Pamac 10.1 Preferences menu issues
I noticed some issues in the Preferences:
Inconsistencies/breakage of theme in some parts, see screenshots:
Seems like with dark theme it uses a light color in these expanded sub menus
Can not interact with UI when selecting the TMP folder for third party as found by another user in this thread
Adding a quick search option in the ignore package list could improve this functionnality instead of manually searching for a package in the list.
When Preferences is open, if you click the Pamac icon in the taskbar, to minimize it (example to look for something else in the background), you can not go back to Pamac by clicking its icon again in the taskbar, you need to manually lose focus by clicking another program for example, then clicking Pamac icon will maximize it again.
When exiting Preferences, it asks for the administrator password if you spent too much time in Preferences. Maybe intended but seems weird to me.
Pamac 10.1.1-2 - KDE - Manjaro Testing branch