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add debug toolbar in dev mode

patrick requested to merge papajoke/ into main

why not add debug bar un dev mode ? i have always this with web framework


PS: thanks wagtail 🤣 (for this update)

for example, we can view, our requests are not good:

for count() total packages

SELECT ••• FROM "compare_x86_64"

best is select COUNT(id) FROM "compare_x86_64" : more speed and only one int in python memory

and we run twice (same request)

SELECT ••• FROM "compare_x86_64" WHERE "compare_x86_64"."packager" LIKE '''%manjaro%'''

SELECT ••• FROM "compare_x86_64" WHERE "compare_x86_64"."packager" LIKE '''%manjaro%''' ORDER BY "compare_x86_64"."name" ASC, "compare_x86_64"."repo" ASC

Edit : forget django-debug-toolbar in requirements.txt

Edited by patrick

Merge request reports