper with that without detection. The size of the log area is specified when
+the filesystem is created using `mkfs.ubifs` and stored in the superblock node.
+To avoid tampering with this and other values stored there, a HMAC is added to
+the superblock struct. The superblock node is stored in LEB 0 and is only
+modified on feature flag or similar changes, but never on file changes.
+### LPT Authentication
+The location of the LPT root node on the flash is stored in the UBIFS master
+node. Since the LPT is written and read atomically on every commit, there is
+no need to authenticate individual nodes of the tree. It suffices to
+protect the integrity of the full LPT by a simple hash stored in the master
+node. Since the master node itself is authenticated, the LPTs authenticity can
+be verified by verifying the authenticity of the master node and comparing the
+LTP hash stored there with the hash computed from the read on-flash LPT.
+## Key Management
+For simplicity, UBIFS authentication uses a single key to compute the HMACs
+of superblock, master, commit start and reference nodes. This key has to be
+available on creation of the filesystem (`mkfs.ubifs`) to authenticate the
+superblock node. Further, it has to be available on mount of the filesystem
+to verify authenticated nodes and generate new HMACs for changes.
+UBIFS authentication is intended to operate side-by-side with UBIFS encryption
+(fscrypt) to provide confidentiality and authenticity. Since UBIFS encryption
+has a different approach of encryption policies per directory, there can be
+multiple fscrypt master keys and there might be folders without encryption.
+UBIFS authentication on the other hand has an all-or-nothing approach in the
+sense that it either authenticates everything of the filesystem or nothing.
+Because of this and because UBIFS authentication should also be usable without
+encryption, it does not share the same master key with fscrypt, but manages
+a dedicated authentication key.
+The API for providing the authentication key has yet to be defined, but the
+key can eg. be provided by userspace through a keyring similar to the way it
+is currently done in fscrypt. It should however be noted that the current
+fscrypt approach has shown its flaws and the userspace API will eventually
+change [FSCRYPT-POLICY2].
+Nevertheless, it will be possible for a user to provide a single passphrase
+or key in userspace that covers UBIFS authentication and encryption. This can
+be solved by the corresponding userspace tools which derive a second key for
+authentication in addition to the derived fscrypt master key used for
+To be able to check if the proper key is available on mount, the UBIFS
+superblock node will additionally store a hash of the authentication key. This
+approach is similar to the approach proposed for fscrypt encryption policy v2
+# Future Extensions
+In certain cases where a vendor wants to provide an authenticated filesystem
+image to customers, it should be possible to do so without sharing the secret
+UBIFS authentication key. Instead, in addition the each HMAC a digital
+signature could be stored where the vendor shares the public key alongside the
+filesystem image. In case this filesystem has to be modified afterwards,
+UBIFS can exchange all digital signatures with HMACs on first mount similar
+to the way the IMA/EVM subsystem deals with such situations. The HMAC key
+will then have to be provided beforehand in the normal way.
+# References
+[CRYPTSETUP2]        http://www.saout.de/pipermail/dm-crypt/2017-November/005745.html
+[DMC-CBC-ATTACK]     http://www.jakoblell.com/blog/2013/12/22/practical-malleability-attack-against-cbc-encrypted-luks-partitions/
+[DM-INTEGRITY]       https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/device-mapper/dm-integrity.txt
+[DM-VERITY]          https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/device-mapper/verity.txt
+[FSCRYPT-POLICY2]    https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-ext4/msg58710.html
+[UBIFS-WP]           http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/doc/ubifs_whitepaper.pdf
diff --git a/Documentation/filesystems/ubifs.txt b/Documentation/filesystems/ubifs.txt
index a0a61d2f389f409602d2ac266e7e803c22f74406..acc80442a3bbecc97c6d5ba9b516cb37cb3a7478 100644
--- a/Documentation/filesystems/ubifs.txt
+++ b/Documentation/filesystems/ubifs.txt
@@ -91,6 +91,13 @@ chk_data_crc		do not skip checking CRCs on data nodes
 compr=none              override default compressor and set it to "none"
 compr=lzo               override default compressor and set it to "lzo"
 compr=zlib              override default compressor and set it to "zlib"
+auth_key=		specify the key used for authenticating the filesystem.
+			Passing this option makes authentication mandatory.
+			The passed key must be present in the kernel keyring
+			and must be of type 'logon'
+auth_hash_name=		The hash algorithm used for authentication. Used for
+			both hashing and for creating HMACs. Typical values
+			include "sha256" or "sha512"
 Quick usage instructions
diff --git a/drivers/mtd/ubi/attach.c b/drivers/mtd/ubi/attach.c
index 93ceea4f27d5731f865c57be71f69c35b46d274f..e294d3986ba964d07bc9bcb67f800b4d479d5231 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/ubi/attach.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/ubi/attach.c
@@ -1072,6 +1072,7 @@ static int scan_peb(struct ubi_device *ubi, struct ubi_attach_info *ai,
 			 * be a result of power cut during erasure.
 			ai->maybe_bad_peb_count += 1;
+		/* fall through */
 	case UBI_IO_BAD_HDR:
 			 * If we're facing a bad VID header we have to drop *all*
diff --git a/drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c b/drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c
index d2a726654ff1182e961f22ff365dc461996b7204..a4e3454133a47eacdcc61034c11b6c98d831e9c8 100644
--- a/drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c
+++ b/drivers/mtd/ubi/build.c
@@ -1334,8 +1334,10 @@ static int bytes_str_to_int(const char *str)
 	switch (*endp) {
 	case 'G':
 		result *= 1024;
+		/* fall through */
 	case 'M':
 		result *= 1024;
+		/* fall through */
 	case 'K':
 		result *= 1024;
 		if (endp[1] == 'i' && endp[2] == 'B')
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/Kconfig b/fs/ubifs/Kconfig
index bbc78549be4cc3f0536033624723666ab13ef0d0..529856fbccd0ee5f6559519a3d9db12cf932a775 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/Kconfig
+++ b/fs/ubifs/Kconfig
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ config UBIFS_FS
 	depends on MTD_UBI
 	  UBIFS is a file system for flash devices which works on top of UBI.
@@ -85,3 +86,13 @@ config UBIFS_FS_SECURITY
 	  the extended attribute support in advance.
 	  If you are not using a security module, say N.
+	bool "UBIFS authentication support"
+	select CRYPTO_HMAC
+	help
+	  Enable authentication support for UBIFS. This feature offers protection
+	  against offline changes for both data and metadata of the filesystem.
+	  If you say yes here you should also select a hashing algorithm such as
+	  sha256, these are not selected automatically since there are many
+	  different options.
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/Makefile b/fs/ubifs/Makefile
index 6197d7e539e42d872a07763e524e1aad284d7a82..5f838319c8d533858dcf42b34631275ac8683797 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/Makefile
+++ b/fs/ubifs/Makefile
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ ubifs-y += recovery.o ioctl.o lpt_commit.o tnc_misc.o debug.o
 ubifs-y += misc.o
 ubifs-$(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_ENCRYPTION) += crypto.o
 ubifs-$(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_XATTR) += xattr.o
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/auth.c b/fs/ubifs/auth.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..124e965a28b30d985f5406e039431588d96e9f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs/ubifs/auth.c
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * This file is part of UBIFS.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 Pengutronix, Sascha Hauer <s.hauer@pengutronix.de>
+ */
+ * This file implements various helper functions for UBIFS authentication support
+ */
+#include <linux/crypto.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include <crypto/sha.h>
+#include <crypto/algapi.h>
+#include <keys/user-type.h>
+#include "ubifs.h"
+ * ubifs_node_calc_hash - calculate the hash of a UBIFS node
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node to calculate a hash for
+ * @hash: the returned hash
+ *
+ * Returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int __ubifs_node_calc_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *node,
+			    u8 *hash)
+	const struct ubifs_ch *ch = node;
+	SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(shash, c->hash_tfm);
+	int err;
+	shash->tfm = c->hash_tfm;
+	shash->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+	err = crypto_shash_digest(shash, node, le32_to_cpu(ch->len), hash);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return err;
+	return 0;
+ * ubifs_hash_calc_hmac - calculate a HMAC from a hash
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @hash: the node to calculate a HMAC for
+ * @hmac: the returned HMAC
+ *
+ * Returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+static int ubifs_hash_calc_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c, const u8 *hash,
+				 u8 *hmac)
+	SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(shash, c->hmac_tfm);
+	int err;
+	shash->tfm = c->hmac_tfm;
+	shash->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+	err = crypto_shash_digest(shash, hash, c->hash_len, hmac);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return err;
+	return 0;
+ * ubifs_prepare_auth_node - Prepare an authentication node
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node to calculate a hash for
+ * @hash: input hash of previous nodes
+ *
+ * This function prepares an authentication node for writing onto flash.
+ * It creates a HMAC from the given input hash and writes it to the node.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int ubifs_prepare_auth_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node,
+			     struct shash_desc *inhash)
+	SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(hash_desc, c->hash_tfm);
+	struct ubifs_auth_node *auth = node;
+	u8 *hash;
+	int err;
+	hash = kmalloc(crypto_shash_descsize(c->hash_tfm), GFP_NOFS);
+	if (!hash)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	hash_desc->tfm = c->hash_tfm;
+	hash_desc->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+	ubifs_shash_copy_state(c, inhash, hash_desc);
+	err = crypto_shash_final(hash_desc, hash);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	err = ubifs_hash_calc_hmac(c, hash, auth->hmac);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	auth->ch.node_type = UBIFS_AUTH_NODE;
+	ubifs_prepare_node(c, auth, ubifs_auth_node_sz(c), 0);
+	err = 0;
+	kfree(hash);
+	return err;
+static struct shash_desc *ubifs_get_desc(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+					 struct crypto_shash *tfm)
+	struct shash_desc *desc;
+	int err;
+	if (!ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return NULL;
+	desc = kmalloc(sizeof(*desc) + crypto_shash_descsize(tfm), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!desc)
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	desc->tfm = tfm;
+	desc->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+	err = crypto_shash_init(desc);
+	if (err) {
+		kfree(desc);
+		return ERR_PTR(err);
+	}
+	return desc;
+ * __ubifs_hash_get_desc - get a descriptor suitable for hashing a node
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ *
+ * This function returns a descriptor suitable for hashing a node. Free after use
+ * with kfree.
+ */
+struct shash_desc *__ubifs_hash_get_desc(const struct ubifs_info *c)
+	return ubifs_get_desc(c, c->hash_tfm);
+ * __ubifs_shash_final - finalize shash
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @desc: the descriptor
+ * @out: the output hash
+ *
+ * Simple wrapper around crypto_shash_final(), safe to be called with
+ * disabled authentication.
+ */
+int __ubifs_shash_final(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct shash_desc *desc,
+			u8 *out)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return crypto_shash_final(desc, out);
+	return 0;
+ * ubifs_bad_hash - Report hash mismatches
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node
+ * @hash: the expected hash
+ * @lnum: the LEB @node was read from
+ * @offs: offset in LEB @node was read from
+ *
+ * This function reports a hash mismatch when a node has a different hash than
+ * expected.
+ */
+void ubifs_bad_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *node, const u8 *hash,
+		    int lnum, int offs)
+	int len = min(c->hash_len, 20);
+	int cropped = len != c->hash_len;
+	const char *cont = cropped ? "..." : "";
+	u8 calc[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	__ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, node, calc);
+	ubifs_err(c, "hash mismatch on node at LEB %d:%d", lnum, offs);
+	ubifs_err(c, "hash expected:   %*ph%s", len, hash, cont);
+	ubifs_err(c, "hash calculated: %*ph%s", len, calc, cont);
+ * __ubifs_node_check_hash - check the hash of a node against given hash
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node
+ * @expected: the expected hash
+ *
+ * This function calculates a hash over a node and compares it to the given hash.
+ * Returns 0 if both hashes are equal or authentication is disabled, otherwise a
+ * negative error code is returned.
+ */
+int __ubifs_node_check_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *node,
+			    const u8 *expected)
+	u8 calc[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	int err;
+	err = __ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, node, calc);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (ubifs_check_hash(c, expected, calc))
+		return -EPERM;
+	return 0;
+ * ubifs_init_authentication - initialize UBIFS authentication support
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ *
+ * This function returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int ubifs_init_authentication(struct ubifs_info *c)
+	struct key *keyring_key;
+	const struct user_key_payload *ukp;
+	int err;
+	char hmac_name[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME];
+	if (!c->auth_hash_name) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "authentication hash name needed with authentication");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	c->auth_hash_algo = match_string(hash_algo_name, HASH_ALGO__LAST,
+					 c->auth_hash_name);
+	if ((int)c->auth_hash_algo < 0) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "Unknown hash algo %s specified",
+			  c->auth_hash_name);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	snprintf(hmac_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME, "hmac(%s)",
+		 c->auth_hash_name);
+	keyring_key = request_key(&key_type_logon, c->auth_key_name, NULL);
+	if (IS_ERR(keyring_key)) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "Failed to request key: %ld",
+			  PTR_ERR(keyring_key));
+		return PTR_ERR(keyring_key);
+	}
+	down_read(&keyring_key->sem);
+	if (keyring_key->type != &key_type_logon) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "key type must be logon");
+		err = -ENOKEY;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	ukp = user_key_payload_locked(keyring_key);
+	if (!ukp) {
+		/* key was revoked before we acquired its semaphore */
+		err = -EKEYREVOKED;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	c->hash_tfm = crypto_alloc_shash(c->auth_hash_name, 0,
+	if (IS_ERR(c->hash_tfm)) {
+		err = PTR_ERR(c->hash_tfm);
+		ubifs_err(c, "Can not allocate %s: %d",
+			  c->auth_hash_name, err);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	c->hash_len = crypto_shash_digestsize(c->hash_tfm);
+	if (c->hash_len > UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "hash %s is bigger than maximum allowed hash size (%d > %d)",
+			  c->auth_hash_name, c->hash_len, UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ);
+		err = -EINVAL;
+		goto out_free_hash;
+	}
+	c->hmac_tfm = crypto_alloc_shash(hmac_name, 0, CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC);
+	if (IS_ERR(c->hmac_tfm)) {
+		err = PTR_ERR(c->hmac_tfm);
+		ubifs_err(c, "Can not allocate %s: %d", hmac_name, err);
+		goto out_free_hash;
+	}
+	c->hmac_desc_len = crypto_shash_digestsize(c->hmac_tfm);
+	if (c->hmac_desc_len > UBIFS_HMAC_ARR_SZ) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "hmac %s is bigger than maximum allowed hmac size (%d > %d)",
+			  hmac_name, c->hmac_desc_len, UBIFS_HMAC_ARR_SZ);
+		err = -EINVAL;
+		goto out_free_hash;
+	}
+	err = crypto_shash_setkey(c->hmac_tfm, ukp->data, ukp->datalen);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_free_hmac;
+	c->authenticated = true;
+	c->log_hash = ubifs_hash_get_desc(c);
+	if (IS_ERR(c->log_hash))
+		goto out_free_hmac;
+	err = 0;
+	if (err)
+		crypto_free_shash(c->hmac_tfm);
+	if (err)
+		crypto_free_shash(c->hash_tfm);
+	up_read(&keyring_key->sem);
+	key_put(keyring_key);
+	return err;
+ * __ubifs_exit_authentication - release resource
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ *
+ * This function releases the authentication related resources.
+ */
+void __ubifs_exit_authentication(struct ubifs_info *c)
+	if (!ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return;
+	crypto_free_shash(c->hmac_tfm);
+	crypto_free_shash(c->hash_tfm);
+	kfree(c->log_hash);
+ * ubifs_node_calc_hmac - calculate the HMAC of a UBIFS node
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node to insert a HMAC into.
+ * @len: the length of the node
+ * @ofs_hmac: the offset in the node where the HMAC is inserted
+ * @hmac: returned HMAC
+ *
+ * This function calculates a HMAC of a UBIFS node. The HMAC is expected to be
+ * embedded into the node, so this area is not covered by the HMAC. Also not
+ * covered is the UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC and the CRC of the node.
+ */
+static int ubifs_node_calc_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *node,
+				int len, int ofs_hmac, void *hmac)
+	SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(shash, c->hmac_tfm);
+	int hmac_len = c->hmac_desc_len;
+	int err;
+	ubifs_assert(c, ofs_hmac > 8);
+	ubifs_assert(c, ofs_hmac + hmac_len < len);
+	shash->tfm = c->hmac_tfm;
+	shash->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+	err = crypto_shash_init(shash);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	/* behind common node header CRC up to HMAC begin */
+	err = crypto_shash_update(shash, node + 8, ofs_hmac - 8);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return err;
+	/* behind HMAC, if any */
+	if (len - ofs_hmac - hmac_len > 0) {
+		err = crypto_shash_update(shash, node + ofs_hmac + hmac_len,
+			    len - ofs_hmac - hmac_len);
+		if (err < 0)
+			return err;
+	}
+	return crypto_shash_final(shash, hmac);
+ * __ubifs_node_insert_hmac - insert a HMAC into a UBIFS node
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node to insert a HMAC into.
+ * @len: the length of the node
+ * @ofs_hmac: the offset in the node where the HMAC is inserted
+ *
+ * This function inserts a HMAC at offset @ofs_hmac into the node given in
+ * @node.
+ *
+ * This function returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int __ubifs_node_insert_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len,
+			    int ofs_hmac)
+	return ubifs_node_calc_hmac(c, node, len, ofs_hmac, node + ofs_hmac);
+ * __ubifs_node_verify_hmac - verify the HMAC of UBIFS node
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node to insert a HMAC into.
+ * @len: the length of the node
+ * @ofs_hmac: the offset in the node where the HMAC is inserted
+ *
+ * This function verifies the HMAC at offset @ofs_hmac of the node given in
+ * @node. Returns 0 if successful or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int __ubifs_node_verify_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *node,
+			     int len, int ofs_hmac)
+	int hmac_len = c->hmac_desc_len;
+	u8 *hmac;
+	int err;
+	hmac = kmalloc(hmac_len, GFP_NOFS);
+	if (!hmac)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hmac(c, node, len, ofs_hmac, hmac);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	err = crypto_memneq(hmac, node + ofs_hmac, hmac_len);
+	kfree(hmac);
+	if (!err)
+		return 0;
+	return -EPERM;
+int __ubifs_shash_copy_state(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct shash_desc *src,
+			     struct shash_desc *target)
+	u8 *state;
+	int err;
+	state = kmalloc(crypto_shash_descsize(src->tfm), GFP_NOFS);
+	if (!state)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	err = crypto_shash_export(src, state);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	err = crypto_shash_import(target, state);
+	kfree(state);
+	return err;
+ * ubifs_hmac_wkm - Create a HMAC of the well known message
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @hmac: The HMAC of the well known message
+ *
+ * This function creates a HMAC of a well known message. This is used
+ * to check if the provided key is suitable to authenticate a UBIFS
+ * image. This is only a convenience to the user to provide a better
+ * error message when the wrong key is provided.
+ *
+ * This function returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int ubifs_hmac_wkm(struct ubifs_info *c, u8 *hmac)
+	SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(shash, c->hmac_tfm);
+	int err;
+	const char well_known_message[] = "UBIFS";
+	if (!ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return 0;
+	shash->tfm = c->hmac_tfm;
+	shash->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+	err = crypto_shash_init(shash);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	err = crypto_shash_update(shash, well_known_message,
+				  sizeof(well_known_message) - 1);
+	if (err < 0)
+		return err;
+	err = crypto_shash_final(shash, hmac);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/debug.c b/fs/ubifs/debug.c
index 564e330d05b146df6d8c848742b08f02820b14c3..c49ff50fdceb1d8f90f059099cd87d6e4334555b 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/debug.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/debug.c
@@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ const char *dbg_ntype(int type)
 		return "commit start node";
 		return "orphan node";
+		return "auth node";
 		return "unknown node";
@@ -542,6 +544,10 @@ void ubifs_dump_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *node)
 			       (unsigned long long)le64_to_cpu(orph->inos[i]));
+	{
+		break;
+	}
 		pr_err("node type %d was not recognized\n",
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/gc.c b/fs/ubifs/gc.c
index d2680e0b4a36f38826f253d33c1b7d258b21bb2d..bf75fdc76fc357f7d8da299405fce8455a829e8d 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/gc.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/gc.c
@@ -254,7 +254,8 @@ static int sort_nodes(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
 			     snod->type == UBIFS_DATA_NODE ||
 			     snod->type == UBIFS_DENT_NODE ||
 			     snod->type == UBIFS_XENT_NODE ||
-			     snod->type == UBIFS_TRUN_NODE);
+			     snod->type == UBIFS_TRUN_NODE ||
+			     snod->type == UBIFS_AUTH_NODE);
 		if (snod->type != UBIFS_INO_NODE  &&
 		    snod->type != UBIFS_DATA_NODE &&
@@ -364,12 +365,13 @@ static int move_nodes(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb)
 	/* Write nodes to their new location. Use the first-fit strategy */
 	while (1) {
-		int avail;
+		int avail, moved = 0;
 		struct ubifs_scan_node *snod, *tmp;
 		/* Move data nodes */
 		list_for_each_entry_safe(snod, tmp, &sleb->nodes, list) {
-			avail = c->leb_size - wbuf->offs - wbuf->used;
+			avail = c->leb_size - wbuf->offs - wbuf->used -
+					ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
 			if  (snod->len > avail)
 				 * Do not skip data nodes in order to optimize
@@ -377,14 +379,21 @@ static int move_nodes(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb)
+			err = ubifs_shash_update(c, c->jheads[GCHD].log_hash,
+						 snod->node, snod->len);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
 			err = move_node(c, sleb, snod, wbuf);
 			if (err)
 				goto out;
+			moved = 1;
 		/* Move non-data nodes */
 		list_for_each_entry_safe(snod, tmp, &nondata, list) {
-			avail = c->leb_size - wbuf->offs - wbuf->used;
+			avail = c->leb_size - wbuf->offs - wbuf->used -
+					ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
 			if (avail < min)
@@ -402,9 +411,41 @@ static int move_nodes(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb)
+			err = ubifs_shash_update(c, c->jheads[GCHD].log_hash,
+						 snod->node, snod->len);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
 			err = move_node(c, sleb, snod, wbuf);
 			if (err)
 				goto out;
+			moved = 1;
+		}
+		if (ubifs_authenticated(c) && moved) {
+			struct ubifs_auth_node *auth;
+			auth = kmalloc(ubifs_auth_node_sz(c), GFP_NOFS);
+			if (!auth) {
+				err = -ENOMEM;
+				goto out;
+			}
+			err = ubifs_prepare_auth_node(c, auth,
+						c->jheads[GCHD].log_hash);
+			if (err) {
+				kfree(auth);
+				goto out;
+			}
+			err = ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock(wbuf, auth,
+						      ubifs_auth_node_sz(c));
+			if (err) {
+				kfree(auth);
+				goto out;
+			}
+			ubifs_add_dirt(c, wbuf->lnum, ubifs_auth_node_sz(c));
 		if (list_empty(&sleb->nodes) && list_empty(&nondata))
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/io.c b/fs/ubifs/io.c
index 099bec94b82079f8fbd03f0fb74aee2180d1dab3..d124117efd42dc8cea8aa25c8c455012b8fbaebd 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/io.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/io.c
@@ -365,20 +365,8 @@ static unsigned long long next_sqnum(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	return sqnum;
- * ubifs_prepare_node - prepare node to be written to flash.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @node: the node to pad
- * @len: node length
- * @pad: if the buffer has to be padded
- *
- * This function prepares node at @node to be written to the media - it
- * calculates node CRC, fills the common header, and adds proper padding up to
- * the next minimum I/O unit if @pad is not zero.
- */
-void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int pad)
+void ubifs_init_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int pad)
-	uint32_t crc;
 	struct ubifs_ch *ch = node;
 	unsigned long long sqnum = next_sqnum(c);
@@ -389,8 +377,6 @@ void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int pad)
 	ch->group_type = UBIFS_NO_NODE_GROUP;
 	ch->sqnum = cpu_to_le64(sqnum);
 	ch->padding[0] = ch->padding[1] = 0;
-	crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, node + 8, len - 8);
-	ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);
 	if (pad) {
 		len = ALIGN(len, 8);
@@ -399,6 +385,68 @@ void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int pad)
+void ubifs_crc_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len)
+	struct ubifs_ch *ch = node;
+	uint32_t crc;
+	crc = crc32(UBIFS_CRC32_INIT, node + 8, len - 8);
+	ch->crc = cpu_to_le32(crc);
+ * ubifs_prepare_node_hmac - prepare node to be written to flash.
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node to pad
+ * @len: node length
+ * @hmac_offs: offset of the HMAC in the node
+ * @pad: if the buffer has to be padded
+ *
+ * This function prepares node at @node to be written to the media - it
+ * calculates node CRC, fills the common header, and adds proper padding up to
+ * the next minimum I/O unit if @pad is not zero. if @hmac_offs is positive then
+ * a HMAC is inserted into the node at the given offset.
+ *
+ * This function returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int ubifs_prepare_node_hmac(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len,
+			    int hmac_offs, int pad)
+	int err;
+	ubifs_init_node(c, node, len, pad);
+	if (hmac_offs > 0) {
+		err = ubifs_node_insert_hmac(c, node, len, hmac_offs);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	ubifs_crc_node(c, node, len);
+	return 0;
+ * ubifs_prepare_node - prepare node to be written to flash.
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @node: the node to pad
+ * @len: node length
+ * @pad: if the buffer has to be padded
+ *
+ * This function prepares node at @node to be written to the media - it
+ * calculates node CRC, fills the common header, and adds proper padding up to
+ * the next minimum I/O unit if @pad is not zero.
+ */
+void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int pad)
+	/*
+	 * Deliberately ignore return value since this function can only fail
+	 * when a hmac offset is given.
+	 */
+	ubifs_prepare_node_hmac(c, node, len, 0, pad);
  * ubifs_prep_grp_node - prepare node of a group to be written to flash.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
@@ -849,12 +897,13 @@ int ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf, void *buf, int len)
- * ubifs_write_node - write node to the media.
+ * ubifs_write_node_hmac - write node to the media.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
  * @buf: the node to write
  * @len: node length
  * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
  * @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
+ * @hmac_offs: offset of the HMAC within the node
  * This function automatically fills node magic number, assigns sequence
  * number, and calculates node CRC checksum. The length of the @buf buffer has
@@ -862,8 +911,8 @@ int ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf, void *buf, int len)
  * appends padding node and padding bytes if needed. Returns zero in case of
  * success and a negative error code in case of failure.
-int ubifs_write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
-		     int offs)
+int ubifs_write_node_hmac(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
+			  int offs, int hmac_offs)
 	int err, buf_len = ALIGN(len, c->min_io_size);
@@ -878,7 +927,10 @@ int ubifs_write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
 	if (c->ro_error)
 		return -EROFS;
-	ubifs_prepare_node(c, buf, len, 1);
+	err = ubifs_prepare_node_hmac(c, buf, len, hmac_offs, 1);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
 	err = ubifs_leb_write(c, lnum, buf, offs, buf_len);
 	if (err)
 		ubifs_dump_node(c, buf);
@@ -886,6 +938,26 @@ int ubifs_write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
 	return err;
+ * ubifs_write_node - write node to the media.
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @buf: the node to write
+ * @len: node length
+ * @lnum: logical eraseblock number
+ * @offs: offset within the logical eraseblock
+ *
+ * This function automatically fills node magic number, assigns sequence
+ * number, and calculates node CRC checksum. The length of the @buf buffer has
+ * to be aligned to the minimal I/O unit size. This function automatically
+ * appends padding node and padding bytes if needed. Returns zero in case of
+ * success and a negative error code in case of failure.
+ */
+int ubifs_write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
+		     int offs)
+	return ubifs_write_node_hmac(c, buf, len, lnum, offs, -1);
  * ubifs_read_node_wbuf - read node from the media or write-buffer.
  * @wbuf: wbuf to check for un-written data
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/journal.c b/fs/ubifs/journal.c
index 802565a17733ce4b0e304df7daffda9517252bca..729dc76c83dffb850354521f96f7cdfabf860051 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/journal.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/journal.c
@@ -90,6 +90,12 @@ static inline void zero_trun_node_unused(struct ubifs_trun_node *trun)
 	memset(trun->padding, 0, 12);
+static void ubifs_add_auth_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		ubifs_add_dirt(c, lnum, ubifs_auth_node_sz(c));
  * reserve_space - reserve space in the journal.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
@@ -228,34 +234,33 @@ static int reserve_space(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, int len)
 	return err;
- * write_node - write node to a journal head.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @jhead: journal head
- * @node: node to write
- * @len: node length
- * @lnum: LEB number written is returned here
- * @offs: offset written is returned here
- *
- * This function writes a node to reserved space of journal head @jhead.
- * Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
- * failure.
- */
-static int write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, void *node, int len,
-		      int *lnum, int *offs)
+static int ubifs_hash_nodes(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node,
+			     int len, struct shash_desc *hash)
-	struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf = &c->jheads[jhead].wbuf;
+	int auth_node_size = ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
+	int err;
-	ubifs_assert(c, jhead != GCHD);
+	while (1) {
+		const struct ubifs_ch *ch = node;
+		int nodelen = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
-	*lnum = c->jheads[jhead].wbuf.lnum;
-	*offs = c->jheads[jhead].wbuf.offs + c->jheads[jhead].wbuf.used;
+		ubifs_assert(c, len >= auth_node_size);
-	dbg_jnl("jhead %s, LEB %d:%d, len %d",
-		dbg_jhead(jhead), *lnum, *offs, len);
-	ubifs_prepare_node(c, node, len, 0);
+		if (len == auth_node_size)
+			break;
+		ubifs_assert(c, len > nodelen);
+		ubifs_assert(c, ch->magic == cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_NODE_MAGIC));
-	return ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock(wbuf, node, len);
+		err = ubifs_shash_update(c, hash, (void *)node, nodelen);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		node += ALIGN(nodelen, 8);
+		len -= ALIGN(nodelen, 8);
+	}
+	return ubifs_prepare_auth_node(c, node, hash);
@@ -268,9 +273,9 @@ static int write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, void *node, int len,
  * @offs: offset written is returned here
  * @sync: non-zero if the write-buffer has to by synchronized
- * This function is the same as 'write_node()' but it does not assume the
- * buffer it is writing is a node, so it does not prepare it (which means
- * initializing common header and calculating CRC).
+ * This function writes data to the reserved space of journal head @jhead.
+ * Returns zero in case of success and a negative error code in case of
+ * failure.
 static int write_head(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, void *buf, int len,
 		      int *lnum, int *offs, int sync)
@@ -285,6 +290,12 @@ static int write_head(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, void *buf, int len,
 	dbg_jnl("jhead %s, LEB %d:%d, len %d",
 		dbg_jhead(jhead), *lnum, *offs, len);
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c)) {
+		err = ubifs_hash_nodes(c, buf, len, c->jheads[jhead].log_hash);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
 	err = ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock(wbuf, buf, len);
 	if (err)
 		return err;
@@ -548,6 +559,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_update(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
 	struct ubifs_dent_node *dent;
 	struct ubifs_ino_node *ino;
 	union ubifs_key dent_key, ino_key;
+	u8 hash_dent[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_ino[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_ino_host[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	ubifs_assert(c, mutex_is_locked(&host_ui->ui_mutex));
@@ -570,7 +584,10 @@ int ubifs_jnl_update(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
 	len = aligned_dlen + aligned_ilen + UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
 	/* Make sure to also account for extended attributes */
-	len += host_ui->data_len;
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		len += ALIGN(host_ui->data_len, 8) + ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
+	else
+		len += host_ui->data_len;
 	dent = kzalloc(len, GFP_NOFS);
 	if (!dent)
@@ -602,11 +619,21 @@ int ubifs_jnl_update(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
 	ubifs_prep_grp_node(c, dent, dlen, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, dent, hash_dent);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	ino = (void *)dent + aligned_dlen;
 	pack_inode(c, ino, inode, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, ino, hash_ino);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	ino = (void *)ino + aligned_ilen;
 	pack_inode(c, ino, dir, 1);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, ino, hash_ino_host);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	if (last_reference) {
 		err = ubifs_add_orphan(c, inode->i_ino);
@@ -628,6 +655,7 @@ int ubifs_jnl_update(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
 	release_head(c, BASEHD);
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
 	if (deletion) {
 		if (nm->hash)
@@ -638,7 +666,8 @@ int ubifs_jnl_update(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
 			goto out_ro;
 		err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, lnum, dlen);
 	} else
-		err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &dent_key, lnum, dent_offs, dlen, nm);
+		err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &dent_key, lnum, dent_offs, dlen,
+				       hash_dent, nm);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -650,14 +679,14 @@ int ubifs_jnl_update(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *dir,
 	ino_key_init(c, &ino_key, inode->i_ino);
 	ino_offs = dent_offs + aligned_dlen;
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &ino_key, lnum, ino_offs, ilen);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &ino_key, lnum, ino_offs, ilen, hash_ino);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
 	ino_key_init(c, &ino_key, dir->i_ino);
 	ino_offs += aligned_ilen;
 	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &ino_key, lnum, ino_offs,
-			    UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ + host_ui->data_len);
+			    UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ + host_ui->data_len, hash_ino_host);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -706,10 +735,12 @@ int ubifs_jnl_write_data(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 			 const union ubifs_key *key, const void *buf, int len)
 	struct ubifs_data_node *data;
-	int err, lnum, offs, compr_type, out_len, compr_len;
+	int err, lnum, offs, compr_type, out_len, compr_len, auth_len;
 	int dlen = COMPRESSED_DATA_NODE_BUF_SZ, allocated = 1;
+	int write_len;
 	struct ubifs_inode *ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
 	bool encrypted = ubifs_crypt_is_encrypted(inode);
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	dbg_jnlk(key, "ino %lu, blk %u, len %d, key ",
 		(unsigned long)key_inum(c, key), key_block(c, key), len);
@@ -718,7 +749,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_write_data(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	if (encrypted)
-	data = kmalloc(dlen, GFP_NOFS | __GFP_NOWARN);
+	auth_len = ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
+	data = kmalloc(dlen + auth_len, GFP_NOFS | __GFP_NOWARN);
 	if (!data) {
 		 * Fall-back to the write reserve buffer. Note, we might be
@@ -757,20 +790,33 @@ int ubifs_jnl_write_data(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	dlen = UBIFS_DATA_NODE_SZ + out_len;
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		write_len = ALIGN(dlen, 8) + auth_len;
+	else
+		write_len = dlen;
 	data->compr_type = cpu_to_le16(compr_type);
 	/* Make reservation before allocating sequence numbers */
-	err = make_reservation(c, DATAHD, dlen);
+	err = make_reservation(c, DATAHD, write_len);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_free;
-	err = write_node(c, DATAHD, data, dlen, &lnum, &offs);
+	ubifs_prepare_node(c, data, dlen, 0);
+	err = write_head(c, DATAHD, data, write_len, &lnum, &offs, 0);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, data, hash);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_release;
 	ubifs_wbuf_add_ino_nolock(&c->jheads[DATAHD].wbuf, key_inum(c, key));
 	release_head(c, DATAHD);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, key, lnum, offs, dlen);
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, key, lnum, offs, dlen, hash);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -808,7 +854,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_write_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode)
 	int err, lnum, offs;
 	struct ubifs_ino_node *ino;
 	struct ubifs_inode *ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
-	int sync = 0, len = UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ, last_reference = !inode->i_nlink;
+	int sync = 0, write_len, ilen = UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
+	int last_reference = !inode->i_nlink;
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	dbg_jnl("ino %lu, nlink %u", inode->i_ino, inode->i_nlink);
@@ -817,20 +865,30 @@ int ubifs_jnl_write_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode)
 	 * need to synchronize the write-buffer either.
 	if (!last_reference) {
-		len += ui->data_len;
+		ilen += ui->data_len;
 		sync = IS_SYNC(inode);
-	ino = kmalloc(len, GFP_NOFS);
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		write_len = ALIGN(ilen, 8) + ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
+	else
+		write_len = ilen;
+	ino = kmalloc(write_len, GFP_NOFS);
 	if (!ino)
 		return -ENOMEM;
 	/* Make reservation before allocating sequence numbers */
-	err = make_reservation(c, BASEHD, len);
+	err = make_reservation(c, BASEHD, write_len);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_free;
 	pack_inode(c, ino, inode, 1);
-	err = write_head(c, BASEHD, ino, len, &lnum, &offs, sync);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, ino, hash);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
+	err = write_head(c, BASEHD, ino, write_len, &lnum, &offs, sync);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_release;
 	if (!sync)
@@ -838,17 +896,19 @@ int ubifs_jnl_write_inode(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode)
 	release_head(c, BASEHD);
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
 	if (last_reference) {
 		err = ubifs_tnc_remove_ino(c, inode->i_ino);
 		if (err)
 			goto out_ro;
 		ubifs_delete_orphan(c, inode->i_ino);
-		err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, lnum, len);
+		err = ubifs_add_dirt(c, lnum, ilen);
 	} else {
 		union ubifs_key key;
 		ino_key_init(c, &key, inode->i_ino);
-		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, len);
+		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, ilen, hash);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -958,6 +1018,10 @@ int ubifs_jnl_xrename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *fst_dir,
 	int aligned_dlen1, aligned_dlen2;
 	int twoparents = (fst_dir != snd_dir);
 	void *p;
+	u8 hash_dent1[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_dent2[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_p1[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_p2[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	ubifs_assert(c, ubifs_inode(fst_dir)->data_len == 0);
 	ubifs_assert(c, ubifs_inode(snd_dir)->data_len == 0);
@@ -973,6 +1037,8 @@ int ubifs_jnl_xrename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *fst_dir,
 	if (twoparents)
 		len += plen;
+	len += ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
 	dent1 = kzalloc(len, GFP_NOFS);
 	if (!dent1)
 		return -ENOMEM;
@@ -993,6 +1059,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_xrename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *fst_dir,
 	set_dent_cookie(c, dent1);
 	ubifs_prep_grp_node(c, dent1, dlen1, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, dent1, hash_dent1);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	/* Make new dent for 2nd entry */
 	dent2 = (void *)dent1 + aligned_dlen1;
@@ -1006,14 +1075,26 @@ int ubifs_jnl_xrename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *fst_dir,
 	set_dent_cookie(c, dent2);
 	ubifs_prep_grp_node(c, dent2, dlen2, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, dent2, hash_dent2);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	p = (void *)dent2 + aligned_dlen2;
-	if (!twoparents)
+	if (!twoparents) {
 		pack_inode(c, p, fst_dir, 1);
-	else {
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, p, hash_p1);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
+	} else {
 		pack_inode(c, p, fst_dir, 0);
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, p, hash_p1);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
 		p += ALIGN(plen, 8);
 		pack_inode(c, p, snd_dir, 1);
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, p, hash_p2);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
 	err = write_head(c, BASEHD, dent1, len, &lnum, &offs, sync);
@@ -1027,28 +1108,30 @@ int ubifs_jnl_xrename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *fst_dir,
 	release_head(c, BASEHD);
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
 	dent_key_init(c, &key, snd_dir->i_ino, snd_nm);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen1, snd_nm);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen1, hash_dent1, snd_nm);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
 	offs += aligned_dlen1;
 	dent_key_init(c, &key, fst_dir->i_ino, fst_nm);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen2, fst_nm);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen2, hash_dent2, fst_nm);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
 	offs += aligned_dlen2;
 	ino_key_init(c, &key, fst_dir->i_ino);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen, hash_p1);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
 	if (twoparents) {
 		offs += ALIGN(plen, 8);
 		ino_key_init(c, &key, snd_dir->i_ino);
-		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen);
+		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen, hash_p2);
 		if (err)
 			goto out_ro;
@@ -1101,6 +1184,11 @@ int ubifs_jnl_rename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *old_dir,
 	int last_reference = !!(new_inode && new_inode->i_nlink == 0);
 	int move = (old_dir != new_dir);
 	struct ubifs_inode *uninitialized_var(new_ui);
+	u8 hash_old_dir[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_new_dir[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_new_inode[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_dent1[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_dent2[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	ubifs_assert(c, ubifs_inode(old_dir)->data_len == 0);
 	ubifs_assert(c, ubifs_inode(new_dir)->data_len == 0);
@@ -1123,6 +1211,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_rename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *old_dir,
 	len = aligned_dlen1 + aligned_dlen2 + ALIGN(ilen, 8) + ALIGN(plen, 8);
 	if (move)
 		len += plen;
+	len += ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
 	dent = kzalloc(len, GFP_NOFS);
 	if (!dent)
 		return -ENOMEM;
@@ -1143,6 +1234,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_rename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *old_dir,
 	set_dent_cookie(c, dent);
 	ubifs_prep_grp_node(c, dent, dlen1, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, dent, hash_dent1);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	dent2 = (void *)dent + aligned_dlen1;
 	dent2->ch.node_type = UBIFS_DENT_NODE;
@@ -1162,19 +1256,36 @@ int ubifs_jnl_rename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *old_dir,
 	set_dent_cookie(c, dent2);
 	ubifs_prep_grp_node(c, dent2, dlen2, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, dent2, hash_dent2);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	p = (void *)dent2 + aligned_dlen2;
 	if (new_inode) {
 		pack_inode(c, p, new_inode, 0);
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, p, hash_new_inode);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
 		p += ALIGN(ilen, 8);
-	if (!move)
+	if (!move) {
 		pack_inode(c, p, old_dir, 1);
-	else {
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, p, hash_old_dir);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
+	} else {
 		pack_inode(c, p, old_dir, 0);
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, p, hash_old_dir);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
 		p += ALIGN(plen, 8);
 		pack_inode(c, p, new_dir, 1);
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, p, hash_new_dir);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
 	if (last_reference) {
@@ -1200,15 +1311,17 @@ int ubifs_jnl_rename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *old_dir,
 	release_head(c, BASEHD);
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
 	dent_key_init(c, &key, new_dir->i_ino, new_nm);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen1, new_nm);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen1, hash_dent1, new_nm);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
 	offs += aligned_dlen1;
 	if (whiteout) {
 		dent_key_init(c, &key, old_dir->i_ino, old_nm);
-		err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen2, old_nm);
+		err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &key, lnum, offs, dlen2, hash_dent2, old_nm);
 		if (err)
 			goto out_ro;
@@ -1227,21 +1340,21 @@ int ubifs_jnl_rename(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *old_dir,
 	offs += aligned_dlen2;
 	if (new_inode) {
 		ino_key_init(c, &key, new_inode->i_ino);
-		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, ilen);
+		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, ilen, hash_new_inode);
 		if (err)
 			goto out_ro;
 		offs += ALIGN(ilen, 8);
 	ino_key_init(c, &key, old_dir->i_ino);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen, hash_old_dir);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
 	if (move) {
 		offs += ALIGN(plen, 8);
 		ino_key_init(c, &key, new_dir->i_ino);
-		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen);
+		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, plen, hash_new_dir);
 		if (err)
 			goto out_ro;
@@ -1360,6 +1473,8 @@ int ubifs_jnl_truncate(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	struct ubifs_inode *ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
 	ino_t inum = inode->i_ino;
 	unsigned int blk;
+	u8 hash_ino[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_dn[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	dbg_jnl("ino %lu, size %lld -> %lld",
 		(unsigned long)inum, old_size, new_size);
@@ -1369,6 +1484,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_truncate(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
+	sz += ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
 	ino = kmalloc(sz, GFP_NOFS);
 	if (!ino)
 		return -ENOMEM;
@@ -1414,16 +1532,28 @@ int ubifs_jnl_truncate(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	/* Must make reservation before allocating sequence numbers */
-	if (dlen)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		len += ALIGN(dlen, 8) + ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
+	else
 		len += dlen;
 	err = make_reservation(c, BASEHD, len);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_free;
 	pack_inode(c, ino, inode, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, ino, hash_ino);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	ubifs_prep_grp_node(c, trun, UBIFS_TRUN_NODE_SZ, dlen ? 0 : 1);
-	if (dlen)
+	if (dlen) {
 		ubifs_prep_grp_node(c, dn, dlen, 1);
+		err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, dn, hash_dn);
+		if (err)
+			goto out_release;
+	}
 	err = write_head(c, BASEHD, ino, len, &lnum, &offs, sync);
 	if (err)
@@ -1432,15 +1562,17 @@ int ubifs_jnl_truncate(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 		ubifs_wbuf_add_ino_nolock(&c->jheads[BASEHD].wbuf, inum);
 	release_head(c, BASEHD);
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
 	if (dlen) {
-		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, sz, dlen);
+		err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, sz, dlen, hash_dn);
 		if (err)
 			goto out_ro;
 	ino_key_init(c, &key, inum);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ, hash_ino);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -1495,12 +1627,13 @@ int ubifs_jnl_delete_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *host,
 			   const struct inode *inode,
 			   const struct fscrypt_name *nm)
-	int err, xlen, hlen, len, lnum, xent_offs, aligned_xlen;
+	int err, xlen, hlen, len, lnum, xent_offs, aligned_xlen, write_len;
 	struct ubifs_dent_node *xent;
 	struct ubifs_ino_node *ino;
 	union ubifs_key xent_key, key1, key2;
 	int sync = IS_DIRSYNC(host);
 	struct ubifs_inode *host_ui = ubifs_inode(host);
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	ubifs_assert(c, inode->i_nlink == 0);
 	ubifs_assert(c, mutex_is_locked(&host_ui->ui_mutex));
@@ -1514,12 +1647,14 @@ int ubifs_jnl_delete_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *host,
 	hlen = host_ui->data_len + UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
 	len = aligned_xlen + UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ + ALIGN(hlen, 8);
-	xent = kzalloc(len, GFP_NOFS);
+	write_len = len + ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
+	xent = kzalloc(write_len, GFP_NOFS);
 	if (!xent)
 		return -ENOMEM;
 	/* Make reservation before allocating sequence numbers */
-	err = make_reservation(c, BASEHD, len);
+	err = make_reservation(c, BASEHD, write_len);
 	if (err) {
 		return err;
@@ -1540,11 +1675,16 @@ int ubifs_jnl_delete_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *host,
 	pack_inode(c, ino, inode, 0);
 	ino = (void *)ino + UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
 	pack_inode(c, ino, host, 1);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, ino, hash);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
-	err = write_head(c, BASEHD, xent, len, &lnum, &xent_offs, sync);
+	err = write_head(c, BASEHD, xent, write_len, &lnum, &xent_offs, sync);
 	if (!sync && !err)
 		ubifs_wbuf_add_ino_nolock(&c->jheads[BASEHD].wbuf, host->i_ino);
 	release_head(c, BASEHD);
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -1572,7 +1712,7 @@ int ubifs_jnl_delete_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *host,
 	/* And update TNC with the new host inode position */
 	ino_key_init(c, &key1, host->i_ino);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key1, lnum, xent_offs + len - hlen, hlen);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key1, lnum, xent_offs + len - hlen, hlen, hash);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -1583,6 +1723,9 @@ int ubifs_jnl_delete_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *host,
 	mark_inode_clean(c, host_ui);
 	return 0;
+	kfree(xent);
+	release_head(c, BASEHD);
 	ubifs_ro_mode(c, err);
@@ -1610,6 +1753,8 @@ int ubifs_jnl_change_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	struct ubifs_ino_node *ino;
 	union ubifs_key key;
 	int sync = IS_DIRSYNC(host);
+	u8 hash_host[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	dbg_jnl("ino %lu, ino %lu", host->i_ino, inode->i_ino);
 	ubifs_assert(c, host->i_nlink > 0);
@@ -1621,6 +1766,8 @@ int ubifs_jnl_change_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	aligned_len1 = ALIGN(len1, 8);
 	aligned_len = aligned_len1 + ALIGN(len2, 8);
+	aligned_len += ubifs_auth_node_sz(c);
 	ino = kzalloc(aligned_len, GFP_NOFS);
 	if (!ino)
 		return -ENOMEM;
@@ -1631,7 +1778,13 @@ int ubifs_jnl_change_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 		goto out_free;
 	pack_inode(c, ino, host, 0);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, ino, hash_host);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	pack_inode(c, (void *)ino + aligned_len1, inode, 1);
+	err = ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, (void *)ino + aligned_len1, hash);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_release;
 	err = write_head(c, BASEHD, ino, aligned_len, &lnum, &offs, 0);
 	if (!sync && !err) {
@@ -1644,13 +1797,15 @@ int ubifs_jnl_change_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
+	ubifs_add_auth_dirt(c, lnum);
 	ino_key_init(c, &key, host->i_ino);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, len1);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs, len1, hash_host);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
 	ino_key_init(c, &key, inode->i_ino);
-	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs + aligned_len1, len2);
+	err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &key, lnum, offs + aligned_len1, len2, hash);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_ro;
@@ -1662,6 +1817,8 @@ int ubifs_jnl_change_xattr(struct ubifs_info *c, const struct inode *inode,
 	return 0;
+	release_head(c, BASEHD);
 	ubifs_ro_mode(c, err);
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/log.c b/fs/ubifs/log.c
index 86b0828f54991d680bb9e2db72632165673ad3e0..15fd854149bbfafa4be60109c9e9b5bccf09a598 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/log.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/log.c
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ int ubifs_add_bud_to_log(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, int lnum, int offs)
 	bud->lnum = lnum;
 	bud->start = offs;
 	bud->jhead = jhead;
+	bud->log_hash = NULL;
 	ref->ch.node_type = UBIFS_REF_NODE;
 	ref->lnum = cpu_to_le32(bud->lnum);
@@ -275,6 +276,14 @@ int ubifs_add_bud_to_log(struct ubifs_info *c, int jhead, int lnum, int offs)
 	if (err)
 		goto out_unlock;
+	err = ubifs_shash_update(c, c->log_hash, ref, UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_unlock;
+	err = ubifs_shash_copy_state(c, c->log_hash, c->jheads[jhead].log_hash);
+	if (err)
+		goto out_unlock;
 	c->lhead_offs += c->ref_node_alsz;
 	ubifs_add_bud(c, bud);
@@ -377,6 +386,14 @@ int ubifs_log_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c, int *ltail_lnum)
 	cs->cmt_no = cpu_to_le64(c->cmt_no);
 	ubifs_prepare_node(c, cs, UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ, 0);
+	err = ubifs_shash_init(c, c->log_hash);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	err = ubifs_shash_update(c, c->log_hash, cs, UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ);
+	if (err < 0)
+		goto out;
 	 * Note, we do not lock 'c->log_mutex' because this is the commit start
 	 * phase and we are exclusively using the log. And we do not lock
@@ -402,6 +419,12 @@ int ubifs_log_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c, int *ltail_lnum)
 		ubifs_prepare_node(c, ref, UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ, 0);
 		len += UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ;
+		err = ubifs_shash_update(c, c->log_hash, ref,
+		if (err)
+			goto out;
+		ubifs_shash_copy_state(c, c->log_hash, c->jheads[i].log_hash);
 	ubifs_pad(c, buf + len, ALIGN(len, c->min_io_size) - len);
@@ -516,6 +539,7 @@ int ubifs_log_post_commit(struct ubifs_info *c, int old_ltail_lnum)
 		if (err)
 			return err;
+		kfree(bud->log_hash);
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/lpt.c b/fs/ubifs/lpt.c
index 31393370e334826c182a2ea159df1caa435af158..d1d5e96350ddbd0ff549941655b0e4d8e089beef 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/lpt.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/lpt.c
@@ -604,11 +604,12 @@ static int calc_pnode_num_from_parent(const struct ubifs_info *c,
  * @lpt_first: LEB number of first LPT LEB
  * @lpt_lebs: number of LEBs for LPT is passed and returned here
  * @big_lpt: use big LPT model is passed and returned here
+ * @hash: hash of the LPT is returned here
  * This function returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
 int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
-			  int *lpt_lebs, int *big_lpt)
+			  int *lpt_lebs, int *big_lpt, u8 *hash)
 	int lnum, err = 0, node_sz, iopos, i, j, cnt, len, alen, row;
 	int blnum, boffs, bsz, bcnt;
@@ -617,6 +618,7 @@ int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
 	void *buf = NULL, *p;
 	struct ubifs_lpt_lprops *ltab = NULL;
 	int *lsave = NULL;
+	struct shash_desc *desc;
 	err = calc_dflt_lpt_geom(c, main_lebs, big_lpt);
 	if (err)
@@ -630,6 +632,10 @@ int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
 	/* Needed by 'ubifs_pack_lsave()' */
 	c->main_first = c->leb_cnt - *main_lebs;
+	desc = ubifs_hash_get_desc(c);
+	if (IS_ERR(desc))
+		return PTR_ERR(desc);
 	lsave = kmalloc_array(c->lsave_cnt, sizeof(int), GFP_KERNEL);
 	pnode = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_pnode), GFP_KERNEL);
 	nnode = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ubifs_nnode), GFP_KERNEL);
@@ -677,6 +683,10 @@ int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
 	/* Add first pnode */
 	ubifs_pack_pnode(c, p, pnode);
+	err = ubifs_shash_update(c, desc, p, c->pnode_sz);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
 	p += c->pnode_sz;
 	len = c->pnode_sz;
 	pnode->num += 1;
@@ -711,6 +721,10 @@ int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
 			len = 0;
 		ubifs_pack_pnode(c, p, pnode);
+		err = ubifs_shash_update(c, desc, p, c->pnode_sz);
+		if (err)
+			goto out;
 		p += c->pnode_sz;
 		len += c->pnode_sz;
@@ -830,6 +844,10 @@ int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
+	err = ubifs_shash_final(c, desc, hash);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
 	c->nhead_lnum = lnum;
 	c->nhead_offs = ALIGN(len, c->min_io_size);
@@ -853,6 +871,7 @@ int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
 		dbg_lp("LPT lsave is at %d:%d", c->lsave_lnum, c->lsave_offs);
 	c->ltab = NULL;
+	kfree(desc);
@@ -1439,26 +1458,25 @@ struct ubifs_pnode *ubifs_get_pnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
- * ubifs_lpt_lookup - lookup LEB properties in the LPT.
+ * ubifs_pnode_lookup - lookup a pnode in the LPT.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB number to lookup
+ * @i: pnode number (0 to (main_lebs - 1) / UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT)
- * This function returns a pointer to the LEB properties on success or a
- * negative error code on failure.
+ * This function returns a pointer to the pnode on success or a negative
+ * error code on failure.
-struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
+struct ubifs_pnode *ubifs_pnode_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int i)
-	int err, i, h, iip, shft;
+	int err, h, iip, shft;
 	struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
-	struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
 	if (!c->nroot) {
 		err = ubifs_read_nnode(c, NULL, 0);
 		if (err)
 			return ERR_PTR(err);
 	nnode = c->nroot;
-	i = lnum - c->main_first;
 	shft = c->lpt_hght * UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT_SHIFT;
 	for (h = 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
 		iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
@@ -1468,7 +1486,24 @@ struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
 			return ERR_CAST(nnode);
 	iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
-	pnode = ubifs_get_pnode(c, nnode, iip);
+	return ubifs_get_pnode(c, nnode, iip);
+ * ubifs_lpt_lookup - lookup LEB properties in the LPT.
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @lnum: LEB number to lookup
+ *
+ * This function returns a pointer to the LEB properties on success or a
+ * negative error code on failure.
+ */
+struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
+	int i, iip;
+	struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
+	i = lnum - c->main_first;
+	pnode = ubifs_pnode_lookup(c, i >> UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT_SHIFT);
 	if (IS_ERR(pnode))
 		return ERR_CAST(pnode);
 	iip = (i & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
@@ -1619,6 +1654,131 @@ struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
 	return &pnode->lprops[iip];
+ * ubifs_lpt_calc_hash - Calculate hash of the LPT pnodes
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @hash: the returned hash of the LPT pnodes
+ *
+ * This function iterates over the LPT pnodes and creates a hash over them.
+ * Returns 0 for success or a negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+int ubifs_lpt_calc_hash(struct ubifs_info *c, u8 *hash)
+	struct ubifs_nnode *nnode, *nn;
+	struct ubifs_cnode *cnode;
+	struct shash_desc *desc;
+	int iip = 0, i;
+	int bufsiz = max_t(int, c->nnode_sz, c->pnode_sz);
+	void *buf;
+	int err;
+	if (!ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return 0;
+	desc = ubifs_hash_get_desc(c);
+	if (IS_ERR(desc))
+		return PTR_ERR(desc);
+	buf = kmalloc(bufsiz, GFP_NOFS);
+	if (!buf) {
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (!c->nroot) {
+		err = ubifs_read_nnode(c, NULL, 0);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+	}
+	cnode = (struct ubifs_cnode *)c->nroot;
+	while (cnode) {
+		nnode = cnode->parent;
+		nn = (struct ubifs_nnode *)cnode;
+		if (cnode->level > 1) {
+			while (iip < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT) {
+				if (nn->nbranch[iip].lnum == 0) {
+					/* Go right */
+					iip++;
+					continue;
+				}
+				nnode = ubifs_get_nnode(c, nn, iip);
+				if (IS_ERR(nnode)) {
+					err = PTR_ERR(nnode);
+					goto out;
+				}
+				/* Go down */
+				iip = 0;
+				cnode = (struct ubifs_cnode *)nnode;
+				break;
+			}
+			if (iip < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT)
+				continue;
+		} else {
+			struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
+			for (i = 0; i < UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT; i++) {
+				if (nn->nbranch[i].lnum == 0)
+					continue;
+				pnode = ubifs_get_pnode(c, nn, i);
+				if (IS_ERR(pnode)) {
+					err = PTR_ERR(pnode);
+					goto out;
+				}
+				ubifs_pack_pnode(c, buf, pnode);
+				err = ubifs_shash_update(c, desc, buf,
+							 c->pnode_sz);
+				if (err)
+					goto out;
+			}
+		}
+		/* Go up and to the right */
+		iip = cnode->iip + 1;
+		cnode = (struct ubifs_cnode *)nnode;
+	}
+	err = ubifs_shash_final(c, desc, hash);
+	kfree(desc);
+	kfree(buf);
+	return err;
+ * lpt_check_hash - check the hash of the LPT.
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ *
+ * This function calculates a hash over all pnodes in the LPT and compares it with
+ * the hash stored in the master node. Returns %0 on success and a negative error
+ * code on failure.
+ */
+static int lpt_check_hash(struct ubifs_info *c)
+	int err;
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	if (!ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return 0;
+	err = ubifs_lpt_calc_hash(c, hash);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (ubifs_check_hash(c, c->mst_node->hash_lpt, hash)) {
+		err = -EPERM;
+		ubifs_err(c, "Failed to authenticate LPT");
+	} else {
+		err = 0;
+	}
+	return err;
  * lpt_init_rd - initialize the LPT for reading.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
@@ -1660,6 +1820,10 @@ static int lpt_init_rd(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	if (err)
 		return err;
+	err = lpt_check_hash(c);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
 	dbg_lp("space_bits %d", c->space_bits);
 	dbg_lp("lpt_lnum_bits %d", c->lpt_lnum_bits);
 	dbg_lp("lpt_offs_bits %d", c->lpt_offs_bits);
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c b/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c
index 7ce30994bbbac726c30a16262cbfd4411243026e..1f88caffdf2acfae85113a064c68f0e3fbefb9a5 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/lpt_commit.c
@@ -618,38 +618,6 @@ static struct ubifs_pnode *next_pnode_to_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c,
 	return ubifs_get_pnode(c, nnode, iip);
- * pnode_lookup - lookup a pnode in the LPT.
- * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @i: pnode number (0 to (main_lebs - 1) / UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT))
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the pnode on success or a negative
- * error code on failure.
- */
-static struct ubifs_pnode *pnode_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int i)
-	int err, h, iip, shft;
-	struct ubifs_nnode *nnode;
-	if (!c->nroot) {
-		err = ubifs_read_nnode(c, NULL, 0);
-		if (err)
-			return ERR_PTR(err);
-	}
-	nnode = c->nroot;
-	shft = c->lpt_hght * UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT_SHIFT;
-	for (h = 1; h < c->lpt_hght; h++) {
-		iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
-		nnode = ubifs_get_nnode(c, nnode, iip);
-		if (IS_ERR(nnode))
-			return ERR_CAST(nnode);
-	}
-	iip = ((i >> shft) & (UBIFS_LPT_FANOUT - 1));
-	return ubifs_get_pnode(c, nnode, iip);
  * add_pnode_dirt - add dirty space to LPT LEB properties.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
@@ -702,7 +670,7 @@ static int make_tree_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
-	pnode = pnode_lookup(c, 0);
+	pnode = ubifs_pnode_lookup(c, 0);
 	if (IS_ERR(pnode))
 		return PTR_ERR(pnode);
@@ -956,7 +924,7 @@ static int make_pnode_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, int node_num, int lnum,
 	struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
 	struct ubifs_nbranch *branch;
-	pnode = pnode_lookup(c, node_num);
+	pnode = ubifs_pnode_lookup(c, node_num);
 	if (IS_ERR(pnode))
 		return PTR_ERR(pnode);
 	branch = &pnode->parent->nbranch[pnode->iip];
@@ -1279,6 +1247,10 @@ int ubifs_lpt_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
+	err = ubifs_lpt_calc_hash(c, c->mst_node->hash_lpt);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
 	/* Copy the LPT's own lprops for end commit to write */
 	memcpy(c->ltab_cmt, c->ltab,
 	       sizeof(struct ubifs_lpt_lprops) * c->lpt_lebs);
@@ -1558,7 +1530,7 @@ static int dbg_is_pnode_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs)
 		struct ubifs_nbranch *branch;
-		pnode = pnode_lookup(c, i);
+		pnode = ubifs_pnode_lookup(c, i);
 		if (IS_ERR(pnode))
 			return PTR_ERR(pnode);
 		branch = &pnode->parent->nbranch[pnode->iip];
@@ -1710,7 +1682,7 @@ int dbg_check_ltab(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
 		struct ubifs_pnode *pnode;
-		pnode = pnode_lookup(c, i);
+		pnode = ubifs_pnode_lookup(c, i);
 		if (IS_ERR(pnode))
 			return PTR_ERR(pnode);
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/master.c b/fs/ubifs/master.c
index 9df4a41bba523d6a58fb3369cd90225a1ad8617a..5ea51bbd14c7f29cb4501d6ea3a9f5863e8517d2 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/master.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/master.c
@@ -24,6 +24,42 @@
 #include "ubifs.h"
+ * ubifs_compare_master_node - compare two UBIFS master nodes
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @m1: the first node
+ * @m2: the second node
+ *
+ * This function compares two UBIFS master nodes. Returns 0 if they are equal
+ * and nonzero if not.
+ */
+int ubifs_compare_master_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *m1, void *m2)
+	int ret;
+	int behind;
+	int hmac_offs = offsetof(struct ubifs_mst_node, hmac);
+	/*
+	 * Do not compare the common node header since the sequence number and
+	 * hence the CRC are different.
+	 */
+	ret = memcmp(m1 + UBIFS_CH_SZ, m2 + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
+		     hmac_offs - UBIFS_CH_SZ);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	/*
+	 * Do not compare the embedded HMAC aswell which also must be different
+	 * due to the different common node header.
+	 */
+	behind = hmac_offs + UBIFS_MAX_HMAC_LEN;
+	if (UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ > behind)
+		return memcmp(m1 + behind, m2 + behind, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ - behind);
+	return 0;
  * scan_for_master - search the valid master node.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
@@ -37,7 +73,7 @@ static int scan_for_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
 	struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
-	int lnum, offs = 0, nodes_cnt;
+	int lnum, offs = 0, nodes_cnt, err;
 	lnum = UBIFS_MST_LNUM;
@@ -69,12 +105,23 @@ static int scan_for_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		goto out_dump;
 	if (snod->offs != offs)
 		goto out;
-	if (memcmp((void *)c->mst_node + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
-		   (void *)snod->node + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
+	if (ubifs_compare_master_node(c, c->mst_node, snod->node))
 		goto out;
 	c->mst_offs = offs;
+	if (!ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return 0;
+	err = ubifs_node_verify_hmac(c, c->mst_node,
+				     sizeof(struct ubifs_mst_node),
+				     offsetof(struct ubifs_mst_node, hmac));
+	if (err) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "Failed to verify master node HMAC");
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
 	return 0;
@@ -305,6 +352,8 @@ int ubifs_read_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	c->lst.total_dead  = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dead);
 	c->lst.total_dark  = le64_to_cpu(c->mst_node->total_dark);
+	ubifs_copy_hash(c, c->mst_node->hash_root_idx, c->zroot.hash);
 	c->calc_idx_sz = c->bi.old_idx_sz;
 	if (c->mst_node->flags & cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_NO_ORPHS))
@@ -378,7 +427,9 @@ int ubifs_write_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	c->mst_offs = offs;
 	c->mst_node->highest_inum = cpu_to_le64(c->highest_inum);
-	err = ubifs_write_node(c, c->mst_node, len, lnum, offs);
+	ubifs_copy_hash(c, c->zroot.hash, c->mst_node->hash_root_idx);
+	err = ubifs_write_node_hmac(c, c->mst_node, len, lnum, offs,
+				    offsetof(struct ubifs_mst_node, hmac));
 	if (err)
 		return err;
@@ -389,7 +440,8 @@ int ubifs_write_master(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		if (err)
 			return err;
-	err = ubifs_write_node(c, c->mst_node, len, lnum, offs);
+	err = ubifs_write_node_hmac(c, c->mst_node, len, lnum, offs,
+				    offsetof(struct ubifs_mst_node, hmac));
 	return err;
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/misc.h b/fs/ubifs/misc.h
index 21d35d7dd975ca32c6d638e448b2e1632db1aa35..6f87237fdbf43bddc1455df20edf91abfca60caa 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/misc.h
+++ b/fs/ubifs/misc.h
@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@ static inline int ubifs_return_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum)
 static inline int ubifs_idx_node_sz(const struct ubifs_info *c, int child_cnt)
-	return UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ + (UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len) * child_cnt;
+	return UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ + (UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len + c->hash_len)
+				   * child_cnt;
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ struct ubifs_branch *ubifs_idx_branch(const struct ubifs_info *c,
 				      int bnum)
 	return (struct ubifs_branch *)((void *)idx->branches +
-				       (UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len) * bnum);
+			(UBIFS_BRANCH_SZ + c->key_len + c->hash_len) * bnum);
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/recovery.c b/fs/ubifs/recovery.c
index 984e30e83c0b3eead78fdc61190026c78cd15d51..8526b7ec47077675fad73e1a74f48adeb250d212 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/recovery.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/recovery.c
@@ -212,7 +212,10 @@ static int write_rcvrd_mst_node(struct ubifs_info *c,
 	save_flags = mst->flags;
 	mst->flags |= cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_MST_RCVRY);
-	ubifs_prepare_node(c, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, 1);
+	err = ubifs_prepare_node_hmac(c, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ,
+				      offsetof(struct ubifs_mst_node, hmac), 1);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
 	err = ubifs_leb_change(c, lnum, mst, sz);
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
@@ -264,9 +267,7 @@ int ubifs_recover_master_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
 			offs2 = (void *)mst2 - buf2;
 			if (offs1 == offs2) {
 				/* Same offset, so must be the same */
-				if (memcmp((void *)mst1 + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
-					   (void *)mst2 + UBIFS_CH_SZ,
+				if (ubifs_compare_master_node(c, mst1, mst2))
 					goto out_err;
 				mst = mst1;
 			} else if (offs2 + sz == offs1) {
@@ -1461,16 +1462,82 @@ static int fix_size_in_place(struct ubifs_info *c, struct size_entry *e)
 	return err;
+ * inode_fix_size - fix inode size
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @e: inode size information for recovery
+ */
+static int inode_fix_size(struct ubifs_info *c, struct size_entry *e)
+	struct inode *inode;
+	struct ubifs_inode *ui;
+	int err;
+	if (c->ro_mount)
+		ubifs_assert(c, !e->inode);
+	if (e->inode) {
+		/* Remounting rw, pick up inode we stored earlier */
+		inode = e->inode;
+	} else {
+		inode = ubifs_iget(c->vfs_sb, e->inum);
+		if (IS_ERR(inode))
+			return PTR_ERR(inode);
+		if (inode->i_size >= e->d_size) {
+			/*
+			 * The original inode in the index already has a size
+			 * big enough, nothing to do
+			 */
+			iput(inode);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		dbg_rcvry("ino %lu size %lld -> %lld",
+			  (unsigned long)e->inum,
+			  inode->i_size, e->d_size);
+		ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
+		inode->i_size = e->d_size;
+		ui->ui_size = e->d_size;
+		ui->synced_i_size = e->d_size;
+		e->inode = inode;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * In readonly mode just keep the inode pinned in memory until we go
+	 * readwrite. In readwrite mode write the inode to the journal with the
+	 * fixed size.
+	 */
+	if (c->ro_mount)
+		return 0;
+	err = ubifs_jnl_write_inode(c, inode);
+	iput(inode);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	rb_erase(&e->rb, &c->size_tree);
+	kfree(e);
+	return 0;
  * ubifs_recover_size - recover inode size.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @in_place: If true, do a in-place size fixup
  * This function attempts to fix inode size discrepancies identified by the
  * 'ubifs_recover_size_accum()' function.
  * This functions returns %0 on success and a negative error code on failure.
-int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c)
+int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c, bool in_place)
 	struct rb_node *this = rb_first(&c->size_tree);
@@ -1479,6 +1546,9 @@ int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		int err;
 		e = rb_entry(this, struct size_entry, rb);
+		this = rb_next(this);
 		if (!e->exists) {
 			union ubifs_key key;
@@ -1502,40 +1572,26 @@ int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		if (e->exists && e->i_size < e->d_size) {
-			if (c->ro_mount) {
-				/* Fix the inode size and pin it in memory */
-				struct inode *inode;
-				struct ubifs_inode *ui;
-				ubifs_assert(c, !e->inode);
-				inode = ubifs_iget(c->vfs_sb, e->inum);
-				if (IS_ERR(inode))
-					return PTR_ERR(inode);
-				ui = ubifs_inode(inode);
-				if (inode->i_size < e->d_size) {
-					dbg_rcvry("ino %lu size %lld -> %lld",
-						  (unsigned long)e->inum,
-						  inode->i_size, e->d_size);
-					inode->i_size = e->d_size;
-					ui->ui_size = e->d_size;
-					ui->synced_i_size = e->d_size;
-					e->inode = inode;
-					this = rb_next(this);
-					continue;
-				}
-				iput(inode);
-			} else {
-				/* Fix the size in place */
+			ubifs_assert(c, !(c->ro_mount && in_place));
+			/*
+			 * We found data that is outside the found inode size,
+			 * fixup the inode size
+			 */
+			if (in_place) {
 				err = fix_size_in_place(c, e);
 				if (err)
 					return err;
+			} else {
+				err = inode_fix_size(c, e);
+				if (err)
+					return err;
+				continue;
-		this = rb_next(this);
 		rb_erase(&e->rb, &c->size_tree);
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/replay.c b/fs/ubifs/replay.c
index 4844538eb92626212394839e4734111866fbc085..75f961c4c0449505aaac3f085aa80b00acb0b8ab 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/replay.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/replay.c
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
 #include "ubifs.h"
 #include <linux/list_sort.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include <crypto/algapi.h>
  * struct replay_entry - replay list entry.
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ struct replay_entry {
 	int lnum;
 	int offs;
 	int len;
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	unsigned int deletion:1;
 	unsigned long long sqnum;
 	struct list_head list;
@@ -228,7 +231,7 @@ static int apply_replay_entry(struct ubifs_info *c, struct replay_entry *r)
 			err = ubifs_tnc_remove_nm(c, &r->key, &r->nm);
 			err = ubifs_tnc_add_nm(c, &r->key, r->lnum, r->offs,
-					       r->len, &r->nm);
+					       r->len, r->hash, &r->nm);
 	} else {
 		if (r->deletion)
 			switch (key_type(c, &r->key)) {
@@ -248,7 +251,7 @@ static int apply_replay_entry(struct ubifs_info *c, struct replay_entry *r)
 			err = ubifs_tnc_add(c, &r->key, r->lnum, r->offs,
-					    r->len);
+					    r->len, r->hash);
 		if (err)
 			return err;
@@ -352,9 +355,9 @@ static void destroy_replay_list(struct ubifs_info *c)
  * in case of success and a negative error code in case of failure.
 static int insert_node(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
-		       union ubifs_key *key, unsigned long long sqnum,
-		       int deletion, int *used, loff_t old_size,
-		       loff_t new_size)
+		       const u8 *hash, union ubifs_key *key,
+		       unsigned long long sqnum, int deletion, int *used,
+		       loff_t old_size, loff_t new_size)
 	struct replay_entry *r;
@@ -372,6 +375,7 @@ static int insert_node(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
 	r->lnum = lnum;
 	r->offs = offs;
 	r->len = len;
+	ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, r->hash);
 	r->deletion = !!deletion;
 	r->sqnum = sqnum;
 	key_copy(c, key, &r->key);
@@ -400,8 +404,9 @@ static int insert_node(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
  * negative error code in case of failure.
 static int insert_dent(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
-		       union ubifs_key *key, const char *name, int nlen,
-		       unsigned long long sqnum, int deletion, int *used)
+		       const u8 *hash, union ubifs_key *key,
+		       const char *name, int nlen, unsigned long long sqnum,
+		       int deletion, int *used)
 	struct replay_entry *r;
 	char *nbuf;
@@ -425,6 +430,7 @@ static int insert_dent(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
 	r->lnum = lnum;
 	r->offs = offs;
 	r->len = len;
+	ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, r->hash);
 	r->deletion = !!deletion;
 	r->sqnum = sqnum;
 	key_copy(c, key, &r->key);
@@ -527,6 +533,105 @@ static int is_last_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_bud *bud)
 	return data == 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ * authenticate_sleb - authenticate one scan LEB
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @sleb: the scan LEB to authenticate
+ * @log_hash:
+ * @is_last: if true, this is is the last LEB
+ *
+ * This function iterates over the buds of a single LEB authenticating all buds
+ * with the authentication nodes on this LEB. Authentication nodes are written
+ * after some buds and contain a HMAC covering the authentication node itself
+ * and the buds between the last authentication node and the current
+ * authentication node. It can happen that the last buds cannot be authenticated
+ * because a powercut happened when some nodes were written but not the
+ * corresponding authentication node. This function returns the number of nodes
+ * that could be authenticated or a negative error code.
+ */
+static int authenticate_sleb(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb,
+			     struct shash_desc *log_hash, int is_last)
+	int n_not_auth = 0;
+	struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
+	int n_nodes = 0;
+	int err;
+	u8 *hash, *hmac;
+	if (!ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return sleb->nodes_cnt;
+	hash = kmalloc(crypto_shash_descsize(c->hash_tfm), GFP_NOFS);
+	hmac = kmalloc(c->hmac_desc_len, GFP_NOFS);
+	if (!hash || !hmac) {
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(snod, &sleb->nodes, list) {
+		n_nodes++;
+		if (snod->type == UBIFS_AUTH_NODE) {
+			struct ubifs_auth_node *auth = snod->node;
+			SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(hash_desc, c->hash_tfm);
+			SHASH_DESC_ON_STACK(hmac_desc, c->hmac_tfm);
+			hash_desc->tfm = c->hash_tfm;
+			hash_desc->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+			ubifs_shash_copy_state(c, log_hash, hash_desc);
+			err = crypto_shash_final(hash_desc, hash);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
+			hmac_desc->tfm = c->hmac_tfm;
+			hmac_desc->flags = CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_SLEEP;
+			err = crypto_shash_digest(hmac_desc, hash, c->hash_len,
+						  hmac);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
+			err = ubifs_check_hmac(c, auth->hmac, hmac);
+			if (err) {
+				err = -EPERM;
+				goto out;
+			}
+			n_not_auth = 0;
+		} else {
+			err = crypto_shash_update(log_hash, snod->node,
+						  snod->len);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
+			n_not_auth++;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * A powercut can happen when some nodes were written, but not yet
+	 * the corresponding authentication node. This may only happen on
+	 * the last bud though.
+	 */
+	if (n_not_auth) {
+		if (is_last) {
+			dbg_mnt("%d unauthenticated nodes found on LEB %d, Ignoring them",
+				n_not_auth, sleb->lnum);
+			err = 0;
+		} else {
+			dbg_mnt("%d unauthenticated nodes found on non-last LEB %d",
+				n_not_auth, sleb->lnum);
+			err = -EPERM;
+		}
+	} else {
+		err = 0;
+	}
+	kfree(hash);
+	kfree(hmac);
+	return err ? err : n_nodes - n_not_auth;
  * replay_bud - replay a bud logical eraseblock.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
@@ -540,6 +645,7 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 	int is_last = is_last_bud(c, b->bud);
 	int err = 0, used = 0, lnum = b->bud->lnum, offs = b->bud->start;
+	int n_nodes, n = 0;
 	struct ubifs_scan_leb *sleb;
 	struct ubifs_scan_node *snod;
@@ -559,6 +665,15 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 	if (IS_ERR(sleb))
 		return PTR_ERR(sleb);
+	n_nodes = authenticate_sleb(c, sleb, b->bud->log_hash, is_last);
+	if (n_nodes < 0) {
+		err = n_nodes;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	ubifs_shash_copy_state(c, b->bud->log_hash,
+			       c->jheads[b->bud->jhead].log_hash);
 	 * The bud does not have to start from offset zero - the beginning of
 	 * the 'lnum' LEB may contain previously committed data. One of the
@@ -582,6 +697,7 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 	list_for_each_entry(snod, &sleb->nodes, list) {
+		u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 		int deletion = 0;
@@ -591,6 +707,8 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 			goto out_dump;
+		ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, snod->node, hash);
 		if (snod->sqnum > c->max_sqnum)
 			c->max_sqnum = snod->sqnum;
@@ -602,7 +720,7 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 			if (le32_to_cpu(ino->nlink) == 0)
 				deletion = 1;
-			err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
+			err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len, hash,
 					  &snod->key, snod->sqnum, deletion,
 					  &used, 0, new_size);
@@ -614,7 +732,7 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 					  key_block(c, &snod->key) *
-			err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
+			err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len, hash,
 					  &snod->key, snod->sqnum, deletion,
 					  &used, 0, new_size);
@@ -628,7 +746,7 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 			if (err)
 				goto out_dump;
-			err = insert_dent(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
+			err = insert_dent(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len, hash,
 					  &snod->key, dent->name,
 					  le16_to_cpu(dent->nlen), snod->sqnum,
 					  !le64_to_cpu(dent->inum), &used);
@@ -654,11 +772,13 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 			 * functions which expect nodes to have keys.
 			trun_key_init(c, &key, le32_to_cpu(trun->inum));
-			err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len,
+			err = insert_node(c, lnum, snod->offs, snod->len, hash,
 					  &key, snod->sqnum, 1, &used,
 					  old_size, new_size);
+			break;
 			ubifs_err(c, "unexpected node type %d in bud LEB %d:%d",
 				  snod->type, lnum, snod->offs);
@@ -667,6 +787,10 @@ static int replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, struct bud_entry *b)
 		if (err)
 			goto out;
+		n++;
+		if (n == n_nodes)
+			break;
 	ubifs_assert(c, ubifs_search_bud(c, lnum));
@@ -745,6 +869,7 @@ static int add_replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int jhead,
 	struct ubifs_bud *bud;
 	struct bud_entry *b;
+	int err;
 	dbg_mnt("add replay bud LEB %d:%d, head %d", lnum, offs, jhead);
@@ -754,13 +879,21 @@ static int add_replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int jhead,
 	b = kmalloc(sizeof(struct bud_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
 	if (!b) {
-		kfree(bud);
-		return -ENOMEM;
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
 	bud->lnum = lnum;
 	bud->start = offs;
 	bud->jhead = jhead;
+	bud->log_hash = ubifs_hash_get_desc(c);
+	if (IS_ERR(bud->log_hash)) {
+		err = PTR_ERR(bud->log_hash);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	ubifs_shash_copy_state(c, c->log_hash, bud->log_hash);
 	ubifs_add_bud(c, bud);
 	b->bud = bud;
@@ -768,6 +901,11 @@ static int add_replay_bud(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int jhead,
 	list_add_tail(&b->list, &c->replay_buds);
 	return 0;
+	kfree(bud);
+	kfree(b);
+	return err;
@@ -873,6 +1011,14 @@ static int replay_log_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, void *sbuf)
 		c->cs_sqnum = le64_to_cpu(node->ch.sqnum);
 		dbg_mnt("commit start sqnum %llu", c->cs_sqnum);
+		err = ubifs_shash_init(c, c->log_hash);
+		if (err)
+			goto out;
+		err = ubifs_shash_update(c, c->log_hash, node, UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ);
+		if (err < 0)
+			goto out;
 	if (snod->sqnum < c->cs_sqnum) {
@@ -920,6 +1066,11 @@ static int replay_log_leb(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, void *sbuf)
 			if (err)
 				goto out_dump;
+			err = ubifs_shash_update(c, c->log_hash, ref,
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
 			err = add_replay_bud(c, le32_to_cpu(ref->lnum),
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/sb.c b/fs/ubifs/sb.c
index bf17f58908ff95bc63efbe48dd5ede204a28ac78..75a69dd26d6eafa609a01a2f9969c22c37512346 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/sb.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/sb.c
@@ -82,10 +82,13 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	int err, tmp, jnl_lebs, log_lebs, max_buds, main_lebs, main_first;
 	int lpt_lebs, lpt_first, orph_lebs, big_lpt, ino_waste, sup_flags = 0;
 	int min_leb_cnt = UBIFS_MIN_LEB_CNT;
+	int idx_node_size;
 	long long tmp64, main_bytes;
 	__le64 tmp_le64;
 	__le32 tmp_le32;
 	struct timespec64 ts;
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
+	u8 hash_lpt[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	/* Some functions called from here depend on the @c->key_len filed */
 	c->key_len = UBIFS_SK_LEN;
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	c->lsave_cnt = DEFAULT_LSAVE_CNT;
 	c->max_leb_cnt = c->leb_cnt;
 	err = ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(c, &main_lebs, lpt_first, &lpt_lebs,
-				    &big_lpt);
+				    &big_lpt, hash_lpt);
 	if (err)
 		return err;
@@ -156,17 +159,35 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	main_first = c->leb_cnt - main_lebs;
+	sup = kzalloc(ALIGN(UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size), GFP_KERNEL);
+	mst = kzalloc(c->mst_node_alsz, GFP_KERNEL);
+	idx_node_size = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, 1);
+	idx = kzalloc(ALIGN(tmp, c->min_io_size), GFP_KERNEL);
+	ino = kzalloc(ALIGN(UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size), GFP_KERNEL);
+	cs = kzalloc(ALIGN(UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!sup || !mst || !idx || !ino || !cs) {
+		err = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
+	}
 	/* Create default superblock */
-	tmp = ALIGN(UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
-	sup = kzalloc(tmp, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!sup)
-		return -ENOMEM;
 	tmp64 = (long long)max_buds * c->leb_size;
 	if (big_lpt)
 		sup_flags |= UBIFS_FLG_BIGLPT;
 	sup_flags |= UBIFS_FLG_DOUBLE_HASH;
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c)) {
+		sup->hash_algo = cpu_to_le16(c->auth_hash_algo);
+		err = ubifs_hmac_wkm(c, sup->hmac_wkm);
+		if (err)
+			goto out;
+	} else {
+		sup->hash_algo = 0xffff;
+	}
 	sup->ch.node_type  = UBIFS_SB_NODE;
 	sup->key_hash      = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_R5;
 	sup->flags         = cpu_to_le32(sup_flags);
@@ -197,17 +218,9 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	sup->rp_size = cpu_to_le64(tmp64);
 	sup->ro_compat_version = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_RO_COMPAT_VERSION);
-	err = ubifs_write_node(c, sup, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, 0, 0);
-	kfree(sup);
-	if (err)
-		return err;
 	dbg_gen("default superblock created at LEB 0:0");
 	/* Create default master node */
-	mst = kzalloc(c->mst_node_alsz, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!mst)
-		return -ENOMEM;
 	mst->ch.node_type = UBIFS_MST_NODE;
 	mst->log_lnum     = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_LOG_LNUM);
@@ -233,6 +246,7 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	mst->empty_lebs   = cpu_to_le32(main_lebs - 2);
 	mst->idx_lebs     = cpu_to_le32(1);
 	mst->leb_cnt      = cpu_to_le32(c->leb_cnt);
+	ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash_lpt, mst->hash_lpt);
 	/* Calculate lprops statistics */
 	tmp64 = main_bytes;
@@ -253,24 +267,9 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	mst->total_used = cpu_to_le64(UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ);
-	err = ubifs_write_node(c, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_MST_LNUM, 0);
-	if (err) {
-		kfree(mst);
-		return err;
-	}
-	err = ubifs_write_node(c, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_MST_LNUM + 1,
-			       0);
-	kfree(mst);
-	if (err)
-		return err;
 	dbg_gen("default master node created at LEB %d:0", UBIFS_MST_LNUM);
 	/* Create the root indexing node */
-	tmp = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, 1);
-	idx = kzalloc(ALIGN(tmp, c->min_io_size), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!idx)
-		return -ENOMEM;
 	c->key_fmt = UBIFS_SIMPLE_KEY_FMT;
 	c->key_hash = key_r5_hash;
@@ -282,19 +281,11 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	key_write_idx(c, &key, &br->key);
 	br->lnum = cpu_to_le32(main_first + DEFAULT_DATA_LEB);
 	br->len  = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ);
-	err = ubifs_write_node(c, idx, tmp, main_first + DEFAULT_IDX_LEB, 0);
-	kfree(idx);
-	if (err)
-		return err;
 	dbg_gen("default root indexing node created LEB %d:0",
 		main_first + DEFAULT_IDX_LEB);
 	/* Create default root inode */
-	tmp = ALIGN(UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
-	ino = kzalloc(tmp, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!ino)
-		return -ENOMEM;
 	ino_key_init_flash(c, &ino->key, UBIFS_ROOT_INO);
 	ino->ch.node_type = UBIFS_INO_NODE;
@@ -317,12 +308,6 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	/* Set compression enabled by default */
 	ino->flags = cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_COMPR_FL);
-	err = ubifs_write_node(c, ino, UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ,
-			       main_first + DEFAULT_DATA_LEB, 0);
-	kfree(ino);
-	if (err)
-		return err;
 	dbg_gen("root inode created at LEB %d:0",
 		main_first + DEFAULT_DATA_LEB);
@@ -331,19 +316,54 @@ static int create_default_filesystem(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	 * always the case during normal file-system operation. Write a fake
 	 * commit start node to the log.
-	tmp = ALIGN(UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
-	cs = kzalloc(tmp, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!cs)
-		return -ENOMEM;
 	cs->ch.node_type = UBIFS_CS_NODE;
+	err = ubifs_write_node_hmac(c, sup, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, 0, 0,
+				    offsetof(struct ubifs_sb_node, hmac));
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	err = ubifs_write_node(c, ino, UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ,
+			       main_first + DEFAULT_DATA_LEB, 0);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, ino, hash);
+	ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, ubifs_branch_hash(c, br));
+	err = ubifs_write_node(c, idx, idx_node_size, main_first + DEFAULT_IDX_LEB, 0);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, idx, hash);
+	ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, mst->hash_root_idx);
+	err = ubifs_write_node_hmac(c, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_MST_LNUM, 0,
+		offsetof(struct ubifs_mst_node, hmac));
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	err = ubifs_write_node_hmac(c, mst, UBIFS_MST_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_MST_LNUM + 1,
+			       0, offsetof(struct ubifs_mst_node, hmac));
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
 	err = ubifs_write_node(c, cs, UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ, UBIFS_LOG_LNUM, 0);
-	kfree(cs);
 	if (err)
-		return err;
+		goto out;
 	ubifs_msg(c, "default file-system created");
-	return 0;
+	err = 0;
+	kfree(sup);
+	kfree(mst);
+	kfree(idx);
+	kfree(ino);
+	kfree(cs);
+	return err;
@@ -498,7 +518,7 @@ static int validate_sb(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_sb_node *sup)
  * code. Note, the user of this function is responsible of kfree()'ing the
  * returned superblock buffer.
-struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
+static struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
 	int err;
@@ -517,6 +537,65 @@ struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	return sup;
+static int authenticate_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c,
+				const struct ubifs_sb_node *sup)
+	unsigned int sup_flags = le32_to_cpu(sup->flags);
+	u8 hmac_wkm[UBIFS_HMAC_ARR_SZ];
+	int authenticated = !!(sup_flags & UBIFS_FLG_AUTHENTICATION);
+	int hash_algo;
+	int err;
+	if (c->authenticated && !authenticated) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "authenticated FS forced, but found FS without authentication");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!c->authenticated && authenticated) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "authenticated FS found, but no key given");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ubifs_msg(c, "Mounting in %sauthenticated mode",
+		  c->authenticated ? "" : "un");
+	if (!c->authenticated)
+		return 0;
+		return -EOPNOTSUPP;
+	hash_algo = le16_to_cpu(sup->hash_algo);
+	if (hash_algo >= HASH_ALGO__LAST) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "superblock uses unknown hash algo %d",
+			  hash_algo);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (strcmp(hash_algo_name[hash_algo], c->auth_hash_name)) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "This filesystem uses %s for hashing,"
+			     " but %s is specified", hash_algo_name[hash_algo],
+			     c->auth_hash_name);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	err = ubifs_hmac_wkm(c, hmac_wkm);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (ubifs_check_hmac(c, hmac_wkm, sup->hmac_wkm)) {
+		ubifs_err(c, "provided key does not fit");
+		return -ENOKEY;
+	}
+	err = ubifs_node_verify_hmac(c, sup, sizeof(*sup),
+				     offsetof(struct ubifs_sb_node, hmac));
+	if (err)
+		ubifs_err(c, "Failed to authenticate superblock: %d", err);
+	return err;
  * ubifs_write_sb_node - write superblock node.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
@@ -527,8 +606,13 @@ struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c)
 int ubifs_write_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_sb_node *sup)
 	int len = ALIGN(UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, c->min_io_size);
+	int err;
+	err = ubifs_prepare_node_hmac(c, sup, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ,
+				      offsetof(struct ubifs_sb_node, hmac), 1);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
-	ubifs_prepare_node(c, sup, UBIFS_SB_NODE_SZ, 1);
 	return ubifs_leb_change(c, UBIFS_SB_LNUM, sup, len);
@@ -555,6 +639,8 @@ int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	if (IS_ERR(sup))
 		return PTR_ERR(sup);
+	c->sup_node = sup;
 	c->fmt_version = le32_to_cpu(sup->fmt_version);
 	c->ro_compat_version = le32_to_cpu(sup->ro_compat_version);
@@ -603,7 +689,7 @@ int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		c->key_hash = key_test_hash;
 		c->key_hash_type = UBIFS_KEY_HASH_TEST;
-	};
+	}
 	c->key_fmt = sup->key_fmt;
@@ -640,6 +726,10 @@ int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	c->double_hash = !!(sup_flags & UBIFS_FLG_DOUBLE_HASH);
 	c->encrypted = !!(sup_flags & UBIFS_FLG_ENCRYPTION);
+	err = authenticate_sb_node(c, sup);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
 	if ((sup_flags & ~UBIFS_FLG_MASK) != 0) {
 		ubifs_err(c, "Unknown feature flags found: %#x",
 			  sup_flags & ~UBIFS_FLG_MASK);
@@ -686,7 +776,6 @@ int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	err = validate_sb(c, sup);
-	kfree(sup);
 	return err;
@@ -815,7 +904,7 @@ static int fixup_free_space(struct ubifs_info *c)
 int ubifs_fixup_free_space(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	int err;
-	struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
+	struct ubifs_sb_node *sup = c->sup_node;
 	ubifs_assert(c, c->space_fixup);
 	ubifs_assert(c, !c->ro_mount);
@@ -826,16 +915,11 @@ int ubifs_fixup_free_space(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	if (err)
 		return err;
-	sup = ubifs_read_sb_node(c);
-	if (IS_ERR(sup))
-		return PTR_ERR(sup);
 	/* Free-space fixup is no longer required */
 	c->space_fixup = 0;
 	sup->flags &= cpu_to_le32(~UBIFS_FLG_SPACE_FIXUP);
 	err = ubifs_write_sb_node(c, sup);
-	kfree(sup);
 	if (err)
 		return err;
@@ -846,7 +930,7 @@ int ubifs_fixup_free_space(struct ubifs_info *c)
 int ubifs_enable_encryption(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	int err;
-	struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
+	struct ubifs_sb_node *sup = c->sup_node;
 	if (c->encrypted)
 		return 0;
@@ -859,16 +943,11 @@ int ubifs_enable_encryption(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		return -EINVAL;
-	sup = ubifs_read_sb_node(c);
-	if (IS_ERR(sup))
-		return PTR_ERR(sup);
 	sup->flags |= cpu_to_le32(UBIFS_FLG_ENCRYPTION);
 	err = ubifs_write_sb_node(c, sup);
 	if (!err)
 		c->encrypted = 1;
-	kfree(sup);
 	return err;
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/super.c b/fs/ubifs/super.c
index fec62e9dfbe6a6c639d7f61879bf21ac84ef4a6c..1fac1133dadd291b7491527802e70782ab8544e8 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/super.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/super.c
@@ -579,6 +579,9 @@ static int init_constants_early(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	c->ranges[UBIFS_REF_NODE].len  = UBIFS_REF_NODE_SZ;
 	c->ranges[UBIFS_CS_NODE].len   = UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ;
+	c->ranges[UBIFS_AUTH_NODE].min_len = UBIFS_AUTH_NODE_SZ;
+	c->ranges[UBIFS_AUTH_NODE].max_len = UBIFS_AUTH_NODE_SZ +
 	c->ranges[UBIFS_INO_NODE].min_len  = UBIFS_INO_NODE_SZ;
 	c->ranges[UBIFS_INO_NODE].max_len  = UBIFS_MAX_INO_NODE_SZ;
@@ -816,6 +819,9 @@ static int alloc_wbufs(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		c->jheads[i].wbuf.sync_callback = &bud_wbuf_callback;
 		c->jheads[i].wbuf.jhead = i;
 		c->jheads[i].grouped = 1;
+		c->jheads[i].log_hash = ubifs_hash_get_desc(c);
+		if (IS_ERR(c->jheads[i].log_hash))
+			goto out;
@@ -826,6 +832,12 @@ static int alloc_wbufs(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	c->jheads[GCHD].grouped = 0;
 	return 0;
+	while (i--)
+		kfree(c->jheads[i].log_hash);
+	return err;
@@ -840,6 +852,7 @@ static void free_wbufs(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		for (i = 0; i < c->jhead_cnt; i++) {
+			kfree(c->jheads[i].log_hash);
 		c->jheads = NULL;
@@ -924,6 +937,8 @@ static int check_volume_empty(struct ubifs_info *c)
  * Opt_no_chk_data_crc: do not check CRCs when reading data nodes
  * Opt_override_compr: override default compressor
  * Opt_assert: set ubifs_assert() action
+ * Opt_auth_key: The key name used for authentication
+ * Opt_auth_hash_name: The hash type used for authentication
  * Opt_err: just end of array marker
 enum {
@@ -935,6 +950,8 @@ enum {
+	Opt_auth_key,
+	Opt_auth_hash_name,
@@ -947,6 +964,8 @@ static const match_table_t tokens = {
 	{Opt_chk_data_crc, "chk_data_crc"},
 	{Opt_no_chk_data_crc, "no_chk_data_crc"},
 	{Opt_override_compr, "compr=%s"},
+	{Opt_auth_key, "auth_key=%s"},
+	{Opt_auth_hash_name, "auth_hash_name=%s"},
 	{Opt_ignore, "ubi=%s"},
 	{Opt_ignore, "vol=%s"},
 	{Opt_assert, "assert=%s"},
@@ -1070,6 +1089,16 @@ static int ubifs_parse_options(struct ubifs_info *c, char *options,
+		case Opt_auth_key:
+			c->auth_key_name = kstrdup(args[0].from, GFP_KERNEL);
+			if (!c->auth_key_name)
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			break;
+		case Opt_auth_hash_name:
+			c->auth_hash_name = kstrdup(args[0].from, GFP_KERNEL);
+			if (!c->auth_hash_name)
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			break;
 		case Opt_ignore:
@@ -1249,6 +1278,19 @@ static int mount_ubifs(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	c->mounting = 1;
+	if (c->auth_key_name) {
+			err = ubifs_init_authentication(c);
+			if (err)
+				goto out_free;
+		} else {
+			ubifs_err(c, "auth_key_name, but UBIFS is built without"
+				  " authentication support");
+			err = -EINVAL;
+			goto out_free;
+		}
+	}
 	err = ubifs_read_superblock(c);
 	if (err)
 		goto out_free;
@@ -1367,12 +1409,21 @@ static int mount_ubifs(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		if (c->need_recovery) {
-			err = ubifs_recover_size(c);
-			if (err)
-				goto out_orphans;
+			if (!ubifs_authenticated(c)) {
+				err = ubifs_recover_size(c, true);
+				if (err)
+					goto out_orphans;
+			}
 			err = ubifs_rcvry_gc_commit(c);
 			if (err)
 				goto out_orphans;
+			if (ubifs_authenticated(c)) {
+				err = ubifs_recover_size(c, false);
+				if (err)
+					goto out_orphans;
+			}
 		} else {
 			err = take_gc_lnum(c);
 			if (err)
@@ -1391,7 +1442,7 @@ static int mount_ubifs(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		if (err)
 			goto out_orphans;
 	} else if (c->need_recovery) {
-		err = ubifs_recover_size(c);
+		err = ubifs_recover_size(c, false);
 		if (err)
 			goto out_orphans;
 	} else {
@@ -1557,7 +1608,10 @@ static void ubifs_umount(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	ubifs_lpt_free(c, 0);
+	ubifs_exit_authentication(c);
+	kfree(c->auth_key_name);
+	kfree(c->auth_hash_name);
@@ -1605,16 +1659,10 @@ static int ubifs_remount_rw(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		goto out;
 	if (c->old_leb_cnt != c->leb_cnt) {
-		struct ubifs_sb_node *sup;
+		struct ubifs_sb_node *sup = c->sup_node;
-		sup = ubifs_read_sb_node(c);
-		if (IS_ERR(sup)) {
-			err = PTR_ERR(sup);
-			goto out;
-		}
 		sup->leb_cnt = cpu_to_le32(c->leb_cnt);
 		err = ubifs_write_sb_node(c, sup);
-		kfree(sup);
 		if (err)
 			goto out;
@@ -1624,9 +1672,11 @@ static int ubifs_remount_rw(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		err = ubifs_write_rcvrd_mst_node(c);
 		if (err)
 			goto out;
-		err = ubifs_recover_size(c);
-		if (err)
-			goto out;
+		if (!ubifs_authenticated(c)) {
+			err = ubifs_recover_size(c, true);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
+		}
 		err = ubifs_clean_lebs(c, c->sbuf);
 		if (err)
 			goto out;
@@ -1692,10 +1742,19 @@ static int ubifs_remount_rw(struct ubifs_info *c)
 			goto out;
-	if (c->need_recovery)
+	if (c->need_recovery) {
 		err = ubifs_rcvry_gc_commit(c);
-	else
+		if (err)
+			goto out;
+		if (ubifs_authenticated(c)) {
+			err = ubifs_recover_size(c, false);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
+		}
+	} else {
 		err = ubifs_leb_unmap(c, c->gc_lnum);
+	}
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/tnc.c b/fs/ubifs/tnc.c
index bf416e5127431aae03a6211bbd89ab069bb7ceda..25572ffea1634964785aee3b05590cf439dddd6d 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/tnc.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/tnc.c
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 #include "ubifs.h"
 static int try_read_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int type,
-			 int len, int lnum, int offs);
+			 struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr);
 static int fallible_read_node(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 			      struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr, void *node);
@@ -433,9 +433,7 @@ static int tnc_read_hashed_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
  * @buf: buffer to read to
  * @type: node type
- * @len: node length (not aligned)
- * @lnum: LEB number of node to read
- * @offs: offset of node to read
+ * @zbr: the zbranch describing the node to read
  * This function tries to read a node of known type and length, checks it and
  * stores it in @buf. This function returns %1 if a node is present and %0 if
@@ -453,8 +451,11 @@ static int tnc_read_hashed_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
  * journal nodes may potentially be corrupted, so checking is required.
 static int try_read_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int type,
-			 int len, int lnum, int offs)
+			 struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr)
+	int len = zbr->len;
+	int lnum = zbr->lnum;
+	int offs = zbr->offs;
 	int err, node_len;
 	struct ubifs_ch *ch = buf;
 	uint32_t crc, node_crc;
@@ -487,6 +488,12 @@ static int try_read_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int type,
 	if (crc != node_crc)
 		return 0;
+	err = ubifs_node_check_hash(c, buf, zbr->hash);
+	if (err) {
+		ubifs_bad_hash(c, buf, zbr->hash, lnum, offs);
+		return 0;
+	}
 	return 1;
@@ -507,8 +514,7 @@ static int fallible_read_node(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 	dbg_tnck(key, "LEB %d:%d, key ", zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
-	ret = try_read_node(c, node, key_type(c, key), zbr->len, zbr->lnum,
-			    zbr->offs);
+	ret = try_read_node(c, node, key_type(c, key), zbr);
 	if (ret == 1) {
 		union ubifs_key node_key;
 		struct ubifs_dent_node *dent = node;
@@ -1713,6 +1719,12 @@ static int validate_data_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
 		goto out;
+	err = ubifs_node_check_hash(c, buf, zbr->hash);
+	if (err) {
+		ubifs_bad_hash(c, buf, zbr->hash, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
+		return err;
+	}
 	len = le32_to_cpu(ch->len);
 	if (len != zbr->len) {
 		ubifs_err(c, "bad node length %d, expected %d", len, zbr->len);
@@ -2260,13 +2272,14 @@ static int tnc_insert(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_znode *znode,
  * @lnum: LEB number of node
  * @offs: node offset
  * @len: node length
+ * @hash: The hash over the node
  * This function adds a node with key @key to TNC. The node may be new or it may
  * obsolete some existing one. Returns %0 on success or negative error code on
  * failure.
 int ubifs_tnc_add(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key, int lnum,
-		  int offs, int len)
+		  int offs, int len, const u8 *hash)
 	int found, n, err = 0;
 	struct ubifs_znode *znode;
@@ -2281,6 +2294,7 @@ int ubifs_tnc_add(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key, int lnum,
 		zbr.lnum = lnum;
 		zbr.offs = offs;
 		zbr.len = len;
+		ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, zbr.hash);
 		key_copy(c, key, &zbr.key);
 		err = tnc_insert(c, znode, &zbr, n + 1);
 	} else if (found == 1) {
@@ -2291,6 +2305,7 @@ int ubifs_tnc_add(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key, int lnum,
 		zbr->lnum = lnum;
 		zbr->offs = offs;
 		zbr->len = len;
+		ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, zbr->hash);
 	} else
 		err = found;
 	if (!err)
@@ -2392,13 +2407,14 @@ int ubifs_tnc_replace(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
  * @lnum: LEB number of node
  * @offs: node offset
  * @len: node length
+ * @hash: The hash over the node
  * @nm: node name
  * This is the same as 'ubifs_tnc_add()' but it should be used with keys which
  * may have collisions, like directory entry keys.
 int ubifs_tnc_add_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
-		     int lnum, int offs, int len,
+		     int lnum, int offs, int len, const u8 *hash,
 		     const struct fscrypt_name *nm)
 	int found, n, err = 0;
@@ -2441,6 +2457,7 @@ int ubifs_tnc_add_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 			zbr->lnum = lnum;
 			zbr->offs = offs;
 			zbr->len = len;
+			ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, zbr->hash);
 			goto out_unlock;
@@ -2452,6 +2469,7 @@ int ubifs_tnc_add_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 		zbr.lnum = lnum;
 		zbr.offs = offs;
 		zbr.len = len;
+		ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, zbr.hash);
 		key_copy(c, key, &zbr.key);
 		err = tnc_insert(c, znode, &zbr, n + 1);
 		if (err)
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/tnc_commit.c b/fs/ubifs/tnc_commit.c
index dba87d09b989375cea13b168bd43977cd43e60ef..dbcd2c350b65223209b95deeb657ae991e8181ab 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/tnc_commit.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/tnc_commit.c
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ static int make_idx_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_idx_node *idx,
 			 struct ubifs_znode *znode, int lnum, int offs, int len)
 	struct ubifs_znode *zp;
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 	int i, err;
 	/* Make index node */
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ static int make_idx_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_idx_node *idx,
 		br->lnum = cpu_to_le32(zbr->lnum);
 		br->offs = cpu_to_le32(zbr->offs);
 		br->len = cpu_to_le32(zbr->len);
+		ubifs_copy_hash(c, zbr->hash, ubifs_branch_hash(c, br));
 		if (!zbr->lnum || !zbr->len) {
 			ubifs_err(c, "bad ref in znode");
 			ubifs_dump_znode(c, znode);
@@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ static int make_idx_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_idx_node *idx,
 	ubifs_prepare_node(c, idx, len, 0);
+	ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, idx, hash);
 	znode->lnum = lnum;
 	znode->offs = offs;
@@ -78,10 +81,12 @@ static int make_idx_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_idx_node *idx,
 		zbr->lnum = lnum;
 		zbr->offs = offs;
 		zbr->len = len;
+		ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, zbr->hash);
 	} else {
 		c->zroot.lnum = lnum;
 		c->zroot.offs = offs;
 		c->zroot.len = len;
+		ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, c->zroot.hash);
 	c->calc_idx_sz += ALIGN(len, 8);
@@ -647,6 +652,8 @@ static int get_znodes_to_commit(struct ubifs_info *c)
 			znode->cnext = c->cnext;
+		znode->cparent = znode->parent;
+		znode->ciip = znode->iip;
 		znode->cnext = cnext;
 		znode = cnext;
 		cnt += 1;
@@ -840,6 +847,8 @@ static int write_index(struct ubifs_info *c)
 	while (1) {
+		u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
 		znode = cnext;
@@ -857,6 +866,7 @@ static int write_index(struct ubifs_info *c)
 			br->lnum = cpu_to_le32(zbr->lnum);
 			br->offs = cpu_to_le32(zbr->offs);
 			br->len = cpu_to_le32(zbr->len);
+			ubifs_copy_hash(c, zbr->hash, ubifs_branch_hash(c, br));
 			if (!zbr->lnum || !zbr->len) {
 				ubifs_err(c, "bad ref in znode");
 				ubifs_dump_znode(c, znode);
@@ -868,6 +878,23 @@ static int write_index(struct ubifs_info *c)
 		len = ubifs_idx_node_sz(c, znode->child_cnt);
 		ubifs_prepare_node(c, idx, len, 0);
+		ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, idx, hash);
+		mutex_lock(&c->tnc_mutex);
+		if (znode->cparent)
+			ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash,
+					znode->cparent->zbranch[znode->ciip].hash);
+		if (znode->parent) {
+			if (!ubifs_zn_obsolete(znode))
+				ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash,
+					znode->parent->zbranch[znode->iip].hash);
+		} else {
+			ubifs_copy_hash(c, hash, c->zroot.hash);
+		}
+		mutex_unlock(&c->tnc_mutex);
 		/* Determine the index node position */
 		if (lnum == -1) {
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c b/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c
index d90ee01076a9ea5559dd8afb26cffc4e61a5cb81..d1815e9590071940059186923bb4dc21e8bb9cce 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c
+++ b/fs/ubifs/tnc_misc.c
@@ -265,9 +265,7 @@ long ubifs_destroy_tnc_subtree(const struct ubifs_info *c,
  * read_znode - read an indexing node from flash and fill znode.
  * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
- * @lnum: LEB of the indexing node to read
- * @offs: node offset
- * @len: node length
+ * @zzbr: the zbranch describing the node to read
  * @znode: znode to read to
  * This function reads an indexing node from the flash media and fills znode
@@ -276,9 +274,12 @@ long ubifs_destroy_tnc_subtree(const struct ubifs_info *c,
  * is wrong with it, this function prints complaint messages and returns
  * %-EINVAL.
-static int read_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
+static int read_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zzbr,
 		      struct ubifs_znode *znode)
+	int lnum = zzbr->lnum;
+	int offs = zzbr->offs;
+	int len = zzbr->len;
 	int i, err, type, cmp;
 	struct ubifs_idx_node *idx;
@@ -292,6 +293,12 @@ static int read_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
 		return err;
+	err = ubifs_node_check_hash(c, idx, zzbr->hash);
+	if (err) {
+		ubifs_bad_hash(c, idx, zzbr->hash, lnum, offs);
+		return err;
+	}
 	znode->child_cnt = le16_to_cpu(idx->child_cnt);
 	znode->level = le16_to_cpu(idx->level);
@@ -308,13 +315,14 @@ static int read_znode(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int offs, int len,
 	for (i = 0; i < znode->child_cnt; i++) {
-		const struct ubifs_branch *br = ubifs_idx_branch(c, idx, i);
+		struct ubifs_branch *br = ubifs_idx_branch(c, idx, i);
 		struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr = &znode->zbranch[i];
 		key_read(c, &br->key, &zbr->key);
 		zbr->lnum = le32_to_cpu(br->lnum);
 		zbr->offs = le32_to_cpu(br->offs);
 		zbr->len  = le32_to_cpu(br->len);
+		ubifs_copy_hash(c, ubifs_branch_hash(c, br), zbr->hash);
 		zbr->znode = NULL;
 		/* Validate branch */
@@ -425,7 +433,7 @@ struct ubifs_znode *ubifs_load_znode(struct ubifs_info *c,
 	if (!znode)
 		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-	err = read_znode(c, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs, zbr->len, znode);
+	err = read_znode(c, zbr, znode);
 	if (err)
 		goto out;
@@ -496,5 +504,11 @@ int ubifs_tnc_read_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_zbranch *zbr,
 		return -EINVAL;
+	err = ubifs_node_check_hash(c, node, zbr->hash);
+	if (err) {
+		ubifs_bad_hash(c, node, zbr->hash, zbr->lnum, zbr->offs);
+		return err;
+	}
 	return 0;
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h b/fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h
index e8c23c9d4f4a7c67aef3f94092038e8fa58fbfb0..8b7c1844014ffbbeb1dcc93ce4be8dc1cbc65742 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h
+++ b/fs/ubifs/ubifs-media.h
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ enum {
 #define UBIFS_IDX_NODE_SZ  sizeof(struct ubifs_idx_node)
 #define UBIFS_CS_NODE_SZ   sizeof(struct ubifs_cs_node)
 #define UBIFS_ORPH_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_orph_node)
+#define UBIFS_AUTH_NODE_SZ sizeof(struct ubifs_auth_node)
 /* Extended attribute entry nodes are identical to directory entry nodes */
 /* Only this does not have to be multiple of 8 bytes */
@@ -300,6 +301,12 @@ enum {
 /* The largest UBIFS node */
+/* The maxmimum size of a hash, enough for sha512 */
+#define UBIFS_MAX_HASH_LEN 64
+/* The maxmimum size of a hmac, enough for hmac(sha512) */
+#define UBIFS_MAX_HMAC_LEN 64
  * xattr name of UBIFS encryption context, we don't use a prefix
  * nor a long name to not waste space on the flash.
@@ -365,6 +372,7 @@ enum {
  * UBIFS_IDX_NODE: index node
  * UBIFS_CS_NODE: commit start node
  * UBIFS_ORPH_NODE: orphan node
+ * UBIFS_AUTH_NODE: authentication node
  * UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT: count of supported node types
  * Note, we index arrays by these numbers, so keep them low and contiguous.
@@ -384,6 +392,7 @@ enum {
@@ -421,15 +430,19 @@ enum {
  * UBIFS_FLG_DOUBLE_HASH: store a 32bit cookie in directory entry nodes to
  *			  support 64bit cookies for lookups by hash
  * UBIFS_FLG_ENCRYPTION: this filesystem contains encrypted files
+ * UBIFS_FLG_AUTHENTICATION: this filesystem contains hashes for authentication
 enum {
  * struct ubifs_ch - common header node.
@@ -633,6 +646,10 @@ struct ubifs_pad_node {
  * @time_gran: time granularity in nanoseconds
  * @uuid: UUID generated when the file system image was created
  * @ro_compat_version: UBIFS R/O compatibility version
+ * @hmac: HMAC to authenticate the superblock node
+ * @hmac_wkm: HMAC of a well known message (the string "UBIFS") as a convenience
+ *            to the user to check if the correct key is passed.
+ * @hash_algo: The hash algo used for this filesystem (one of enum hash_algo)
 struct ubifs_sb_node {
 	struct ubifs_ch ch;
@@ -660,7 +677,10 @@ struct ubifs_sb_node {
 	__le32 time_gran;
 	__u8 uuid[16];
 	__le32 ro_compat_version;
-	__u8 padding2[3968];
+	__u8 hmac[UBIFS_MAX_HMAC_LEN];
+	__u8 hmac_wkm[UBIFS_MAX_HMAC_LEN];
+	__le16 hash_algo;
+	__u8 padding2[3838];
 } __packed;
@@ -695,6 +715,9 @@ struct ubifs_sb_node {
  * @empty_lebs: number of empty logical eraseblocks
  * @idx_lebs: number of indexing logical eraseblocks
  * @leb_cnt: count of LEBs used by file-system
+ * @hash_root_idx: the hash of the root index node
+ * @hash_lpt: the hash of the LPT
+ * @hmac: HMAC to authenticate the master node
  * @padding: reserved for future, zeroes
 struct ubifs_mst_node {
@@ -727,7 +750,10 @@ struct ubifs_mst_node {
 	__le32 empty_lebs;
 	__le32 idx_lebs;
 	__le32 leb_cnt;
-	__u8 padding[344];
+	__u8 hash_root_idx[UBIFS_MAX_HASH_LEN];
+	__u8 hash_lpt[UBIFS_MAX_HASH_LEN];
+	__u8 hmac[UBIFS_MAX_HMAC_LEN];
+	__u8 padding[152];
 } __packed;
@@ -746,12 +772,26 @@ struct ubifs_ref_node {
 	__u8 padding[28];
 } __packed;
+ * struct ubifs_auth_node - node for authenticating other nodes
+ * @ch: common header
+ * @hmac: The HMAC
+ */
+struct ubifs_auth_node {
+	struct ubifs_ch ch;
+	__u8 hmac[];
+} __packed;
  * struct ubifs_branch - key/reference/length branch
  * @lnum: LEB number of the target node
  * @offs: offset within @lnum
  * @len: target node length
  * @key: key
+ *
+ * In an authenticated UBIFS we have the hash of the referenced node after @key.
+ * This can't be added to the struct type definition because @key is a
+ * dynamically sized element already.
 struct ubifs_branch {
 	__le32 lnum;
diff --git a/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h b/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
index 4368cde476b0fa4360ab942790fb70ff62937530..38401adaa00d63a2f975e9900143d7a061336826 100644
--- a/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
+++ b/fs/ubifs/ubifs.h
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
 #include <linux/security.h>
 #include <linux/xattr.h>
 #include <linux/random.h>
+#include <crypto/hash_info.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include <crypto/algapi.h>
 #include <linux/fscrypt.h>
@@ -157,6 +160,14 @@
 /* Maximum number of data nodes to bulk-read */
+#define UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ 0
+#define UBIFS_HMAC_ARR_SZ 0
  * Lockdep classes for UBIFS inode @ui_mutex.
@@ -706,6 +717,7 @@ struct ubifs_wbuf {
  * @jhead: journal head number this bud belongs to
  * @list: link in the list buds belonging to the same journal head
  * @rb: link in the tree of all buds
+ * @log_hash: the log hash from the commit start node up to this bud
 struct ubifs_bud {
 	int lnum;
@@ -713,6 +725,7 @@ struct ubifs_bud {
 	int jhead;
 	struct list_head list;
 	struct rb_node rb;
+	struct shash_desc *log_hash;
@@ -720,6 +733,7 @@ struct ubifs_bud {
  * @wbuf: head's write-buffer
  * @buds_list: list of bud LEBs belonging to this journal head
  * @grouped: non-zero if UBIFS groups nodes when writing to this journal head
+ * @log_hash: the log hash from the commit start node up to this journal head
  * Note, the @buds list is protected by the @c->buds_lock.
@@ -727,6 +741,7 @@ struct ubifs_jhead {
 	struct ubifs_wbuf wbuf;
 	struct list_head buds_list;
 	unsigned int grouped:1;
+	struct shash_desc *log_hash;
@@ -736,6 +751,7 @@ struct ubifs_jhead {
  * @lnum: LEB number of the target node (indexing node or data node)
  * @offs: target node offset within @lnum
  * @len: target node length
+ * @hash: the hash of the target node
 struct ubifs_zbranch {
 	union ubifs_key key;
@@ -746,12 +762,15 @@ struct ubifs_zbranch {
 	int lnum;
 	int offs;
 	int len;
+	u8 hash[UBIFS_HASH_ARR_SZ];
  * struct ubifs_znode - in-memory representation of an indexing node.
  * @parent: parent znode or NULL if it is the root
  * @cnext: next znode to commit
+ * @cparent: parent node for this commit
+ * @ciip: index in cparent's zbranch array
  * @flags: znode flags (%DIRTY_ZNODE, %COW_ZNODE or %OBSOLETE_ZNODE)
  * @time: last access time (seconds)
  * @level: level of the entry in the TNC tree
@@ -769,6 +788,8 @@ struct ubifs_zbranch {
 struct ubifs_znode {
 	struct ubifs_znode *parent;
 	struct ubifs_znode *cnext;
+	struct ubifs_znode *cparent;
+	int ciip;
 	unsigned long flags;
 	time64_t time;
 	int level;
@@ -983,6 +1004,7 @@ struct ubifs_debug_info;
  * struct ubifs_info - UBIFS file-system description data structure
  * (per-superblock).
  * @vfs_sb: VFS @struct super_block object
+ * @sup_node: The super block node as read from the device
  * @highest_inum: highest used inode number
  * @max_sqnum: current global sequence number
@@ -1028,6 +1050,7 @@ struct ubifs_debug_info;
  * @default_compr: default compression algorithm (%UBIFS_COMPR_LZO, etc)
  * @rw_incompat: the media is not R/W compatible
  * @assert_action: action to take when a ubifs_assert() fails
+ * @authenticated: flag indigating the FS is mounted in authenticated mode
  * @tnc_mutex: protects the Tree Node Cache (TNC), @zroot, @cnext, @enext, and
  *             @calc_idx_sz
@@ -1075,6 +1098,7 @@ struct ubifs_debug_info;
  * @key_hash: direntry key hash function
  * @key_fmt: key format
  * @key_len: key length
+ * @hash_len: The length of the index node hashes
  * @fanout: fanout of the index tree (number of links per indexing node)
  * @min_io_size: minimal input/output unit size
@@ -1210,6 +1234,15 @@ struct ubifs_debug_info;
  * @rp_uid: reserved pool user ID
  * @rp_gid: reserved pool group ID
+ * @hash_tfm: the hash transformation used for hashing nodes
+ * @hmac_tfm: the HMAC transformation for this filesystem
+ * @hmac_desc_len: length of the HMAC used for authentication
+ * @auth_key_name: the authentication key name
+ * @auth_hash_name: the name of the hash algorithm used for authentication
+ * @auth_hash_algo: the authentication hash used for this fs
+ * @log_hash: the log hash from the commit start node up to the latest reference
+ *            node.
+ *
  * @empty: %1 if the UBI device is empty
  * @need_recovery: %1 if the file-system needs recovery
  * @replaying: %1 during journal replay
@@ -1230,6 +1263,7 @@ struct ubifs_debug_info;
 struct ubifs_info {
 	struct super_block *vfs_sb;
+	struct ubifs_sb_node *sup_node;
 	ino_t highest_inum;
 	unsigned long long max_sqnum;
@@ -1270,6 +1304,7 @@ struct ubifs_info {
 	unsigned int default_compr:2;
 	unsigned int rw_incompat:1;
 	unsigned int assert_action:2;
+	unsigned int authenticated:1;
 	struct mutex tnc_mutex;
 	struct ubifs_zbranch zroot;
@@ -1314,6 +1349,7 @@ struct ubifs_info {
 	uint32_t (*key_hash)(const char *str, int len);
 	int key_fmt;
 	int key_len;
+	int hash_len;
 	int fanout;
 	int min_io_size;
@@ -1441,6 +1477,15 @@ struct ubifs_info {
 	kuid_t rp_uid;
 	kgid_t rp_gid;
+	struct crypto_shash *hash_tfm;
+	struct crypto_shash *hmac_tfm;
+	int hmac_desc_len;
+	char *auth_key_name;
+	char *auth_hash_name;
+	enum hash_algo auth_hash_algo;
+	struct shash_desc *log_hash;
 	/* The below fields are used only during mounting and re-mounting */
 	unsigned int empty:1;
 	unsigned int need_recovery:1;
@@ -1471,6 +1516,195 @@ extern const struct inode_operations ubifs_dir_inode_operations;
 extern const struct inode_operations ubifs_symlink_inode_operations;
 extern struct ubifs_compressor *ubifs_compressors[UBIFS_COMPR_TYPES_CNT];
+/* auth.c */
+static inline int ubifs_authenticated(const struct ubifs_info *c)
+	return (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_UBIFS_FS_AUTHENTICATION)) && c->authenticated;
+struct shash_desc *__ubifs_hash_get_desc(const struct ubifs_info *c);
+static inline struct shash_desc *ubifs_hash_get_desc(const struct ubifs_info *c)
+	return ubifs_authenticated(c) ? __ubifs_hash_get_desc(c) : NULL;
+static inline int ubifs_shash_init(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+				   struct shash_desc *desc)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return crypto_shash_init(desc);
+	else
+		return 0;
+static inline int ubifs_shash_update(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+				      struct shash_desc *desc, const void *buf,
+				      unsigned int len)
+	int err = 0;
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c)) {
+		err = crypto_shash_update(desc, buf, len);
+		if (err < 0)
+			return err;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static inline int ubifs_shash_final(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+				    struct shash_desc *desc, u8 *out)
+	return ubifs_authenticated(c) ? crypto_shash_final(desc, out) : 0;
+int __ubifs_node_calc_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *buf,
+			  u8 *hash);
+static inline int ubifs_node_calc_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+					const void *buf, u8 *hash)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return __ubifs_node_calc_hash(c, buf, hash);
+	else
+		return 0;
+int ubifs_prepare_auth_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node,
+			     struct shash_desc *inhash);
+ * ubifs_check_hash - compare two hashes
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @expected: first hash
+ * @got: second hash
+ *
+ * Compare two hashes @expected and @got. Returns 0 when they are equal, a
+ * negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+static inline int ubifs_check_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+				   const u8 *expected, const u8 *got)
+	return crypto_memneq(expected, got, c->hash_len);
+ * ubifs_check_hmac - compare two HMACs
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @expected: first HMAC
+ * @got: second HMAC
+ *
+ * Compare two hashes @expected and @got. Returns 0 when they are equal, a
+ * negative error code otherwise.
+ */
+static inline int ubifs_check_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+				   const u8 *expected, const u8 *got)
+	return crypto_memneq(expected, got, c->hmac_desc_len);
+void ubifs_bad_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *node,
+		    const u8 *hash, int lnum, int offs);
+int __ubifs_node_check_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *buf,
+			  const u8 *expected);
+static inline int ubifs_node_check_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+					const void *buf, const u8 *expected)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return __ubifs_node_check_hash(c, buf, expected);
+	else
+		return 0;
+int ubifs_init_authentication(struct ubifs_info *c);
+void __ubifs_exit_authentication(struct ubifs_info *c);
+static inline void ubifs_exit_authentication(struct ubifs_info *c)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		__ubifs_exit_authentication(c);
+ * ubifs_branch_hash - returns a pointer to the hash of a branch
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @br: branch to get the hash from
+ *
+ * This returns a pointer to the hash of a branch. Since the key already is a
+ * dynamically sized object we cannot use a struct member here.
+ */
+static inline u8 *ubifs_branch_hash(struct ubifs_info *c,
+				    struct ubifs_branch *br)
+	return (void *)br + sizeof(*br) + c->key_len;
+ * ubifs_copy_hash - copy a hash
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ * @from: source hash
+ * @to: destination hash
+ *
+ * With authentication this copies a hash, otherwise does nothing.
+ */
+static inline void ubifs_copy_hash(const struct ubifs_info *c, const u8 *from,
+				   u8 *to)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		memcpy(to, from, c->hash_len);
+int __ubifs_node_insert_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
+			      int len, int ofs_hmac);
+static inline int ubifs_node_insert_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
+					  int len, int ofs_hmac)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return __ubifs_node_insert_hmac(c, buf, len, ofs_hmac);
+	else
+		return 0;
+int __ubifs_node_verify_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *buf,
+			     int len, int ofs_hmac);
+static inline int ubifs_node_verify_hmac(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+					 const void *buf, int len, int ofs_hmac)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return __ubifs_node_verify_hmac(c, buf, len, ofs_hmac);
+	else
+		return 0;
+ * ubifs_auth_node_sz - returns the size of an authentication node
+ * @c: UBIFS file-system description object
+ *
+ * This function returns the size of an authentication node which can
+ * be 0 for unauthenticated filesystems or the real size of an auth node
+ * authentication is enabled.
+ */
+static inline int ubifs_auth_node_sz(const struct ubifs_info *c)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return sizeof(struct ubifs_auth_node) + c->hmac_desc_len;
+	else
+		return 0;
+int ubifs_hmac_wkm(struct ubifs_info *c, u8 *hmac);
+int __ubifs_shash_copy_state(const struct ubifs_info *c, struct shash_desc *src,
+			     struct shash_desc *target);
+static inline int ubifs_shash_copy_state(const struct ubifs_info *c,
+					   struct shash_desc *src,
+					   struct shash_desc *target)
+	if (ubifs_authenticated(c))
+		return __ubifs_shash_copy_state(c, src, target);
+	else
+		return 0;
 /* io.c */
 void ubifs_ro_mode(struct ubifs_info *c, int err);
 int ubifs_leb_read(const struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, void *buf, int offs,
@@ -1490,9 +1724,15 @@ int ubifs_read_node_wbuf(struct ubifs_wbuf *wbuf, void *buf, int type, int len,
 			 int lnum, int offs);
 int ubifs_write_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int lnum,
 		     int offs);
+int ubifs_write_node_hmac(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int lnum,
+			  int offs, int hmac_offs);
 int ubifs_check_node(const struct ubifs_info *c, const void *buf, int lnum,
 		     int offs, int quiet, int must_chk_crc);
+void ubifs_init_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int pad);
+void ubifs_crc_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len);
 void ubifs_prepare_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int len, int pad);
+int ubifs_prepare_node_hmac(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len,
+			    int hmac_offs, int pad);
 void ubifs_prep_grp_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *node, int len, int last);
 int ubifs_io_init(struct ubifs_info *c);
 void ubifs_pad(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf, int pad);
@@ -1592,11 +1832,12 @@ int ubifs_tnc_lookup_dh(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 int ubifs_tnc_locate(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 		     void *node, int *lnum, int *offs);
 int ubifs_tnc_add(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key, int lnum,
-		  int offs, int len);
+		  int offs, int len, const u8 *hash);
 int ubifs_tnc_replace(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 		      int old_lnum, int old_offs, int lnum, int offs, int len);
 int ubifs_tnc_add_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
-		     int lnum, int offs, int len, const struct fscrypt_name *nm);
+		     int lnum, int offs, int len, const u8 *hash,
+		     const struct fscrypt_name *nm);
 int ubifs_tnc_remove(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key);
 int ubifs_tnc_remove_nm(struct ubifs_info *c, const union ubifs_key *key,
 			const struct fscrypt_name *nm);
@@ -1659,12 +1900,12 @@ int ubifs_gc_should_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
 void ubifs_wait_for_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
 /* master.c */
+int ubifs_compare_master_node(struct ubifs_info *c, void *m1, void *m2);
 int ubifs_read_master(struct ubifs_info *c);
 int ubifs_write_master(struct ubifs_info *c);
 /* sb.c */
 int ubifs_read_superblock(struct ubifs_info *c);
-struct ubifs_sb_node *ubifs_read_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c);
 int ubifs_write_sb_node(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_sb_node *sup);
 int ubifs_fixup_free_space(struct ubifs_info *c);
 int ubifs_enable_encryption(struct ubifs_info *c);
@@ -1693,7 +1934,7 @@ int ubifs_clear_orphans(struct ubifs_info *c);
 /* lpt.c */
 int ubifs_calc_lpt_geom(struct ubifs_info *c);
 int ubifs_create_dflt_lpt(struct ubifs_info *c, int *main_lebs, int lpt_first,
-			  int *lpt_lebs, int *big_lpt);
+			  int *lpt_lebs, int *big_lpt, u8 *hash);
 int ubifs_lpt_init(struct ubifs_info *c, int rd, int wr);
 struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum);
 struct ubifs_lprops *ubifs_lpt_lookup_dirty(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum);
@@ -1712,6 +1953,7 @@ struct ubifs_pnode *ubifs_get_pnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
 				    struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip);
 struct ubifs_nnode *ubifs_get_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c,
 				    struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip);
+struct ubifs_pnode *ubifs_pnode_lookup(struct ubifs_info *c, int i);
 int ubifs_read_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *parent, int iip);
 void ubifs_add_lpt_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, int lnum, int dirty);
 void ubifs_add_nnode_dirt(struct ubifs_info *c, struct ubifs_nnode *nnode);
@@ -1720,6 +1962,7 @@ struct ubifs_nnode *ubifs_first_nnode(struct ubifs_info *c, int *hght);
 /* Needed only in debugging code in lpt_commit.c */
 int ubifs_unpack_nnode(const struct ubifs_info *c, void *buf,
 		       struct ubifs_nnode *nnode);
+int ubifs_lpt_calc_hash(struct ubifs_info *c, u8 *hash);
 /* lpt_commit.c */
 int ubifs_lpt_start_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
@@ -1807,7 +2050,7 @@ int ubifs_clean_lebs(struct ubifs_info *c, void *sbuf);
 int ubifs_rcvry_gc_commit(struct ubifs_info *c);
 int ubifs_recover_size_accum(struct ubifs_info *c, union ubifs_key *key,
 			     int deletion, loff_t new_size);
-int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c);
+int ubifs_recover_size(struct ubifs_info *c, bool in_place);
 void ubifs_destroy_size_tree(struct ubifs_info *c);
 /* ioctl.c */