Spring Cleaning
Seeing how Arch Spring Cleanup has begun, I've also kicked off Manjaro Spring Cleanup. I've dropped dozens of old, obsolete packages that nothing require. I've also found some out of date packages and updated some. Others are listed below. If you update them, edit this post and mark the checkbox.
Conditions for removal:
- Upstream repo is archived
- Old theme that hasn't been touched in years and can't possibly be compatible
- PKGBUILD is missing on GitLab or missing altogether
- Was last packaged years ago by someone no longer on the team
- Was added for a specific reason, is now long forgotten and the Maintainer doesn't even remember why it was done
If you want them added back to the repos, then YOU maintain them.
Out of date
Plasma Mobile x86_64
KDE Gear: Update to 23.04.0 (Strike-through indicates now available in Arch extra)
alligator -
angelfish -
calindori -
kalk -
kclock -
koko -
kongress -
krecorder -
ktrip -
kweather -
plasma-dialer -
plasma-phonebook -
qmlkonsole -
Plasma Mobile: Update to 5.27.4
plasma-mobile -
plasma-mobile-nm -
plasma-phone-components -
qqc2-breeze-style -
Plasma Desktop
breeze-maia-icon-themes -
KDE Unstable packages in Community / Extra ?
disman -
kdisplay -
kpeoplesink -
kpeoplevcard -
kquicksyntaxhighlighter -
kwinft -
Removed packages
- alma-git
- checkhash
- fonts-nx-desktop
- disable-tracker
- dummy
- dummy-pkg
- c2esp
- crossover-extras
- debianutils
- evopop-gtk-theme
- evopop-icon-theme
- frobtads
- frotz
- fwupd-efi-git
- fwupd-git
- gnome-video-arcade
- gtk-theme-breath
- hardcode-fixer
- kinfocenter-tx
- konsole-colorscheme-matcha
- konversation-theme-matcha
- kweathercore (in Arch extra)
- le3cell-artwork-wallpapers
- libxxf86misc
- luv-icon-theme
- nitrux-minimal-git
- nx-audio-applet
- nx-clock-applet
- nx-desktop-settings
- nx-firewall
- nx-gtk-themes
- nx-kvantum-theme
- nx-networkmanagement-applet
- nx-notifications-applet
- nx-plasma-look-and-feel
- nx-simplemenu-applet
- nx-systemtray-applet
- nx-welcome-wizard
- maui-deco
- plasma-nota
- maia-cursor-theme
- manjaro-arm-qemu-static
- manjaro-circle-icons
- manjaro-icons-tx
- manjaro-kde-tx-settings
- mpris-qt5
- nemo-run-with-nvidia-prime-run
- nomad-firewall
- sbdp
- sway-launcher-desktop
- ttf-font-logos (can't be built without importing wkhtmltopdf & qt5-webkit)
- ttf-icomoon-icons
- ttf-polybar-icons
- ttf-shadow-fonts
- volnoti
- wlogout
- xcmenu
- xcursor-chameleon-pearl
- xcursor-chameleon-pearl-deepin
- xf86-video-qxl-debian
- xfce-theme-numix-reborn
- xlogin
- yakuake-skin-maia
- yakuake-skin-matcha
- fingerboard
- gnutls28
- grub-theme-live-common-dev
- grub-theme-live-manjaro-dev
- grub-theme-manjaro-dev
- manjaro-cloudbuild
- systemd-fsck-silent