Unable to build packages
Created by: aadityabagga
The error is as follows:
$ buildpkg -p openrc-base/
==> Updating chroot for [testing] (x86_64)...
/usr/bin/chroot-run: illegal option -- L
Usage: chroot-run [options] working-dir [run arguments]
A wrapper around chroot. Provides support for pacman.
-C <file> Location of a pacman config file
-M <file> Location of a makepkg config file
-S <file> Location of a pacman-mirrors config file
-c <dir> Set pacman cache
-r <list> Bind mountargs ro
-w <list> Bind mountargs rw
List format [src1:target1,...,srcN:targetN]
-h This message
==> ERROR: Aborting...
Some information:
$ buildpkg -q -p openrc-base/
==> manjaro-tools
-> version:
-> user_config: /home/aaditya/.config/manjaro-tools.conf
-> arch: x86_64
-> branch: testing
-> chroots: /home/aaditya/DataLinux2/manjaro-tools
==> ARGS:
-> mkchrootpkg_args: -r /home/aaditya/DataLinux2/manjaro-tools/testing/x86_64
-> makepkg_args:
-> clean_first: false
-> wipe_clean: false
-> namcap: false
-> sign: false
==> PATHS:
-> chrootdir: /home/aaditya/DataLinux2/manjaro-tools/testing/x86_64
-> profiledir: /home/aaditya/.config/sets
-> pkg_dir: /home/aaditya/DataLinux2/manjaro-tools/pkgs/testing/x86_64
-> pacman_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/pacman-default.conf
-> makepkg_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/makepkg-x86_64.conf
-> mirrors_conf: /usr/share/manjaro-tools/pacman-mirrors-testing.conf
-> blacklist_trigger: eudev lib32-eudev upower-pm-utils eudev-systemdcompat lib32-eudev-systemdcompat lib32-eudev upower-pm-utils eudev-systemdcompat lib32-eudev-systemdcompat lib32-eudev upower-pm-utils eudev-systemdcompat lib32-eudev-systemdcompat
-> blacklist: libsystemd
==> SETS:
-> profiles: default|lxdm-consolekit|openrc-artoo
-> profile: openrc-base/
-> is_profile: false
==> Build queue:
-> openrc-base/