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Artem Grinev LordTermor
Bernhard Landauer oberon
Chupligin Sergey neochapay
Dennis ten Hoove dennis1248
fkardame spikerguy
Frede H fhdk
Jonas Strassel boredland
Mark Wagie yochananmarqos1
Matti Hyttinen Chrysostomus
Philip Müller philm
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Simon Büeler simon-bueler
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Vitor Lopes codesardine
Vladislav Nepogodin vnepogodin
- Sep 02, 2020
make new edition called desq, which is a copy of cubocore. Desq is meant as a... · 07c3ca35Dan Johansen authored
make new edition called desq, which is a copy of cubocore. Desq is meant as a touch friendly interface/session based on QT/QML