makechrootpkg: Have functions be more function-y.
Rather than them simply being named blocks of code with braces around them. That is: have them take things via arguments rather than global variables. Specific notes: - create_chroot->sync_chroot: I pulled out locking the destination chroot; getting that lock is now the caller's responsibility. It still handles locking the source chroot though. I pulled the `if [[ ! -d $copydir ]] || $clean_first;` check out; it is now the caller's responsibility to use that check when deciding if to call sync_chroot. However, when pulling that check out, I left it as `if true;`, to keep an indentation level. This patch has had to be rebased/merged many times, and changing the indentation is a sure way to make that go less smoothly; I'm not going to re-indent this block until I see the check removed in the repository. - install_packages: 1. Receive the list of packages as arguments, rather than a global variable. 2. Make the caller responsible for looking at PKGBUILD. From the name and arguments, one would never expect it to look at PKGBUILD.
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