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Notification settings in only 1 place

Philip Müller requested to merge scachemaille:master into master

Created by: scachemaille

I removed the notifications settings tabs from the different place (kernel, and language) as they were not implemented (at least the kernel notification tab in kernel from manjaro-settings-manager).

so now. there is only the notifications page in manjaro-settings-manager and a KCM module for the KDE version.

I find like that more coherent. you may not agree with me. Rest to solve the problem of settings file path for the no KDE user. see #65 (closed)


Need to modify the PKGBUILD to include the new KCM module in manjaro-settings-manager-kcm and to not include it in the other package.


I checked the PKGBUILD don't need to be adapted.

Merge request reports