Replace Material Shell with Forge as Tiling Layout

Merged Mark Wagie requested to merge forge into master

Material Shell keeps breaking and the developer is having trouble maintaining it.

Pop Shell is in limping maintenance mode while System76 works on the new Cosmic DE coming out next year. Since Pop!_OS is still based on Ubuntu 22.04 using GNOME 42, they really only care about it being stable there. There are major issues with it in a Xorg session right now.

I'm now using Forge and it's working very nicely on GNOME 44. I'm also using Space Bar for i3-like workspace indicators. ArcMenu with the Manjaro logo right next to the indicators looks nice.

Here's a preview 👇



  • Add Space Bar
  • Tiling Layout preview image
  • Add custom ArcMenu settings
  • Resolve #27 (closed)
  • Conflicting Super + W keyboard shortcut with Forge & Space Bar
Edited by Mark Wagie

Merge request reports