In "About" dialog box, the link points to Github and not Gitlab.
In Pamac 7.0.0, when you open the "About" dialog box and you click on "Website", it goes on the old Pamac git repository on Github instead of the git repository on Gitlab.
In src/manager_window.vala, we currently have the following code.
void on_about_button_clicked () {
string[] authors = {"Guillaume Benoit"};
Gtk.show_about_dialog (
"program_name", "Pamac",
"icon_name", "system-software-install",
"logo_icon_name", "system-software-install",
"comments", dgettext (null, "A Gtk3 frontend for libalpm"),
"copyright", "Copyright © 2018 Guillaume Benoit",
"authors", authors,
"version", VERSION,
"license_type", Gtk.License.GPL_3_0,
"website", "");
The link should be changed for "" instead.
Pretty funny.