fix #60 - Kauth Action Timeout
Created by: scachemaille
Add maximum timeout for each KauthAction
it need at least Kauth V5.29.0 I'm not sure if and how to put a constraint in makefile for this.
Merge request reports
Created by: Kirek
Yes, for locale one minute timeout would be fine too. To put a constrain for KF5 5.29, you should modify the cmakelists file in the root, add
set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.29")
and then change change the find_package line like thisfind_package(KF5 ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} REQUIRED COMPONENTS
Created by: scachemaille
reverted all short action timeout to default. changed timeout for locale module to 1min added the KF5 min version to 5.29.
Build fine on unstable. and doesn't build on stable with buildpkg because of the KF5 constraint. I tried to install a kernel and it worked as expected. all seems good.