Snap testing to stable blockers
Currently there are still some issues that block us from updating stable with KDE 6 and new GNOME.
Plymouth black screen if kms not added to hooks in mkinitcpio.conf -
Manjaro M logo is not part of breath theming on a fresh install nor on upgrade for Plasma, see kde#2 (closed) -> not a blocker, can be fixed later -
Wayland selected by default on Plasma SDDM, needs to be switched back to X11, see kde#2 (closed) -
Breeze GTK theme in Plasma not applies after reboot, see kde#2 (closed) -> fixed upstream -
Install breeze5
for Qt5 application in Plasma 6, see kde#2 (closed) -
Plymouth for Nvidia without proper KMS setup -
breeze lockscreen upstream bug -
some vpau issue for Nvidia cards only in plasma profile -> only concerns Spectacle on Wayland, can be ignored for the snap -
Gnome zsh issue, so we have to check which Calamares is used and how the user is setup in configs there / Artem Grinev : did some quirks for zsh on plasma which might be missing on other editions -
Black screen on boot of live ISO and AMD with Plymouth -> issue with Plymouth 23/24, we stay on 22 for nowwas local config issue of the ISO, after adding Plymouth worked -
Don't install libva-vdpau-driver in new ISOs
Edited by Roman Gilg