[KCModule: msm_kernel] - problems when downloading packages
Created by: scachemaille
There is a problem when the kernel installation take too much time (ex: having do download packages) the action dialog say that the job is done, but it's not really finished, pacman is still running in background.
I investigated. and I don't understand the problem.
the function
if ( job->exec() )
who start the KAuth action
return false before the pacman process exit in
ActionReply KernelAuthHelper::runPacman( const QVariantMap& args ) { ..... ..... ... pacman->waitForFinished( -1 ); return actionReply;
Here my debug output (i added qDebug outputs)
"16:15:04" before 'if ( job->exec() )'
Debug message from helper: "16:15:10" before 'pacman->start( "/usr/bin/pacman", args["arguments"].toStringList() );'
"16:15:29" after 'if ( job->exec() )'
Debug message from helper: "16:15:50" after 'pacman->waitForFinished( -1 );'
we can see that job-exec() returned 20s before pacman QProcess finished maybe someone will understand why. I don't.
best regards