Manjaro 24.2 Yonada
We aim for linux612 (LTS), Plasma 6.2 and Gnome 47 series as key features. Code-Name might be Yonada
- Plasma 6.2.4 (Tue 2024-11-26)
- Frameworks 6.8 (Fri November 8, 2024)
- Gnome 47.2 (2024-11-23)
- Linux 6.12 (2024-11-24)
Review ISOs may been found here:
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- Author Owner
XFCE 4.20 would be scheduled for 15.12.24 or 29.12.24 depending if a 4th preview is needed.
- Maintainer
Coming soon...
It appears the roadmap is still on track for perhaps the second half of the month.
Edited by Mark Wagie - Please register or sign in to reply
- Author Owner
So far Kernel 6.12 landed, Qt 6.8.1 should be out by tomorrow and will fix a lot of showstopper bugs of Plasma 6.2. Next Tuesday version 6.2.4 is expected from Plasma. Gnome 47.2 might tickle in this week. I also managed to get Calamares 3.3 working on BTRFS plus removed the legacy
to be more flexible with UI changes from System Settings. - Author Owner
Seems Qt 6.8.1 is now scheduled for 29.11.2024.
- Author Owner
Mesa 23.3.0 got released yesterday (2024-11-21) and Arch already added it to their testing repos. 24.2.8 is scheduled for 27-11-2024 and 24.3.1 should be out on the 4th of December. So we have to see on how we handle that.
- Maintainer
I would presume to say we probably have most if not all GNOME 47.2 packages. The release post has been delayed as of late.
- Maintainer
We have Cinnamon 6.4.0 coming along soon as well.
We have to create a snapshot at some point. There will always be new updates on the horizon.
- Author Owner
Cinnamon 6.4 seems to been out now. Qt 6.8.1 got delayed again. Most likely it might be released this Monday, 2nd of December. KDE Frameworks 6.9 is expected on Fri December 13, 2024. Mesa 24.3.1 is scheduled for 4th of December. 24.2.8 was the last version of the older one, which Arch skipped. I built it with all codecs enabled for unstable branch.
Lets see what the feedback of the current stable-snap will be: An automatic build for review ISOs is scheduled for tomorrow.
- Author Owner
Due to the issue reports with Nvidia drivers and Kernel 6.12 we might ship Manjaro 24.2 with Kernel 6.11. Nvidia 550.135 should normally have all 6.12 patches, but our users still complain about instable drivers. It seems to be fine when they are using 6.11 kernel.
- Author Owner
Based on the initial votes So far 550 and 470 drivers are working. Don't know anything about 390:
- Maintainer
AUR users of the nvidia-390xx packages have reported the patches are working with 6.12.
- Author Owner
makes sense then to ship with 6.12, cos it is LTS and 6.11 already EOL.
- Author Owner
Qt 6.8.1 is currently in Arch Testing repos. Lets see when they get moved to regular repos ...
- Maintainer
It's now available in Arch Stable & Manjaro Unstable.
- Maintainer
FYI, neither rebuilds of Calamares nor Octopi are required.
- Author Owner
@yochananmarqos1 anything needed for GNOME and accent colouring? I saw some feedback from users. Seems they have some sort of difficulty to make Maia work across all apps and frameworks ...
- Maintainer
I've done all I can, but some elements fall back to Green instead of Maia. I guess we can call it Mostly Maia.