Draft: Refactor and improve app appending logic in Data class
Refactor and improve app appending logic in Data class
- Update group handling to use 'name' instead of 'group'
- Add group icon and description from input data
- Prevent duplicate app entries in groups when loading configuraton files
- Implement logic to avoid adding duplicate entries when loading default.json, kde.json, preferences.json, and other configuration files
Fixes mainly for icon display in KDE environment
Category icons such as Browsers are maintained by the papirus-icon-theme package. The theme fallback is added to make the Parirus theme the preferred way to find icons.
Also, much of the app icon data is contained in the archlinux-appstream-data package. They are retrieved by path, not icon name. For this reason, the renderer's ICON display has been adjusted.
Measures against loss of locale when iso_file exists.
When using load_from_file, the app information is changed considering the locale.
Therefore, if you repeat load_from_file continuously, you will lose the locale information,
because gettext uses the English message as the basis and converts it to locale.
Repeated conversion is likely to lead to loss.
If load_from_file is finally used after merging other json files, such as kde.json,
the locale-aware description data will be reflected.